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Everything posted by EZC-Boston

  1. Totally agree, I'll throw out a few others. Recently - "Wanted" - horrible, I only made it 15 minutes in and then shut it off Older - "Belly" Starring DMX I think, pretty awful.
  2. Had to look up CMS but I think this is what I'm looking for. Thank! I'll check out weebly
  3. I'm sure there are plenty of people here with experience in creating webpages. Back in college, 10 years ago now I guess, I used to mess around in HTML but I know some people like Frontpage instead. I'm guessing the technology has come a long way in 10 years and that my best option would be using a software program rather than starting from scratch. So can anybody here suggest a good program? Freeware would be cool but I'd be willing to spend a few bucks too. I want to start playing around at first but I have a few business ideas as well. Thanks!
  4. Yeah, men 18-34 need to run a qualifying marathon in 3hrs 10min, which is pretty sick. I'm doing the Buffalo full in May and hoping to break 4 hours, down 15 minutes from last year. I can't imagine dropping another 50 minutes (or basically 2 minutes every mile). I've been to quite a few Boston Marathons, what an experience. They are actually what inspired me to start running. In college, we would get hammered and scream at the Kenyans, when we grew up a little it would be have a few cocktails and then go out and cheer on the 4 and 5 hour marathoners. The last year I was there we watched from Vox, which usually isn't my speed but they put on a good party and there were a ton of hot chicks and it's near the finish line.
  5. 2+2 is blocked at work. Damn it! I'll check it out when I get home. For poker fans, check out Poker Road and their forums for some good poker content.
  6. I love Casino Royale. Last time I was there, there was an old guy playing the "Don't Pass" for a ton of money, while the rest of us were playing the pass line for $3 with some small odds. We called him "The Cowboy" (he had a cowboy hat on) and people were mocking him every time we hit a point, even though he was losing hundreds maybe thousands of dollars and they were winning tens of dollars at best. I thought there was going to be an old fashion shoot out, but the Cowboy didn't say a word. In the end of course he did all right and most of us didn't. I guess he got his payback.
  7. From the reading I've done, it sounds like MSG doesn't think that the NHL paid them for the HD feeds only the regular feeds so they had to shut them down. I'm thinking it is just MSG being greedy and we get to suffer. First half of the year was great tons of HD but so bad lately.
  8. Agreed failed to mention that. Went a few years back and stayed at the Hard Rock right when the Dodgeball movie was coming out. Sunday during "Rehab" (the biggest and best pool party in the world) they had Stripper Dodgeball, teams from all the clubs, it was awesome! I've never seen so much silicone and steroid use as I did that day and I think it has only gotten better (there was actually a reality TV show about it this year) Staying at the Hard Rock was awesome because NOBODY brings there kids there. The pool is full of hot chicks (even during the week) and not a single screaming child, which I don't think any place other than the Palms can boast. That being said, for your first trip, I'd stay on the strip, it's awesome to be able to walk wherever you want. I prefer the Caesar's end because you can get more places quicker but the MGM end is cool too. Vegas baby!
