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Posts posted by MrEpsYtown

  1. 6 hours ago, Estro said:

    Kwon Alexander is a player that I think McDermort targets this offseason.  I specifically remember McDermott heaping praise his way after we played them during the '17 season.


    The Panthers drafted a player with a very similar skill set to Kwon Alexander in Shaq Thompson during McDermotts DC days there.....and they drafted him in the 1st round, so you know McDermott coveted that skill set.


    A smaller rangier LB.  Now he did tear his ACL this year.....but that was in October so he might be ready to go fir the start of '19.  He's just a guy I think the Bills would love to have to really fill out their LB core.


    Kwon is a great player no doubt, but this team spends a lot of the time in nickel defense. We are barely in a base 4-3, which means that either Milano or Edmunds are heading to the bench a lot if Kwon was signed. I don't think that is where they go with their money. If you feel Alexander is a huge upgrade from Milano, then by all means it's a great move. 

  2. 4 hours ago, BB@Shooter said:

    Another ec Wyoming receiver the Bills should look at is Jacob Hollister at tight end. He is on the Patriots roster. Bellicek made room for him on the roster. And we all know how poor his judgement is on tight ends. So that would be one more person they could pick up that Allen could us. If they could pry him away from the Patriots. 



    Hollister would be a nice piece as well. He's been hurt so much that ole Billy B. may just let him go for free. He hates guys who get injured. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, wppete said:


    I like your line up. What if we draft Jonah Williams in the 1st round an put him at LG? Move Teller to RG an either keep Mills or try and find a replacement at RT in free agency.


    LT - Dawkins

    LG - Jonah Williams 

    C - Easton or Morse

    RG - Lamp or Teller

    RT - Mills or FA


    That works as well. I'm okay with it as long as it isn't in the top ten. I like Jonah but he better be elite if I'm drafting him that high. Honestly if we draft Jonah I would just stick him at right tackle, or flip Dawkins over there. 

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  4. Just now, 26CornerBlitz said:


    They gave Butt Kicker a series in the Miami game. I think he'll get addsitional snaps in these last four games to assess whwre he is. 


    Boy I sure hope so. Watching Miller and Mills play is like shades of watching Mike Tolbert get carries for -1 yard and Preston Brown leaving tight ends wide open over the middle. Anything is better. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:

    Sirles working as the backup at Center with Miller practicing as the starter at RG. 


    That's yucky. If Sirles was not stout at guard it will be even worse with a nose tackle in his face at center. And Miller sucks. I really wish they would just let Ike Boettger play. There is nothing to lose and Miller will not be back. 

  6. 57 minutes ago, billsredneck1 said:

    there's one helluva trivia question. off the top of i can't even remember who was there during the sb years.  ballard/fina  brown  hull ritcher....?

    can't believe i can't remember being a 45 yr. fan.


    i used to complain about pears but since he was here, he hasn't been equaled.


    It's Howard Ballard in 1993. He made it in 94 too as a member of the Seahawks. 

  7. I don't think Denver will let Paradis go. And I think that feeling is mutual. 


    I think we go after Mitch Morse or Nick Easton. Brett Jones is somewhat interesting as well. I do think Bodine could be more effective if he played next to better guards, but ideally he is a backup C-G. Eric Kush is an interesting guy who can play center or guard. He could probably play RT as well. Max Garcia can also play center or guard. 


    Ideally we sign either Morse or Easton. 


    My ideal move at right guard is trading for Forrest Lamp. He was a highly touted player who go hurt and has been inactive. The Chargers aren't playing him because their line is playing really well. They haven't been able to see what they have yet. To me, if you offer them a 4th or 5th round pick, they may be willing to move him. To me, he is totally worth the risk. 


    If that doesn't happen,  I'm pursuing Mark Glowinski. Guy is playing awesome for the Colts. He is surrounded by some good players, but things are starting to click for him. You could pursue Quinton Spain or AJ Cann. I actually really like the way Cann plays and he's developed nicely. Donovan Smith from Tampa would probably be very good if he moved inside to guard. 


    At right tackle I want Daryl Williams and there is a Panther connection there. 


