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Posts posted by BeginnersMind

  1. 4 minutes ago, BidsJr said:



    Except as stated this was 3rd down the entire practice.  52% would have led the NFL last year for some perspective. *52% conversion rate


    And 3 drops. And no pads. And and and. I’m not going to get into completion percentage in camp unless he’s just plain not throwing well, which by all accounts is not the case. 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I think everyone has the right to be a d*ck now and again, but I think your abusing the privilege. 


    I read many of your posts to get a view from the other side. I think its healthy to do that, I think most here do, but I think we all get it: We crazy. 


    Why keep repeating the same stale mantra?  Who are you pointing it out to?  Tibs?  McDoogeyHouser?  You've heard it the 6th, 12th 36th time as people bring links or thoughts to the table.  So? Is your argument that since investigations are ongoing or delayed, everyone is crazy? 


    Heinz Mueller was on the job for 800+ days.  During that time, virtually everyone here came to the conclusion that he had nothing, that nothing would come of it, and that the dem leadership really did not care. Yet, there were/are those who claimed the opposite was true, and would have ended up with egg on their collective face had they had the pride to man/woman up and acknowledge "I. Was. Wrong.". But, people are weak and arrogant so they just pretend they really meant it was about something else.


    Government takes a while to investigate, spends about 15x what a similar investigation would take in a public company, operate a using rules illegal or at least unsavory in othe settings, and often results in something that has little to do with justice and looks an awful lot like corruption. Such is life.


    It took the federal govt 18 years to find the unabomber, and with all the evidence gathered it still took another 2 years to get him to tap out with a guilty plea.  That's with the full weight and force of the federal government working tirelessly over that span of time, and with everyone in America wanting to see him captured. Trump has been in office less than 3 years, has worked against establishment Washington dems under a fake cloud of treasonous suspicion and I heard somewhere that he didn't even win the popular vote. 


    Justice takes time. 


    *btw in my research for this reply, I found out that Ted Kazynzski is only 5'9" tall.  He looked taller than that  in the sketch. 



    Your digression was, umm, interesting. 


    I keep pointing out what I think is crazy. Because. It. Never. Stops. 


    How many times can conspiracy gang keep hyping “the next big thing” “coming soon?” And tell us to “be ready.” 


    I don’t know but the crew is trying to find out if there’s a limit. And I’ll keep noting it every 4th or 5th time because it’s like watching what a Hollywood soap opera scriptwriter does with the last 10 minutes on Friday. Keep em coming back!

  3. 3 minutes ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

    Look inward. Your whining about civility rings hollow when you abandon that civility every other post.


    You all can still post your secret society stuff. And I can point out when it’s goofy. After a term in the bench, now seems like a moment when Hedges might admit all those posts seem crazy. 


     And maybe, just maybe, there are other instances of this. 


    We can disagree here. If I’ve hurt his feelings, I do apologize. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:



    I can't wait for the articles in 2040 saying she doesn't look a day over 86 and plans on sticking around a few more decades. 


    Are you guys giving up on the RBG secret funeral service narrative finally? I tip my hat to that top notch nonsense. Hedges really liked that one. 


    I like this from the NR article. 


    “On Wednesday night, Ginsburg delivered a 30-minute speech looking back at the 2018 Supreme Court term and Stevens’s life, before participating in an hour-long question-and-answer session with Duke Law professor Neil Siegel, one of her former clerks. When Siegel asserted during the Q&A that “nominees for the Supreme Court are not chosen primarily anymore for independence, legal ability, [and] personal decency, and I wonder if that’s a loss for all of us,” Ginsburg immediately defended Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. “My two newest colleagues are very decent, very smart individuals,” she said.”


    Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have been as good as expected. Top notch jurists. 

  5. 7 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    Sadly this is the new normal and I suspect it's here to stay.   Even post Trump.


    I don’t think so. It may be here for now but we can be better and often are. 


    Digging for divisiveness is a new past time for everyone and people think it’s ok to be ***** to one another behind screen names and keyboards in ways they would not be in real life. The emotional pain that delivers and forces on others is significant. It may feel

    like nothing to say “You are trash” to a fellow person but it hurts both people and others to read it. 


    I believe there will be pushback at some point and we will find our way back to at the very least civility, and maybe even listening to one another’s experiences with compassion. When? I can’t say. 

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  6. 28 minutes ago, shrader said:


    Do you really even need that tree?  Can't you just tell them that's the case and they'll give you the streaming version?  I didn't think they'd actually check on any of these claims.  But then again, if it's a house that previously had DirecTV, that might kill that option.


    They came out twice with technicians before giving me the bypass Ok. 

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  7. Just now, /dev/null said:


    14 months from now during the Trump vs DemNominee debates, I want to see the moderator follow up after a few of the Democrats #orangmanbadraysis rants or Trump's tantrums with something like "My Mom used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, don't say anybody at all.  You've spent months and millions of dollars saying not nice things about one another.  But what do you agree on?  What are your opponents endearing qualities?"


    Tip O’Neil and Ronald Reagan used to have a weekly dinner and drink together. Both sides use rhetoric that seems to have forgotten that we are all “us.”