  9. Vegas veteran here, just about to leave my 30s. Haven't been in a while but for 5 or 6 years I was going every 6 months. I have a few things that I suggest as must see/do. -Carnival Court: Located outside of Harrahs, it's a large circular outdoor bar with world class "flairtenders" (think "Cocktail" on crack). It's a fun time at night but I prefer to belly up to the bar sometime in the afternoon and enjoy the show. The bartenders are all about tips. Throw the girl a buck and she may open your beer with her forearm, throw her $5 she may juggle some liquor bottles before she pours your drink, throw her $20 and she'll do back flips with your beer down her pants, ok I made that one up. We actually found the best deal was to order the giant mixed drinks. Last time I went they made a 3 foot tall Long Island Ice Tea for $40, probably more than a full bottle of liquore in it. -Spearmint Rhino: As someone who "grew up" going to the strip clubs in Fort Erie & Niagara Falls, I thought I would never find anything else comparable but Sprearmint Rhino is ridiculous. Smoking hot chicks, good value for your money (for a strip club) and the girls actually speak English. Tip: Call the club and have them send a limo for you. You'll get the car and cover for free. Seriously. They pay cabbies $ for bringing you there so it saves them money to come and get you. -Monte Carlo Brew Pub: Not for everyone, but I love it. Located in the back (way way way back) of the Monte Carlo is a brewery that serves some pretty good beer and decent food. Over the years it's actually been a decent night spot too but very hit or miss. We usually do our pregaming there. As someone mentioned beers in the casinos if you aren't gambling are actually expensive, so we would go there and have a few of their giant "pitchers" (they're not really pitchers more like portable taps) and then head out for the night. -Poker: I always suggest looking for the best spot to make some money. People will play at the Bellagio or Mirage because those are where the best play but why do you want to play with the best? Don't you want to win money? I used to stay at the Flamingo and play in their poker room. People staying there would come back from losing thousands at Bellagio and stop off in the Flamingo room trying to make their money back quick and wind up dumping off a couple hundred. I've done OK at the Mirage and MGM but Flamingo, Imperial Palace, Tropicana, etc. have been the most profitable, better off playing with tourists than people who know what they are doing, plus those games are usually more fun and laid back. -Pool Beers: This is a game that started a long time ago. We always sneak our own beers into the pool. It's a great day time activity for when you aren't gambling. In the old days, you could bring a cooler down to the pool with you if you didn't have glass but most places have cracked down on this because they can charge you $5 for a beer in the sun and you'll pay for it. So now the challenge is on. We typically make sure someone brings a big backpack with them on the trip and then line that with a plastic bag and fill it with ice and beers. How you proceed from here depends on where you are staying. The 2 easiest ways to play this game are to find out what they serve at the pool and buy that or buy a big mixed drink your first day from the pool bar in some sort of souvenir cup and fill that up. You can try just sneaking around with your beers but that can be a pain. Really depends on the place and the cocktail waitress on duty. Good luck! -Clubs: Not a huge club goer myself but usually once a trip we try to hit one up. If you've got the money bottle service is the way to go. A group of guys is going to have a tough time getting in any other way. We learned our first trip when we were first in line to get in a club (with 8 guys) and the bouncer looked past us and let in all the chicks behind us and any guy with a chick for like an hour. If you want to go to the best places ask a cocktail waitress or someone else young that works at the hotel and they usually know what the hottest spot is that night. Pretty much expect to tip the bouncer to get in, unless you're willing to wait for hours. There was a club (Tangerine @ TI, not sure if it is still around) that would give you a bracelet to get in and out, so we went there around 8, paid our cover had a drink and then came back at midnight when it was packed. I prefer to hit "last year's" club. It's a lot easier to get into the places that used to be the hot spot and usually there are still plenty of people and it's Vegas so everybody is having fun. Hope that helps!
  10. How old are you? Wife? Kids? I lived in Greensboro just after college and was bored as sh-- but the people I worked with loved raising their families there and said it was a great small city to raise a family in.
  11. when do they start handing out the little red book?
  12. Poker Related: "The Poker Beat" and "Poker Road Radio" Comedy: "Two Jacks in the Hole" all available on iTunes. I don't miss an episode of Two Jacks anymore, funny stuff
  13. 7 minutes to eat or 7 minutes to live?
  14. Put my money where my mouth was. 316, Row 8...LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!
  15. Never said "AIG sucks" that's my point. The gov't is clueless, but that isn't really news is it? PS - I'm not going to pick sides either. I think the dems and repubs are both letting us down right now.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/17/aig...uses/index.html
  17. thanks! GO BULLS! could be quite a year for UB athletics!
  18. Bummer, seems like NHL & MSG are fighting and the fans are getting screwed, this blows...
  19. was chatting with a friend and we were wondering if UB has every made the big dance before? and for those who are going to tell me "www.google.com", F off, I'm lazy
  20. I'm sure one of the members of my old crew will come here and give me a hard time about getting rid of my seats last year and coming back this year. Going to the back of the line sucks!
  21. What do you guys think my best option will be for season tickets? Row 10 of the upper deck seemed like the best I could do online, but I'm hoping to find something better than that.
  22. I'm shocked anybody else voted for the Oblongs but I love that show. I remember when it originally came out I was hooked and then it disappeared. Thank god for adult swim!
  23. nope, wearing my "TRADE #5" t shirt
  24. Just got tickets for the game tonight and heard about this, wonderful news...
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