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Posts posted by Zerovoltz

  1. Just now, Doc said:


    So far, and it’s a small sample size, he’s been completing 3% more than he did in college. The answer you’re looking for is he has a better supporting cast on offense. 


    That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  In the case of Flacco and Jackson, Flacco is completing just over 61 pct of his passes...that is right on what his career completion pct is.....and with the same folks Jackson is completing less.   .....In Allens case...Barkley, Peterman and Anderson have all completed at a higher rate then Allen....with the same people.


    How many more points of completion pct do you suppose Allen can achieve with a "better cast"?  It's a question worth asking.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Hmmm.  Interesting last sentence.  Care to ponder why Jackson is completing passes at a higher pct?


    Yes...Jackson is completing passes at about the rate he did in College...it's not ideal, but it's in line with what he did in College....just like Allen.


    1 minute ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    multiple factors in a QB's throwing percentage that has NOTHING to do with him? Examples.. Penalties that take away passes (yes every team has them but for us its an extreme event) Dropped balls (again every team has them but it happens to often here) the QB under abnormal pressure do to a garbage offensive line. Not able to get into a rhythm due to bad runs on first downs and massive penalties. I mean do you need me to continue?


    ...I have already pointed out that the other THREE QB who have played with the Bills this year, with the same guys and coaches etc...all have completed passes at a higher rate.  At what point do you acknowledge that Allen isn't that accurate?  

  3. 7 minutes ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    Its not a crutch its a fact. Look at GB future hall of fame QB, His supporting cast fails then he fails, he threw for 62% today and if you saw replay catches of that game you would see 2 balls had no right being caught. they are having some of the same issues we are but there defense is bad on top of it and Josh Allen is a friggen ROOKIE! PLEASE! my gosh lol


    I know he is a rookie....I do think his pct will improve...I am not sure it ever improves enough to be a viable "franchise" QB.  ....the idea that all you need to have him do is "just improve accuracy"  is a funny statement to me...that isn't something that is easily done....and history shows it is highly unlikely it will ever improve very much.  ...I'm just pointing out that many here seem to think that one day Allen is all of the sudden gong to go from a lifelong 50% passer to a 65% guy somehow...I just don't see how it is taken as something that WILL happen given enough time....etc....

  4. 2 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    It’s more often NOT prrssured


    and since your boy came from a air raid system built to make college qbs look good And was successful in his transition to the NFL you should not be so quick to think it cannot be done for Alan

    ....I don't care what system any of them came from......Allen struggles with his accuracy....it was a problem in HS, a problem at JUCO...a problem at Wyoming....The scouts pointed it out in multiple reports....this is who Allen is....He is what his stats and scouting reports say he is....inaccurate.

  5. Just now, PrimeTime101 said:

    The exact same reasons his accuracy numbers looked low in college is the same exact reasons here in NFL.

    Get a real TE, A real OL. then come back to me and talk about his accuracy #'s


    How long can you keep using the supporting cast as a crutch?  Derek Anderson has a 60% completion rate with these guys.  Matt Barkley has a 60% completion rate with these guys.  Nathan Peterman........has a 54% completion pct with these guys....wich is higher than Allens.  

  6. Just now, John from Riverside said:

    Golden boy down in kc had the same issues coming out


    oh wait he got to sit for a year and if he gets pressured it’s actually a thing down in kc

    No he didn't John....Mahomes was a 63% completion passer in his college career.  The issues coming out were that he had poor footwork and would try too hard to improvise at times leading to poor choices.  ....Not sure what you mean about Mahomes being pressured.  He's performed well under pressure or not.

  7. 3 hours ago, billsfan_34 said:

    One of the picks was a hail mary - cant fault him there. He just needs to fix accuracy and he will be fine. 


