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The 9 Isles

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Everything posted by The 9 Isles

  1. Plus having to pay for the privilege of being bombarded with advertisements for 3+ hours. It is borderline unwatchable.
  2. It literally the second time I’ve said something like that. Thanks for noticing 💕
  3. I feel bad for my teenage son having this team setting him up for disappointment for decades to come. I really think being a fan of this team is actually a curse unto itself.
  4. This team isn’t winning anything. Sorry.
  5. they need to hire a witch doctor or an exorcist. i'm serious who wants to start a "go fund me"?
  6. win or lose this team is going to be picked apart all week, it is annoying
  7. being a Bills fan is a rough task, its never easy and the ups really don't make up for the stress most times
  8. tell me this team is going to win the superbowl. they have no chance the luck, the officials, the missed opportunities, they just don't have the mojo
  9. can you imagine allens stats if he had teammates that he could actually count on
  10. i swear its so they can shove more ads into the broadcast
  11. the sheer number of commercials are making the nfl unwatchable
  12. this team really has enough of a curse they didn't need to add the madden one too
  13. it all started with the non-call PA and been down hill ever since
  14. I think BB and Mcd would do this team a disservice if they didn't do a thorough and exhaustive review and search for an offensive mind that would take advantage of one of the best QBs in the league and that's what I would expect. Brady should be part of that discussion but penciling him in as the favorite would be a mistake.
  15. You see the way some of the most successful QBs in history prepare, get proper nutrition, specialized coach or mentors and as much as I love the guy I sure doesn’t appear he has that type of work ethic.
  16. I think the YAC issue is mainly to do with Allen’s ball placement. He rarely hits a receiver in stride and leads a lot of throws out of bounds. I understand that some of that is designed to prevent turnovers but at the same time there are receivers on occasion open and either have to slow down or adjust or get over thrown.
  17. Bills always make things harder than they need to be.
  18. Yeah it was a pretty off game……again. Maybe the Bills can hire Jordan Palmer as his QB coach.
  19. Damn this Baltimore team really got better.
  20. Is just me but were there any xtra commercials today? That was brutal.
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