    So my ideal starting line next year: 

    LT - Dawkins

    LG - Teller

    C - Easton or Morse

    RG - Lamp

    RT - Williams


    You can flip Teller and Lamp, but I do think I have seen enough from Teller to pencil him in next year. Bodine is your cheap backup C-G. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, billsredneck1 said:

    yep and i'm surprised that no one has pointed out the turnstile mills is.  this play shows it perfectly....and it happens every. single. game....i think playing next to him has got to make that rg spot very difficult.  rt is the absolute worst spot on this line and has been for quite a while now.


    Mills is absolutely awful. He has been pretty much since he got here. 


    I think Daryl Williams is probably the most obvious fit for this roster this off season. He is a RT only, but very good. The issue is he has been on IR all season with a pretty serious knee injury. So there is a fair amount of risk, but he may also come a bit cheaper because of it. I want us to spend on young veterans, guys like Nick Easton, AJ Cann, Wiliams. 


    I am a big Dion Dawkins supported, but I feel like he has not been great lately either. Groy, Bodine are not great. Bodine is the perfect back up center. Teller has been okay. 


    I really want them to give Boettger a chance to play to see what we have.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Here's the thing on "stopping Allen's running"


    I don't know wtf he's been up to, but compared to what his running was like at the beginning of the season, something is up.

    He's sick, man, sick.  He needs to refine more, but he's dropping my jaw.  He's like channeling Shady or something.


    Let's walk through a play.  Here's the Hail Mary at the end of the half.  I promise, this will be fun.

    Quinn has beat Dawkins and is bearing down on Allen like a freight train.  Harris is about to beat his guy on the right. 

    Nope.  Allen steps up, jukes left, and not only does Quinn miss Allen, *his momentum takes him into Harris, and takes Harris out too.

    Meanwhile, Allen is still looking downfield.

    Now here's where maybe the rookie takes over.  Instead of stepping into the lane between Groy and Boettger, Allen keeps going to the right and turns his back.  Groy's man is licking his chops.  I believe Allen should have stepped up and let it fly at that point, but maybe I'm wrong.


    Instead, he easily wins the footrace, leads the defender (Williams?) back into Groy, and looks back downfield to see what's developed


    Quinn is still on his stomach going "WTF just happened?"  Harris is struggling to his feet. 

    Allen's inexperience shows.  He should stop right there - trust Groy to delay Williams, reset nicely, and keep away from Harris - let Dawkins screen them off and buy him time.

    Instead he keeps going towards Harris, does a crap job of resetting his feet and has Harris pressuring him, makes an off-balance throw that's too much of a rainbow, and throws the INT.


    But man - the moves, the cuts, the jukes.  You can't coach that stuff.  He keeps up with the moves like that, Good Luck stopping him running.


    Ike Boettger doing a pretty good job on this play as well. 

  10. Some options:


    Sean Harlow former 4th round pick from Oregon State currently on the Falcons practice squad. Probably the best of what's available and can also play guard. His dad played in the NFL so there are some bloodlines there. 


    Anthony Fabiano from Harvard on Eagles practice squad. Started his career as an UDFA with the Ravens and Juan Castillo. 


    Kyle Fuller from Baylor currently on the Texans practice squad. 


    Oh and fun fact, Dillon Day is also porn actor. Just FYI if u are searching for info on him. 


    Also Grasu is a former 3rd round pick from Oregon and is probably the best of the bunch. Honestly I'd sign Grasu and Harlow and start Grasu at center Harlow at right guard right now.m

  11. 6 minutes ago, matter2003 said:

    I was a little surprised by all the positive coverage of Allen after the game(which I thought was by far his best to date), but I have to say I was shocked that 2 Dolphin beat writers went out of their way to say Allen is basically the QB they wish they had.






    Dolphin players were also very impressed and said they think he is going to be a really good player and were surprised at how poised he was for a rookie.


    Thanks for sharing. I know people want to point out his flaws, and there are a lot of things he needs to work on, but this is the guy we have been looking for and waiting for all of these years. He's a gamer, with guts, a huge arm, super smart. hard worker, and his teammates love him. Plus he has the size, big hands and all that stuff. He stands tall in the pocket and made some big throws with people all over him. He's special.  

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