    I see this same though ALL over this board.  As if fixing accuracy is just some forgone conclusion or that it is inevitable or easy.  This is the entire reason why scouts questioned him as a round 1 prospect...it's what TEBOW never could do and it was the one thing holding him back as well.  No one could "Fix" this in HS, or JUCO, or at Wyoming....Lamar Jackson is completing passes at a higher pct, with fewer turnovers, and his running ability is as good or better than Allens.   Jackson wasn't considered a good prospect for Accuracy as well.  

  8. He will get a second chance somewhere....he was already in counciling before being cut....the Chiefs have requested the NFL continue providing him with counseling.  He is 23, very talented and has an oppertunitiy to EARN a second chance with someone.  He specifically told the Chiefs he never left his hotel room MULTIPLE times.  He lied to them straight up.  That is why he was cut.


    I'd be willing to make a small wager that he is claimed by the Eagles before the deadline expires monday.  


    He made several poor choices that day...alcohol with underage females..confronting said females...not calling security to get them out of his hotel/appartment, not having his "crew" keep him out of the spotlight and handling this and making it go away with him out of the picture...etc etc....and then, lying about it to the team.  He would NOT be cut if he had just said what he did.  The team would have used every resource it had to rehab the guy, and protect him.


    If I were the Bills....I would study it closely for sure......he IS going to play again...and it could be in a Bills uniform....

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Hey Folks!   .....Allow me if you will to give a Chiefs fan view of all of this.


    1.  The folks at Chiefs Planet.....are unfortunately like the unwashed masses of Chiefs fans....I am ashamed to admit that we have a LOT of ignorant fans...both in terms of issues like this and in comprehending and being able to intelligently discuss football....we have two extremes in KC...some really really smart, intelligent writers and national personalities that write and talk Chiefs....from KC....some of the best stuff....so it's a shame we have so many ignorant fans....but we do...I wouldn't think you'd find a whole lot of well thought out discussion over there.  I don't post there, but the facebook group I do post on, is just every bit as full of low IQ idiots as anywhere else.  If you search my posts here, I have complimented the folks on this board for making this place a really great place to talk football, even though I am a Chiefs fan....I continue to enjoy my interactions here....this board really has some solid members.


    2.  In KC, when Tyreek Hill was drafted, that was NOT a popular draft pick.  The team, and specifically, Andy Ried had to address the media and fans about how he vetted Hill, and how he believed Hill would be a good citizen and good representative of the team.  Hill had plead guilty, was sentenced in court, kicked off of the OK State football team, and finished up his college career at a small school.  KC expended A TON of the good will Ried had built up in the community when they took Hill.  To his credit thus far, Hill has been a good citzen, and there was a well recieved story on local TV news about Hill getting engaged to the woman who he had assaulted back in college, the mother of his son, and how HIll is doing well as a father also.  Hill, so far, has taken advantage of the second chance he got here.  His act of choking and punching his then pregant girlfreind is AWFUL.  But he didn't lie about it..has been forthcoming to the team and behaved well.  Hunt lied to the team about his incident.  I think the team would have worked through this with him had he come out and said back in February that he was drunk and made mistakes.  He didn't and they cut him.....


    3.  Try and remember that only a few years before, we had LB Jovan Belcher, murder his girlfriend (the mother of his daughter) then drive to Arrowhead and shoot himself in the head in the parking lot.  Before that, we had Larry Johnson, who at the time reportedly, and has since admitted to, committing egregious acts of assault on women....Johnson, repentant and seemingly sorry for his past ways, and seemingly living a better life now....even came in to speak to the Chiefs about staying out of exactly this kind of trouble...there are even tweets from him about this specifically.  The Chiefs can not and did not want to become a place known as a haven for domestic abusers....They've been burned before, and they had no more goodwill to expend on this kind of thing after putting their collective necks out there for Tyreek Hill.  (a move that has paid off for all parties so far.)  


