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Posts posted by BananaB

  1. Taylor gets crucified after losses because hes a Bills QB. All the previous QBs after Kelly have taken the same ****.


    This aint about race, this is about not living up to the expectations of Bills fans. Most of us dont want mediocre, we want what will make us great.


    As far as being labeled a mobile QB because of athletic ability (color) and not considered him a pocket passer, whoever made that judgement they hit the nail on the head. Since taking over as a starter he has led the league in rushing yards for a QB. We are also 1-12 when he has to throw over 30 times.

  2. So basically, the QB who leads the league in rushing yards since his first season starting thinks hes being labeled a mobile qb because he is black. Thats funny.


    Let me guess, it has nothing to with his bottom of the league passing stats either.


    QBs get judged on throwing the ball. Thats all that really matters. Taylors running ability is a bonus and he is praised every week by the announcers for it.


    What was Johnny Football and Tim Tebow labeled? Was Taylor a pocket passer or a mobile QB in college?

  3. I stated right in my post that Brady makes WRs better. This is the goat we are talking about here though. Not too many QBs make receivers actually better. They either run good routes, get separation, and catch a football or they don't.


    Seriously, if Tom Brady had our receiving core of Holmes, Jones, Oleary, Tate and nothing but... do you honestly think he is anywhere near as dominant? I don't think its even close. Sure, he would do better than Taylor does... greatest of all time and all... but I don't think he looks anywhere near what he looks now.

    Its gonna take time, thats what im saying. Still Taylor is the leader, hes the veteran, if its gonna get better his game has to be the one that improves first. Anyone thinking we can just go get a guy and plug him in is crazy. Taylor is just getting accustomed to Clay now after 2 years. He was inconsistent with Sammy most if the time and he rarely ever used Woods. Matthews didnt really light it up before he got injured. Taylors gotta face his demons first before these WRs start making plays. Guys have been getting separation the past couple years, Taylor is just waiting for them to become completely open. He has no anticipation at all. The WRs are young and very inexperienced, its all we have though.


    Im not looking for miracles either. Our passing game has been bad the past 3 years. Actually, for a long !@#$ing time but were talking about Taylor. Id have more respect for Taylor if he was trying to make plays and making some mistakes in the process instead of always taking the easy/safe way out. Sunday the only time I seen him make a quick decision all day was on the TD pass, and it was perfect.

  4. Ok argue semantics. Point remains. Good receivers help out every QB. If they didn't then everyone would fill their roster with the Andre Holmes and the Kaelin Clays of the world. Bill Belichick wouldn't be spending a first and third round pick on Cooks.


    No not really. Gronk, Hernandez, Moss, Edelman, Welker, Cooks, Branch. Those guys are all worlds better than anyone on the Bills roster. Yes Brady can make receivers better. He is the greatest of all time, but don't downplay some of the talent the guy has had. Ive already posted his significant stat drop with just Edelman out since 2009. Its even worse with both Edelman and Gronk out. If he didn't have Cooks this year they wouldn't be very good.


    Yeah and look what happened. The Bears sucked.

    Better QBs also make WRs look good.


    Do you remember Welker in Miami? It took a few years before Edelman broke out in NE. It actually took Welker leaving. Now that Edleman is hurt, Hogan seems to be having his best start to his season. And Branch was a quality player, but he wasnt great. He really only had one big season. Never the less, these guys all got Tom Brady throwing them the ball, that makes a huge difference. They all had few years under their belt before they really started to produce.


    Our guys are all raw and have TT throwing them the ball. Taylors the veteran here, he needs to be the guy stepping up if this is gonna improve. Too much inexperience WR and a shaky QB. Like I said in the post above, seems coach wants these guys on the field learning now.

  5. They are inexperienced and need work. Zay is a rookie and Holmes and Clay from other teams looking to make a name for themselves. Not every player steps in right away and makes an immediate impact. From what I got out Of McDermotts press conference, he seems pretty happy to have these guys on the field learning and still being in position to win games.


    Having Taylor as a QB doesnt really benefit these guys. He has too suck it up and start getting these guys involved. If he throws a good ball and they dont catch it it is on them not Taylor. These are the guys he has to work with, it aint changing. This passing game is based on quick decisions, the only quick decision Taylor made Sunday was the TD pass, and it was beautiful. Start getting the ball out quicker and let them make a play instead of waiting until guys are wide open. Its the NFL, guys dont stay wide open long.

  6. 3 Years, 3 different OCs and numerous different WRs and Taylor has had these same issues throwing the ball the whole time. It aint getting better.


    To think Peterman wont struggle is ridiculous, but to think he cant offer a spark in this ****ty passing game is ridiculous also.


    I honestly dont care who starts at this point, just sick of reading all these !@#$ing excuses for Taylor. Hes in his 7th year and 3rd as a starter, all the flaws that were pointed out early in his first year with Buffslo have not improved at all. We have surpassed my expectations for this season and it has absolutely nothing to do with the way the offense is playing,


    What Bills' receiver who played today is worthy of the trust that Dalton has in AJ Green?

