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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Rosen>Mayfield>Darnold>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Allen
  2. Eww... “just sayin’” is for pta moms that think they made an awesome point on the Facebook.
  3. No, I just wanted to build up your confidence a little before slapping you with the awful bomb. I was hoping it may get hurt more that way.
  4. Are you related to QBorBust2017? That guy was awesome. He was always talking about pumping our breaks, and telling us to wait and see too... actually the the more I think of it that guy was awful.
  5. No, I think what you meant to call my basement was a pantys trap.
  6. Earlier today I hated the idea of McCarron. Now I seriously wish the Bills would sign him already. Getting a a little antsy over here.
  7. I don’t buy the Pats interest. He’s trying to creat buzz where there isn’t any. If I know our fan base Its probably working but I doubt the Pats have any real interest. Pats idea of peanuts with Tom Brady as their current starter is far different than the Bills idea of peanuts with Nate Peterman as your current starter.
  8. Really? Do they grow naturally or do you just put them there for next time?
  9. That was funny. Say..? Have you ever seen the show Skins?
  10. Yeah, but how many peanuts? We’re not exactly made of peanuts you know?
  11. Oh, look at this little fun party. Mind if I join?
  12. No, especially since Kyle’s staying as well. Theres no one older than that dude. No one!!
  13. I mean, not arguing it really but I feel like we already did pretty darn good. Got a whole bunch of cap space and moved to 12 for a guy that’s hasn’t played a full season since 2015.
  14. I understand the people saying he’ll be easily replaced but what I think they mean is his production will be easily replaced. Matthews as a player and teammate is much better than what we saw (actually we did see glimpses) and I think would have been an excellent piece for this team going forward. Not upset they’re going in a different direction but I would have loved to see him and Benjamin on a team together with a qb that is willing to throw to them. If we get one of those that is.
  15. I kind of like the idea of Suh and Incognito on the same team. Nasty on offense, nasty on Defense. i don’t think it would happen but it’s fun to think about.
  16. If Suh is on his way out like some are saying this seems like a lateral move. If Suh and Wake are gone. They’ve gotten worse, not better. Of course thats if they don’t make another move on top of those.
  17. It’s tough to gauge, yes we made the playoffs but we’re actively trying to trade our qb and only have one other guy that threw five ints In one half. Some might even even see the way they’re handling Taylor in a negative light. On the other hand if he stays we’re definitely not getting receivers here unless we trade for them. He’s a stats killer.
  18. I never said all. Just the majority. For every Tom Brady there are 20 Gronks. And I never said they all come from party Meccas but you hand a 23 year old a few mil and ask where they want to spend it none are saying buffalo ny. Its just a fact. I for one like Buffalo but I’m not homer enough to believe all things being equal (money, years, etc) that they’d choose us over Miami or the like. Especially if you’re a receiver or looking to win now. We don’t have a quarterback.
  19. In Buffalo? Freezing their buns off. I couldnt tell you exactly what they’re doing on their nights off, I’ve never had the kind of money they have to drop, or the kind of access they have to events or parties. Again, we’re trying to think like 20 year olds celebs with ridiculous cash flow. not 50 year old wny native retirees. I know it’s a stretch but at least try and take your ideals out of the equation. Their idea of a party isn’t mcmonkeys or a keg in a crappy downtown apt being rented by some college students. And its certainly not going to be going to the stuffy places filled with the quasi upper middle class folks that think they’re upper class.
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