    4.  As far as football goes.  I won't sit here and tell you that Hunt isn't a good football player...he is very good.  Phyical, but good at catching passes and running routes...does not fumble.  very productive.  clearly from a football standpoint, it is a substantial loss.  I would say that if you are Kansas City, if you have to lose someone, one of the less painful losses would be to lose the RB Hunt.  It's a QB driven leauge...it's Andy Ried...we still have Spencer Ware...who if he hadn't gotten hurt in 2017, we might not know who Hunt even is...Ware was the starter in 2016 and was really coming on...he's still had a role this year and had looked capable when called on.  He isn't Hunt, but obviously, he'll have to do.  Now...as I said...as the way the team is setup and with who have at QB and who the coach is...Pat Mahomes is the one guy we can't afford to lose...not the RB.  I can't spin this any way as good from a football standpoint....I'm just saying of all the cogs in the machine Hunt is a bit easier to replace than say Kelce (we have no TE close to his skill set on the roster)  or Hill (again, no one who can do what he does)


    5.  My thoughts on the actual incident....to me, this isn't quite the same as Ray Rice, or Tyreek Hill for that matter....it looks like a bunch of young immature people under the influence of alchol making poor choices.  I'm sure this scene plays out all accross the country with non celebrities and it isn't really considered "domestic violence" but just dump young people getting stupid.  ...that said...Hunt made several poor choices here prior to the actual incident.  Lots of drinking with underage females.  Didn't call hotel security or cops to have them removed, didn't stay in the room, close the door, etc....didn't have smart enough crew to keep him away from trouble....all this after he had been counciled by the team to avoid these situations.....and then he LIED about it.  I think he'd still be on the team if he would have just said...hey, I am a dumbass, this is what I did.  


    ....lastly....thankfully we play the Raiders in OAKLAND this week...I can't think of a better opponent to be playing AWAY FROM KC, after something like this....a road win will do the team a lot of good.


    and lastly lastly....KC will not be going after LeVeon Bell even if you hear a bunch of dumbass fans of ours clammoring for that.....we have a long history here of showing that we can put productive RB on the field with late round draft picks and bargain bin FA etc...Bell isn't in our future....they aren't spending that kind of money at that position.  It's not happening, nor should it.  That also includes trading for Shady....not happening.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 minute ago, NewEra said:

    So what???  

    It’s a counter point to the argument Josh Allen would be posting Mahomes numbers if he were in KC and that he’d be doing so because of the “great” line and the great supporting cast.


    i would agree Allen would look better in KC but nothing close to Mahomes and probably not all that much different than he looks now.


    At some point the elephant ? in the room (completion pct) has to improve markedly or the kid won’t last long term.  



    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Freddie's Dead said:

    I don't give a crap about Allen's stats (pretty sure neither does he).  We only care about scoreboard, and this kid is a winner.  



    21 hours ago, NewEra said:

    He needs to continue to collect W’s.  That’s all.


    You traded the QB who won enough to break the drought.  

    20 hours ago, BillsRdue said:

    If my QB can make 45 yd runs, it's just as good as a 45yd pass in my book.

    Tim Tebow and Lamar Jackson approve of this message


    3 hours ago, Teddy KGB said:


    You've been a super Allen pessimist this whole season from the posts I’ve read??‍♂️


    Allen would average at least 100 more yards per game with Kareem Hunt ripping off gain after gain and an OL that lets him pass to Kelce, Sammy, Hunt, and Hill right ? 


    Thats not unfathomable is it ? 


    These posts suggesting that just anyone would be lighting it up for KC continue to permeate this board.  Alex Smith couldn’t sniff what Mahomes has done with the same roster.  


    Keep in in mind KC is averaging ONE more pass attempt per game and ONE less rush attempt per game compared to last year.  Mahomes has been that much better running the offense.  


    And keep in mind we are on our 3rd center and 3rd RG, and all three of the C, LG and RG are castoffs from......Cleveland.  Mahomes hasn’t had these great clean pockets to stand in....far from it.

  12. 16 hours ago, Jay_Fixit said:

    Horrible take.


    I wish he had the weapons KC does.


    Awful. Abysmal post.

