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Posts posted by BananaB

  1. Watkins and TT were one of the best duos in the NFL in 2015, when Watkins was healthier. Bottom five receiving corps would he harder for any QB.



    There were also games where Watkins walked off the field with very little targets also. Games where Sammy only had a couple touches. Robert Woods proved against Seattle last year when you use him he can be very successful, but it's TT distributing the ball. Woods was rarely targeted while on the field the past 2 seasons. This isn't just a WR thing, it's a Taylor thing. Clay has proven when you throw him the ball he is a quality player and it looks like Taylor might be finally starting to realize that. But for most of the first 2 seasons, Clay was also underused. That's 3 quality guys that were underused while on the field with Taylor. We had injuries, that sucks, but Sammy himself said on film guys are running open and not getting the ball..


    Yeah take a look who was on the field. Has even two receivers played in more than back to back games together last year? We went into a game featuring a busted up Woods, Powell, and Easley as starters. It was pathetic. 2015 he did a fine job getting receivers the ball.

    Had nothing to do with who was on the field, its been like that since he started here. Even when we had our guys in at times they were rarely used. Sammy complained about it a couple times. When he was injured he told the media, on film guys are running open but not getting the ball thrown to them.... It's been a problem since Taylor has been here. It's good he is starting to use Clay, but how long will it last?


    Taylor had a decent game Sunday, not great. Not anywhere near what some people are making it out to be.... He's also had many games like this over the past couple years, it's when we need him to rise up and play better he can't get it done. Hopefully he improves but considering he's in his 7th year and we are seeing little to know improvements after almost 2 full season starting, I have my doubts. We'll see what Sunday brings, he's got a tougher matchup and is gonna have to raise his game for us to get the W.

  3. Yeah because Taylor has never thrown to receivers before. This was answered a few times in pc's. Taylor attacked the weak portion of the defense. Maybe another week has strong linebacker play but weak corners. Guess where he'll go.


    Taylor goes outside to receivers for two years and people say he can't hit the TE. Taylor hits TE RB and WR in middle of the field and now your worried he can't hit a receiver. Smh.

    Our WRs have lacked targets a lot over the past 2 years.

  4. So 1 week is enough to determine that we'll be out of the hunt with Taylor's play, but too small a sample to judge the rest of the league?

    One week is enough to know we need better out of him if we are going to compete with the better teams around the NFL and our schedule is pretty difficult. We'll see what Sunday brings.

  5. His rating? How about nearly any relevant stat?


    16th in Passing Yards

    6th in Yards per Attempt

    12th in Total Yards

    9th in Yards per Touch

    9th in TD%

    T-18th in TO%

    12th in Passer Rating

    It was one game against one of the worst teams league, what's so hard to understand about that? Where does Tom Brady land in all these categories right now? Kind of a small sample don't ya think. There were a few of the better QBs in this league who struggled this weekend, and lower level QBs that surprised people. Bradford, Goff, Simien. I wouldn't put Taylor on that list of one of the guys who surprised anybody.


    All I'm saying is there was nothing great about Taylors performance on Sunday. We played a bad opponent and his performance was average at best. The fact that he targeted our WRs 6 times really has me worried about some games ahead of us.

  6. Yeah. Tough to keep up when you're getting top 12 QB performance in the league...

    Those two one yard TD passes were so spectacular and had nothing to with bumping up his rating. Our WR group was targeted 6 times. A lot of safe throws that won't get us anywhere against a quality opponent.

  7. Only thing I noticed is he has started to use Clay and he is throwing the ball away more.


    Guys still have to be wide open for him to throw them the ball. On Matthews big catch and run he was waiving his arms trying to get noticed.


    A lot of safe throws as usual, our WRs were targeted 6 times if you take away all the throw aways. I'm alittle curious to see how many WRs around the NFL were targeted more then our entire WR group. That's the same old Tyrod. Sammy has complained about guys not getting targeted, and not just himself.


    He doesn't move up in the pocket to throw, once he has to move forward he's looking to get out of the pocket. Seen it numerous times the other day. Probably part of the reason why our WRs lack targets.


    Lastly, we had the ball late in the half and we ended up punting. Hes struggled in these situations since day 1 Buffalo and has shown little to no improvement at all. Good teams win games in these situations mainly because of the QB play.


    This was just another unspectacular win against a below average opponent. A win is a win, I'm happy about that, but Taylor game still need much improvement for us to compete against quality opponents

  8. I think you should at least wait to see how they look in September. Throwing in the towel in April is wacky

    I've been waiting for years not just a few months. Nothing has changed.... Over the past 15 years have we ever really did a full blown rebuild. Yeah, we jumped on a couple QBs too early and hoped they made the difference. But never unloaded guys, stock pile picks and took steps back to get a guy we know will make a difference. I want change. And by that I mean I want to be a playoff team, I think that could be done quicker if we take some steps back instead of doing the same **** we always do. We gotta realistic about actually making the playoffs with this team, we are basically playing a 14 game schedule. Pats own the AFC East and that isn't changing as long as Brady is behind center.

  9. Are you going to watch any games this year?

    I'd watch them regardless, even if they were tanking.... I also told my brother in law I'd buy his plane ticket for his birthday if he wanted to go see the Saints game in Buffalo.


    I'm not turning my back on them, just think we got to stop planning for next season. Instead plan for longer down the line to have a better outcome.

  10. We let quality players go and let better teams add them to their roster.... This ain't the first time this has happened, it's been going on for years. Its funny we don't think Hogan, Gilmore and Gillislee are worth the pay but the Super Bowl Champs do. Does that make sense to anybody?


    How much money to we have invested in RBs with McCoy and Taylor? Taylor nothing more then a glorified RB, when you need him to throw he can't do it. Yeah, it makes sense not pay Gillislee but letting him go to the Pats is gonna come back and bite us in the ass.


    Playing the Pats/Brady twice a year basically means we have a 14 game schedule. We won't get to the playoffs until we real QB, it's that simple. Our D is not gonna carry us either is our run game. We need a QB who can win close games with his arm, until we get it we will continue be a middle of the pack team.

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