    I don’t think the majority of voters deep down believe it but the words deepen the divide. Echo chambers of all sorts too. And even partisan gerrymandering (which is a tool of both parties). 


    If Nancy, Trump, and McConnell would share drinks on Friday nights, just that simple gesture, I’d feel a lot better. And I bet more ***** would get done in a better way. 

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  8. 15 hours ago, KRC said:


    Having worked for their state party several years back, it was a joke. The candidates were not interested in running on what they could realistically achieve in a term or two. They insisted on running on their end game (eliminating the Department of education, etc.). Then, they wondered why they only got 1% of the vote. I tried to tell them, "Focus on realistic goals. State that you want to cut the federal budget by 5% over two terms. Then, run again on continuing to make incremental cuts to the budget until you get to your goal. It is much more palatable to the general public than 'I want to cut everything not Constitutionally mandated and I want to do it immediately.'" Their response was, "I am not going to sacrifice my ideals." 


    OK. Enjoy your 1%.


    Yeah. Not budging from ideals and accepting a compromise will get them nowhere. That’s what too much Ayn Rand will get you and that’s another wing of the Libertarian party. It’s fine to have ideals but you have to be able to work with others or nothing gets done and everyone is a villain. 


    The current Dems and Reps are a case study that the Libertarians are refusing to learn from. 


    Most of the silent majority would be happy with a centrist who wasn’t a divisive jagoff. No one like that has a chance with our primary system in the current party structure, and a media (and viewers) that get off on the incivility of the comments sections of news stories. 


    Almost wonder if a Civility party would make an electoral splash. 

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  9. 8 hours ago, thenorthremembers said:

    Moving to a new house in a few days.  Got rid of direct tv two months ago and have just been using roku for the kids.


    Wife ia convinced we need to keep streaming at the new house.  I want to get driect tv back for football.  Any streaming options for the Bills games?  


    If you’re lucky enough to have a tree that blocks the direcTV or live in a home or building where satellites are not allowed, they will give you Sunday Ticket streaming access. You of course have to pay for it. But a tech has to go to the house and verify. 


    There is no way this crap offering survives another round of bidding to the NFL. They are losing revenue for sure. 

  10. 1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    ..I am going to ask a very pointed question, despite probably being accused of bigotry (don't give a rat's azz because it is NOT the intent), because I have no clue (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am of Italian heritage and to this day experience ethnic racism)....going back the Obama administration and to today, there seems to be an anti-Isreal/antisemitism fervor within the Democratic party....why do Jewish lawmakers like Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, etc as well as DOJ's Weissman, etc maintain such a vehemently anti-Trump position?...why are major excuses being made for Epstein, a major Democratic donor?....or how about Hollywood's Weinstein, etc?......unless I completely missed the memo, what has Trump done to display any anti-Isreal/antisemitism comments, policies, etc?......why??........just baffling...

    Edited 15 minutes ago by OldTimeAFLGuy


    Maybe they are American first and have priorities before Israel and the anti-Semetic squad members. 


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  11. 57 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    "afraid" to quote you? SMH Don't be that internet tough guy.  :rolleyes: It is unbecoming, and frankly, quite silly. 



    You’re out of the loop. He’s said he doesn’t quote me because he thinks I get paid when people do. Because I’m part of some conspiracy and paid to post here. 


    Not a stupid tough guy thing and no offense taken. This is just something you didn’t know. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

    Keep boiling things down to skin color, racist.


    Maybe the old white guys on this board might have a certain way of thinking about race that doesn't gibe with those who experience racism daily. 


    If someone asked you to tell a story about a time when you were the victim of racism, would you be able to look to your experiences from today, yesterday, and the day before? 


    Listening to different people's pain provides insight into the way people other than old white guys experience racism. A lot of suffering comes from people just being born with different skin color.  

  13. 20 hours ago, /dev/null said:


    To be fair, Bob Barr was a poor Libertarian nominee in 2008.  I still voted for him however, since the other options were McCain and Obama


    The Libertarian Party cannot our up a credible presidential candidate. If they’d had someone not in sneakers running in 2018, they might have gotten to the critical 5% to get matching funds. 


    Mostly they cant get out of their own way. The free drug culture bumps into more serious members. Watching their internal mechanisms is painful. Their philosophy is good. Their platforms are clear. Their execution is for s—t.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    If you do not like Rasmussen, feel free to search the other polling sites you do like from mid 2008 to election day.  You will see how the polls tightened when he selected her, and then got wider after the meltdown (as always, the internal polls may have shown something else). 

    Sarah Palin did not lose the election for John  McCain. She made it closer than it would have been as conservative Rs would have sat home. With her on the ticket, more wandered down to vote while holding their nose and voting for that ***** McCain.  

    However, since this is an AOC thread, it is time for me to be done with a topic from 11 years ago in this thread (WOW! time flies when you are having fun!), except to point out  that AOC is not treated any worse than past Republican Women have been. Politics ain't beanbag. 



    She was a bad choice. She gave a spectacular first speech. And then went downhill the more she opened her mouth. She was a terrible pick for VP and having her one step from the presidency rightfully made McCain’s judgment look more suspect. Once he did that, my vote for him fell off and I voted Libertarian. 

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