    Is it really?  Matt Barkley just walked through door and completed 60% of his throws to the same guys.  It’s not some big leap when you compare the two.  Tebow was big, he could run very well.  He was charismatic.  He won a playoff game in which he completed 2 passes.  He had a career 47% completions pct.  that doesn’t work in the NFL.  He even threw 17 TD against 9 INT.  


    Im sure that isn’t a comparison anyone in Buffalo wants to consider, but the numbers are comparable.  The athletes measuables are comparable.  The development challenges as prospects are comparable.  


    Its only a horrible take if it strikes a nerve about what Allen may be but not because it isn’t reasonable to compare these two similar QBs at this stage in Allen’s career.


    Points allowed per game

    LA RAMS 23.1


    We are within a point per game allowed from the most expensive defense ever assembled in LA. Just something to think about as the schedules balance out over time. KC started off playing A LOT of high powered offenses while LA started with the opposite.

    Yards per play allowed.

    LA Rams 6.0


    Again...the Rams are the most expensive defense ever assembled.

    Percentage of drives ending in a score

    LA Rams 38.7%

    KC.........40.2 %

    .....one of these is the most expensive defense ever assembled...one of them isn't and has been missing it's too most experienced and highest paid players most of the year....


    LA Rams 26

    KC.........31 (tied for 1st in the NFL)

    ....The Rams have spent and invested a TON of resources into their D....

    Opposing team Completion PCT%

    LA Rams 64.9%

    KC.........63.2% (good for 10 best in the NFL)

    .......investing heavily in a bunch of D players maybe isn't such a good investment?

    ....but continuing on


    LA RAMS 7


    ....I don't need to explain the injries and turnover in our secondary compared to the highly paid pro bowlers the Rams have do I?

    .....The myth of the Rams defesne was just the product of playing a bunch of nobodies to start the year.


    Also...KC has played one of, if not the most brutal schedule in the NFL.


    On the ROAD at .....the Chargers, the Steelers, the Patriots, the Broncos (who have held the Chargers, Rams and Chiefs ALL to their lowest point totals of the year)


    At Home VS Jacksonville, when they were still the no.1 D.  We of course play ON THE ROAD at the Rams, still have another game VS the Chargers coming up, and also AT Seattle...plus Baltimore at home.  



  14. 2 minutes ago, Aussie Joe said:


    I think Allen should start the next 5 games if injury free..


    I agree that there is a possibility that he struggles through these games in much the same way that he did earlier in the season, but I’m going to hope he comes back second time around and things have slowed down for him a bit  against some softer teams...


    You must admit that the Schedule did him no favours earlier in the year..


    On another point that may not interest you, I would let Barkley play the last game of the season with an eye to perhaps sign him as a backup QB for next year..

    Anderson is pretty much a one year only mentor...Barkley at minimum should be allowed to compete for the 2.  I'd still bring in someone with a bit more chops than Barkley to be that mentor/keep the team in games veteran presence....I don't know if Barkley is that guy.  ...on the other hand, there really aren't any of those out there now who are going to be on the market......I kind of wonder if Bortles might be done in Jax and moving on to the "veteran backup" stage of his career next year....I suppose even if he is, he might not be ready yet to accept his fate and will want to compete for a job somewhere (like Miami or the Giants)  

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  15. Obviously I am looking forward to what Mahoems does every week, but as an observer of the Bills, and seeing your awesome D week in and week out....I am very interested to see Allen the rest of this year.  IF you have SOMETHING there, the Bills are going to be competive.....I have always said I don't think Allen can do it...but it should be fun to see IF he can...I'm rooting for him.  Would be fun if the next GeN power in the AFC was KC-BUF-CLE.  

  16. 13 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Josh Allen would doing the same exact thing in KC and Mahomes would suck here.  




