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Posts posted by BeginnersMind

  1. 46 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Have you even looked at the federal budget? Between entitlement programs and interest on the debt there’s very little discretionary spending at all. But back to the issue...if you’re willing to pay more in taxes, please do so. I’m guessing that I contribute WAY more than you.


    That’s a charmingly crass assumption. Should we measure d—-s too?


    I’d say entitlement programs can be cut substantially. 


    It’s clear you don’t think paying down the debt is a priority.


    I’d happily pay more to pay it down if I trusted Congress to take aggressive action to address the problem. Give me a fiscally responsible candidate and I’ll vote for them. As I have in the past. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:




    Possible Budget Deal Will Add $2 Trillion to the National Debt



    The Republican Party has no credibility with respect to spending. Anytime an R politician not named Paul talks about financial responsibility, people should burst out laughing. 

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  3. 10 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    She's nuts. Although there is that whole 'can't be compelled to testify against a spouse' thing...


    Anthony Weiner moves back in with Huma Abedin as he's spotted in a tank top and shorts using a trolley to roll in designer garment bags, a hockey stick and suitcases into his family home after prison stint for sexting 15-year-old girl

    * Anthony Weiner was seen moving back in with Huma Abedin over the weekend in New York City, pictured in exclusive DailyMail.com photos  
    * The 54-year-old had been living in a halfway house in the Bronx after his release from prison in February
    * Soon after he went to prison, Huma and their seven-year old son Jordan moved to this new apartment
    * The disgraced politician did his own moving, using a trolley to roll in boxes, garment bags, a hockey stick and suitcases 
    * Abedin filed for divorce the day Weiner entered into a guilty plea for sexting a 15-year-old girl in May 2017, which DailyMail.com exposed in September 2016
    * However, Abedin withdrew her request in January, deciding to settle privately
    * It's not clear where Weiner had been staying since leaving a halfway house in May after spending 21 months in custody for the illicit contact with the minor 
    * Moving back in with Abedin comes weeks after Weiner was seen lunching with a young brunette at a Wall Street brunch spot



    Relationships are complicated.

  4. 8 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    How did this come to trial? General Flynn's business partner, Rafiekian, filed for an acquittal under Rule 29. He claims that because the prosecution admits that they have no evidence of any connection between the Flynn company and the Turkish government, and because the prosecution cannot offer up what law, if any, was broken, he should be acquitted immediately. 

    Rafiekian - Defendant's Motion for Judgment of Acquittal Under Rule 29


    Reading one side’s metal brief in a case isn’t illuminating. Especially in criminal defense. 

  5. 8 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Yea right! We’re $21 Trillion in debt. Start sending in your money. Time to start bailing water. What’s stopping you?


    I have no problem paying more taxes. But nothing in Congress's behavior indicates that increased tax revenue will be used responsibly. 


    If Congress slashed its expenditures and had any backbone to show it was taking spending seriously, I would actually welcome a tax increase. THat would be an investment in a chance for smaller government and a strong future for America. I’d look at that like a JFK moon challenge. 

  6. Let’s hope this is finally the end of an important inquiry turned spectacle. Mueller clearly has nothing new to share and already will be sticking to the report. If someone wants to start impeachment for obstruction, they are not getting more from Mueller than they already have. Pelosi has indicated that she has no appetite for impeachment, a position I hope she sticks to. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

    May I ask whether you’ve chosen to pay more than what your tax form says? If not...you’re a big part of the problem. Send it in! Send it in! Send it in.


    Uhh what?


    I’d like Congress to be some version of as fiscally responsible with its spending as Rand Paul advocates. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

      So what do you propose?  Spend nothing and assume humanity has evolved beyond the point of open aggression towards others?


    Because that’s what I said, right?


    There is no sacred cow, including the military. Including, well, everything. But in this case I’m reacting to Trump patting himself on the back for working to spend more than he’s taking in. Yay us. 


    Lower taxes and spend more is the Rep way. It can’t ever cause a problem right?

    37 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Er, no thanks.  :sick: ?


    Directed at the tweet, not the paster. I would never say that to you. I’m married for 25 years. My life is set on that front. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Ah yes, the buildup to an election, that time of year when our politicians increase the debt and set future fiscal restrictions they will reset in 2 years. 


    From the Ds, it’s who they are and they are unabashed about it. 


    From the spineless Rs, it’s who they are, but say they are not. 


    Dont just stand there Congress, spend something. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Joe in Winslow said:

    I've thought about this a lot lately. A better outcome would be a peaceful dissolution of the union.


    We disagree. Let’s give up. 


    Problem solving methods passed down from from the baby boomer generation. 

  11. 2 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Agreed, no one involved is John From Nevada, or Cindy from Kalamazoo. 


    They are political creatures, each side dishing out heat that gets folks riled up because they knit together backstories based on their own biases. 


    Who cares, really?  You, maybe, but you're a bit of a contortionist anyway.  I always wondered where the outrage was when Obama made elitist comments about middle America, when Hillary lead off her debate with accusations of racism and a myriad of phobias the future President was alleged to have had. 


    Did you struggle with any of that? Or when Obama went after Fox News for about a decade, and issues with that? 


    If you did, good for you for your consistency and character. If not, I'll write it off to other folks just being human.


    On the Russia investigation, you've been guarded in your reply, or at least seem to be to me. On the one hand, you see nothing nefarious, which I'm taking to mean that you felt the investigation was warranted, the surveillance/unmasking warranted, the SC investigation warranted, and the outcome fair.  On the other hand, you mentioned that you felt it was a waste of time, which seems contradictory to it being a very reasonable investigation.  I cant see how it would be a waste of time if it was warranted, after all, we're talking about a pres under the spell of a Russian strongman.  Then, on the third hand (we'll call it the Chernobyl hand to keep with the theme), you toss in something about those that broke the law should go to jail.  Where does that come from in a non-nefarous clandestine investigation into a president? 


    So many questions.


    Edit: oh, and who was the root cause of the divisiveness you mentioned last post?  


    I won’t bore everyone with a detailed answer. 


    Obama was awful. One of the most divisive presidents until Trump. Obama was truly terrible. 


    And an investigation into Russian meddling was 100% worth it. But it went too long and far too afield. It should have ended much sooner than it did and turned into a witch-hunt. Although at least in its Russian collusion conclusions it got to what seemed like a good answer. 


    The people who broke the law, the already-prosecuted and investigators who may be prosecuted, should be prosecuted depending on what was or will be found. I believe Mueller did a good job of the former and Barr will do a good job with the later. 

  12. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    where you been s? I have never, ever, never said Trump was racist..i said this tweet was racist,  and unlike most of you all, i listened to folks like @Buffalo_Gal and @Deranged Rhino and others who convinced me it was done for political advantage.


    and BTW, i have never said or believe any Trump supporter, at least the ones i know and 99.95 on here, are racist




    This is 100% truth. It’s hard to find the crew here being critical of Trump. 

  13. 23 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    GREAT MOMENTS IN VIRTUE SIGNALLINGElizabeth Warren Announces Her Pronouns.



    You’re just not used to this probably. This has been happening for years. She’s just the first pres candidate to follow the youth. 


    I spent the spring and early summer visiting colleges. Nearly every tour guide did this. “Hi I’m Sarah and I use she/her pronouns.” The first time was totally off putting. By the 10th time, I was just hoping someone would make my older brain work hard to match their pronoun preference with my assumption. Alas no one did that. 

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