    On the second last play Taylor had no trust in an open WR, on the last play he threw it to a guy blanketed by 2 defenders with a safety overtop.

    Yeah the WRs arent big name proven players, but its decisions like these that make them look worse then it really is.


    Taylor holds on to the ball too long, he hesitates with his decisions and throws a lot of inaccurate passes down field. He hardly ever throws a guy open and stands in the pocket waiting for somebody to get completely open or he checks down to the safe throw. Three years, three OC, numerous WRs and the same result in the passing game. Taylor has been the one constant factor this whole time. You cant keep blaming everybody else when Tyrod HAS NOT proven he can do it either. Is it 1-12 when he throws over 30 times now? How many wins does he have when our D gives up over 20 points? How many times have we been in close games and he cant move the ball down the field in the closing minutes?


    Yesterday our D had 3 turnovers, 2 of them had good returns and set up great field position. We had a punt returned inside the Bengals redzone. 16 points is unacceptable.

  8. +3 in turnover differential till that last drive

    Their 2 starting cornerbacks injured.

    Defense is stacking the box trying to stop the run.


    This sounds like a recipe for a really good outing from Taylor, but he just failed to produce anything.


    Tyrod is somewhere between bad and mediocre. For a mobile quarterback, he gets sacked an awful lot. He isn't a great passer, doesn't often see the open receiver. He isn't clutch in the fourth quarter. His best attribute is that he doesn't throw interceptions (aka doesn't lose the game for you).


    Accepting Tyrod's play is accepting mediocrity

    This is bang on. Great post.

  9. If Taylor is the problem then Peterman might help. If the problem is the O-line, receivers or run game, then changing QB isn't going to help much, is it?

    Taylor has had numerous different WRs, 3 different coordinators. The passing game has been bad all 3 years. Peterman looked like he made better decisions and processed things better in preseason. The change may come with more mistakes, but it still may be a better option then what we are watching. Ive said this in another post, sometimes its like Tyrod doesnt even know the routes these guys are running, hes just sitting in the pocket waiting for a guy to get completely open. There were times today where Taylor had loads of time to throw the ball and he stands still until hes flushed out or takes a sack. Whats he waiting for? the routes are in place. How come none of the WRs get the ball when they come out of their breaks? Its the NFL, guys arent open all the time, you need to trust the play and make the throw. All offseason people said this was a quick decision offense in which the QB needs to get the ball out with anticipation. I dont see any of this with Taylor?

  10. I dont think Taylor played well but he didnt drop passes, take holding penalties, allow the Bengals to score on long pass plays, ect. The whole offense sucked. I dont think another QB would have made a huge difference. Play calling is too conservative and the offensive line isnt getting it done.

    Taylor hardly gives these guys opportunities. He has little to no anticipation at all. When do we see WRs getting the ball out of their breaks? When do you see him give guys a chance while in man on man coverage? When do you see him climb the pocket and throw the ball?


    You cant expect these WRs to improve and gain confidence if they hardly ever see the ball. I agree everybody has made mistakes, but so has Tyrod. Seems everybody want to make excuses for Tyrod and pu the blame on all his teammates. If Tyrod played better himself, all these guys might be doing better also. Taylor is the guy taking the snaps, hes making the decisions, hes throwing the ball.


    Zay was targeted 3 times today. Bad drop, nice catch and bad throw. How does he gain confidence after that? How do any of our WRs gain confidence if they hardly ever see the ball?

    This hasnt been just this season, this has been a problem every year. The players keep changing but the results are the same with Taylor.

  11. Nver had back to back wins like the last two weeks, since the 90's. A healthy offense today and the Bills are 4-1.

    Any other QB then Taylor and we may be 5-0. In our 2 losses our offense combined for 19 points while our defense gave up a combined 29. Thats great work by the D and terrible work by the offense. You can blame the WRs all you want, they arent doing well. At the same time the QB rarely attempts to throw them the ball, never has. Until Taylor starts giving these guys more opportunities they will continue to struggle because they hardly see the ball.


    Our offense has not been asked to do much at all this season thanks to our defense.

  12. Do I need to remind you who Peterman would have to be throwing to?


    Without Charles Clay, he would be throwing to the worst group of receivers in the NFL.


    Is it even fair to evaluate any QB in that situation?


    Need I remind you this is a team sport?


    Most good QBs in the NFL have a solid group of receivers and/or a dominant receiver (AJ Green) that can make 2 plays that will decide a game.


    Sammy Watkins was finally healthy this season and Tyrod could have finally had a premium receiver that he could depend on being in the lineup every week.


    But the Bills got rid of that for what looks like a very low first 2nd round pick.... because the LA RAms are playoff bound (and the Chiefs are the best team in the NFL too)

    Might be a sorry looking group, but if Peterson can anticipate plays better it may help these guys out. Watching Tyrod, it makes me think he doesnt even know the routes these guys are running sometimes. Like hes just waiting for someone to break free and be completely open.
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