    This continues to pop up from time to time...and it's about as lazy a take as there is.  Alex Smith, in his 13h NFL season, playing in this system with the SAME players, coaches, playbook ETC...couldn't put up these numbers.  I keep hearing Mahomes has a lot of schemed open targets....he DOES...so did Smith.  Mahomes does a couple things few other QB do...and if you watch a game or two of Mahomes playing..you can identify these EASILY.  1.  He scans the field.  I rarely stares down a target, and often will look one way and almost no look to a target the other way...safeties and LB's are frozen solid.  2.  When he gets flushed out of the pocket, he keeps his eyes downfield, and the arm talent shines because he can deliever strikes at distance even as he is running, and can do so throwing accross his body.  ....Mahomes clearly benefits from having a solid supporting cast....just like Alex Smith benefitted from all the same supporting cast...Buffalo would at worst be .500 with Mahomes.

  17. 5 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I both agree and disagree. I don't think Watson is elite. I don't actually think Mahomes is elite yet - his performances this season have been - but to get into that category you have to do it week in week out over a longer period. Mahomes is trending towards elite but isn't there yet. 


    Where I disagree is I do think Watson is playing like a top 10 QB and I think he is going to be a top 10 QB for a long time. I don't think he is ever likely to be Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers elite.... whereas Mahomes might be but I do think Watson can have a career playing pretty consistenly in that next tier down. The Matt Ryan / Philip Rivers type career and I think he has more natrural clutch gene about him than either of those two. 


    We aren't far off.....I'll put it this way....If the Chiefs had taken Watson, and we were getting the production out of him that he is giving Houston...most of us would be pretty happy about it....and we'd be thrilled to have drafted our own guy who would allow us to be competive for a decade or more.  Houston has the hardest part of building a team taken care of now...the QB and they will probably be able to put a contendor or two together over the coming few years.  Watson is better than a Tannehill or a Mariotta for sure....the Titans and Dolphins for example, even though they "have a QB"....they don't really "have a QB".  I hope that makes sense.  Houston certainly has a QB and they are, and should be happy with it.

  18. I really like the QBR stat as a measurement of QB play.  Watson is 16th.  That is good.  If you are Houston, you are thrilled he is your guy and you know you have that piece in place for the next decade if he stays healthy.  I can't speak for Bills fans, but I would assume many would be glad to have him....and I'd bet some would reject him as middle of the pack and happy to see what Allen becomes.  .....my only point in posting in this thread was to counter the OP who seems to think Watson is elite.  He isn't.  He is good but in the mid range of QB, not top 10.  

  19. 13 hours ago, BringBackOrton said:

    Oh boy.  I do declare the rumors of Watson's demise were greatly exaggerated.


    Here's what our beautiful boy out of Clemson is doing through 8 games:


    5-3 as a starter, 3 game-winning drives

    2389 passing yards, 10th in the NFL

    17 passing TD's (tied for 8th with Tom Brady)

    7 INT's (tied with Brady and Mahomes)

    Passer rating 100.8 (tied for 10th with Cam)


    All while being the second most sacked QB in the NFL.


    If Mahomes wasn't breaking records, Watson would be the talk of the second year QB town.  Imagine passing on two franchise QB's in one draft.  Couldn't be me.

    Watson is a decent QB thus far....but you cherry picked some stats here.  He is actually now SIX and 3 as the starter but ALL 6 of those wins have been against teams with a losing record except 5-4 Miami....at home.  3 Game winning drives?  Anyone remember the "Drive" he had after the Colts failed on 4th Down in Overtime?  Or the "drive" he had when the Cowboys decided not to go for it.....in overtime?  Impressive stuff.   Watson's last 4 yardage totals.  177,139,239.213.  He hasn't thrown for over 300 yards in a NON OVERTIME game since a week 3 loss to the Giants.  He does only have 7 INTS, but he also has substantially fewer attempts than Brady and Mahomes.  Passer Rating continues to be the single most garbage stat out there....try QBR of 60.2 Watson..good for 16th in the NFL...or exactly AVERAGE.  ....also worth mentioning Watson is 2nd in the NFL with 7 fumbles.  ...and only 1 rushing TD....Brady and Mahomes each have 2.  



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