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Everything posted by jkeerie

  1. TD Jets. Wilson to Breece Hall. Lots of sloppy tackling by Giants.
  2. That's why you have to watch more than the Bills. There are no really "bad" teams. Some are just misguided. Well...maybe the Broncos.
  3. In Taron Johnson's post game locker room interview he was asked about the defense on that play. He said none of them were looking for the ball. They were looking to block out the TB receivers so they could not make a play on the ball. Godwin said he was "late to the party" and was not in position because he got jammed at the line of scrimmage. The Bills did not allow him a free release. So there obviously was a plan...and it worked whether we liked the way it looked or not. And as Josh said the offense should not have put the defense in that position. They need to "close out games on their terms."
  4. I think Josh Norman was elevated more for special teams purposes and he made some good plays there. Elam's lack of ST play hurts him in terms of value to the team in light of Jackson and Benson being a better fit for our defense. Elam was listed as a top 5 corner in that draft. Unfortunately, he seems to fit better in a man system versus zone.
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