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Everything posted by JoPar_v2

  1. Just a troll man. A prolific troll, but a troll all the same
  2. Exactly right. And it wasnt like ryan was left with Jets. He had gabriel, coleman, hooper, freeman...
  3. People here start threads about Orton on the wall of fame...and people fall for it.
  4. Im listening now promo they dont sound that bad. Granted i missed the very beginning of the show
  5. Yeah well every team deals with injuries. Cam Newton's shoulder is shredded and he didnt care today. Ryan's a mvp he shoulda, coulda rose above it. He didnt and we made plays
  6. Well let's see...4 critical targets today, 1 bad drop, 1 great catch, and two horrible balls thrown his way...yeah he totally sucks
  7. No one with half a brain ever said they were tanking though
  8. Yes you're right Im not saying it woulda been impossible to complete that but he wasnt wide open
  9. I got ya now. I wasnt paying attention to the clock i thought you were referring to the loss of TO rule Difference was maybe the det play was called TD on field but overturned, while this play was called short on field and upheld?
  10. ? Not sure promo i dont know what you're referring to exactly. I thought inside 2 min of either half is always a booth review
  11. No because they think everyone is reactionary as they are
  12. Still better than 95% of the awful nicknames other players get saddled with by the amateur comedians on this board though
  13. See son, i was asking why that is advantage buffalo
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