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Everything posted by DollaBills

  1. Yea the defense is possibly the best its ever been and we continue to squander it with the bills offense. same story every year. every single year
  2. The only legit crybaby thing for me is this: we are wasting an elite sb-tier defense on (again) a comedy of errors offense. This is the bills we have all come to know the past few years
  3. Sure the refs were involved, but so was a blocked punt for a TD and 4 interceptions
  4. I mean, if the defense keeps playing that way, we can play the pats again in the playoffs
  5. pound it with gore, and minimize the deep boneheaded plays please
  6. At what point do you realize-- its ok to bench Allen when literally any drive on offense that doesnt have classic deep ball int could win us the game?
  7. We can absolutely take the lead here. Our defense is playing at a championship level right now
  8. Im getting real week 1 vibes with the literal worst case scenario for offense and we are somehow not getting blown out 28-0
  9. You guys ready for the absolutely dreaded 3rd quarter where the bills go to sleep? Lets hope the first drive out of the gate keeps them in it
  10. spend the rest of the half grinding it down the field to get some points, any points, please jesus
  11. yea i said atm, if this is the Allen we get in big games, its all a facade
  12. this, we are going to be 3-1, but we are joking ourselves if we think we are a playoff team atm
  13. I'll say it-- this is just like week 1 against the Jets. An absolute truckload of offense mistakes, mainly by Allen and not nearly as bad as it could be score wise. Im still going to watch and pretend like there is a chance
  14. he keeps trying to force long throws into coverage against the PATS D of all units to try deep ball shenanigans on
  15. Screencap this, Allen starts waking up and bills win out of no where
  16. They cant afford to gift leads like that back. The win feels good, but the 3-0 cant go to their heads, especially when the cheats come to town
  17. "Gore, going no where" Its almost like the announcers are trying to tell McDermott something
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