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Everything posted by BillnutinHouston

  1. 4ever Bills, I just reread your post and I have 2 things to say: 1) Find a bag and breathe deeply into it for about 10 minutes. 2) I hope you're 100% right. Go Bills!!!!!!!!
  2. If the defense is solid, then I think it's an indication (although not an ironclad one since we are at home) that the D will be good again this year. Offensively, I'm looking for coherent play calling, clock/game management from Mularkey, and ability to run the ball. While a good passing game wouldn't be a "season indicator" for me since the Jags have not been strong on the pass rush, if we can run the ball it augurs well (been waiting to say "augurs") for our new approach on offense. Oh, and well-timed and SUCCESSFUL gadget plays wouldn't hurt, either.
  3. I'll be at home too. You make the best of it but its not quite the same.
  4. Listening to the Dolphins pregame show on NFL Field Pass. I'm falling asleep. It sounds like two guys covering a funeral after having been sleep deprived for 2 days. What a difference from the Bills pregame - where you have energy, passion, humor. Either we are really spoiled, or the Miami media realize they are in deep doo-doo this year.
  5. The celebration rule in the NFL. Celebrating does not materiallly affect the outcome game in any real sense, yet its prohibited.
  6. I have to admit, I do. If the Patriots were just dominant, you could accept their wins. But they are not. All the breaks seem to go their way and it's as if they get a free pass from God. The Fins at this point are just sad. I will get a lot more joy out of beating the Pats than I will when we beat Miami.
  7. Did you all see Brady's first bootleg when Madden insisted it was a broken play even though the replay showed it really was a designed play? And Al Michaels caved in and kept his mouth shut. Then a few series later Brady did it again, and Madden realized (but didn't say it) that the first Brady run was in fact a designed play. Madden is just out of touch and is all opinion. I personally find his opinions irrelevant.
  8. A tone setter - handoff to Travis to the right side, over Villlareal and big Mike. Gain of 2. Then, we get back to reality and see that we need to loosen up their D - play #2 is a Z fly to Mounds, incomplete. 3rd and 8. Bledsoe to Reed over the middle for 6. Out comes Moorman.
  9. Luck does run dry, but mental toughness helps (much as I hate to admit it). I think I now hate the Pats more than I hate the fins.
  10. Shoot. I thought this thread was about Tom Donahoe. OK, Bledsoe to Josh Reed on a 17 yard post pattern.
  11. Can the Bills put up 24 pts vs. that D - in New England? Ahhhh, no.
  12. Agreed. Their play calling is sweet too. Keep defenses off balance and stick with short high percentage passes. What a contrast to Tom Moore, who wants to go for the big yards at a lower percentage.
  13. Come on!! Edgerrin James fumbles on the 1 foot line? Gimme a break. James is not the same player he was. I saw no emotion whatsoever (not that I ever did from him), and when the Colts were in the red zone for the first time Edg was taking a long blow & seemed to not care if he was in the game or not. Never trust a RB with dreadlocks. God continues to smile on the Patsies.
  14. I can see it now.....2008's salary cfap figure is $250 million.
  15. Boooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnnnggg
  16. I was amused by the fact that he bought a condo in downtown Buff. Definitely would not have been my choice but then again I'm not a 20-something single millionaire.
  17. "The Clarence Information Center is operated by the Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation. That's why there's no Buffalo stuff." Is this supposed to be a common sense answer to why there is no Buffalo stuff to be found at the Clarence tourist center? This is a prime example of why WNY can't get out of it's own way. Everybody (Mayor, Common Council, labor unions) is looking only to get their little piece of the pie NOW and nobody has the big picture in mind. Fine, WNY, everybody go after your little scraps of a rapidly shrinking pie. The ship is going down and unfortunately the only thing that will wake people up to take action is when the Bills need to leave town. Then there will be action but it will be too late! If the Bills leave, I will no longer have any emotional connection to WNY and will have to resign myself to being a Southerner. Well, at least I'll have the weather to enjoy if not Bills football.
  18. Calling Denney a bust at this stage is pure hysteria. Do you work for the media?
  19. Productive DE's are NOT easy to come by. Good move TD.
  20. What kind of a world is it where we hang on the words of a guy like Jeff Morrison? Whew.
  21. Why are people so quick to see conspiracy or lack of integrity out of this front office? We take the word of disgruntled players that just got cut over our brain trust. ??? Blind loyalty is dangerous, but so also is ASSuming. You know what happens when you ASSume?
  22. Ditto. As far as I knew, Sunday Ticket was only available on DirecTV. That is just too valuable - why chance it?
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