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Everything posted by donbb

  1. Sneaky Joe can't hold the last dudes beer. This show needs a better host. Agree/disagree?
  2. Your butthole wont clean itself either. Don't forget to wipe after you take off your depends.
  3. If either of you idiots can quote where I said Manafort is in prison/on trial for colluding with Russians to get elected I'll buy your beers at a home game this season.
  4. Manafort is not in prison facing 300 years for filling out a loan application improperly but keep up your crap
  5. So has Louise Mensch - she's also a crackpot and I would not trust a word she says.
  6. Perhaps - I could see him as the top practice squad candidate for a red shirt year if the regime is thinking this way.
  7. Has Siran Neal cracked the 2nd team yet? He seemed like a good under the radar pick - but if he can't even practice with the second team... eek
  8. The conspiracies on this forum are taken straight from the doldrums of alt-right Reddit & Twitter. Every one of DRs conspiracies is an echo from some right wing dolt. The other clowns on this forum eat it up like a fat boys slob down cake on their birthday.
  9. Has Kelvin Benjamin been the offensive camp MVP through this practice? From the reports I've read, it seems that way.
  10. Here's a Reuters source with a quote from Pompeo. Asked at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing whether North Korea was still making bomb fuel, Pompeo responded to Democratic Senator Ed Markey by saying: “Yes, that’s correct ... Yes, they continue to produce fissile material.” Pompeo declined to respond when asked whether North Korea was continuing to pursue submarine-launched ballistic missiles or whether its nuclear program was advancing generally. He said he would be happy to answer the latter question if necessary in a classified setting, but suggested public statements on the issue would not help “a complex negotiation with a difficult adversary.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa/north-korea-making-bomb-fuel-despite-denuclearization-pledge-pompeo-idUSKBN1KF2QT
  11. D - With correct grammar you could get that up to a C+
  12. Sorry I pulled the chair out from under your fat rump before you sat down.
  13. PAs and NPs can prescribe Rx for any medical condition as long as they are under supervision of a physician. Many ER visits are also handled by PAs and NPs until when/if the visits reach a point where they need critical care.
  14. Can they impeach Trump and Twitter at the same time? That would be great.
  15. Will Bannon's prediction soon come true? They're going to crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV
  16. Haberman gets her scoops straight from John Barron.
  17. Turn on CNN and break out the pop corn. Rudy is going to say something dumb again.
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