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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. Oliver was under 60% snap count last year. You don’t pay a part-time player big money. Especially one that isn’t a star
  2. I got slammed for saying 13 seconds was the closest we will ever come to a SB. How’s that looking now. McDermott’s job shouldn’t be safe.
  3. If we don’t win the division can we criticize McDermott? Don’t think it’ll happen just want homers on the record
  4. Three things about the end of the 1st half 1) should’ve started calling timeouts after the two minute warning 2) with so little time should have all deep routes and Allen runs to the sideline if nothing open 3) bass is better from the left has so if your gonna do that last Allen run at least run to the left
  5. Taking our timeouts into the locker room. Why didn’t we challenge the 4th down?
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