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Everything posted by dma0034

  1. Ravens defense is elite. Their offense isn't as great as they seem. Bills would gave to play a clean game and Josh would have to take all the ding and dunk plays.
  2. Idk.... seems to me that whoever Chubb's coach is should have pulled Chubb
  3. Bengals have 12 more minutes in ToP. As much as I want the Bills to clinch a playoff spot this week.... I would also love the Chiefs to lose this week and next and not make the playoffs
  4. I mean... they're idiots but that's why they dislike Milano. I hope the Dolphins pay Tua. I hope he's 55 million a year. Dude is trash
  5. Absolutely awful for the Dolphins. Lose a player in garbage time. Chubb may be out all of next year too. Huge huge huge loss before your biggest game of the season They think that Milano is a dirty player who concussed Tua the year before
  6. Best case scenerio is the Broncos win the AFC West right? That would be hilarious
  7. As a Bills fan I wonder what a Defensive Hold while you're on Offense feels like
  8. Yeah I think he was extending to get the first. It looks like he looked to see where he was and the extended his arm. If the Pats defender wasn't there he probably picks up the first. Allen wasn't accurate at all today, especially in the first half. Kept the game extremely close. Allen has a game like that the rest of the year and the Bills will lose
  9. Browns have beat them and can so again. Bills have also played Lamar Jackson well throughout his career.
  10. You and the Eagles have the best 1 yard ToGo play in the game and you don't do it? Terrible
  11. Notable Murray plays today: dropped a First Down catch on 3rd and 2. Gained 0 yards on a 3rd and 1 rush
  12. Calling for the delay of game for a few seconds and then they miss and all of a sudden delay of game. Ofcourse
  13. Man... why is Murray starting over Fournette again?
  14. Allen underthrew that massively there. His accuracy is an issue today
  15. I mean... Jerry Hughes is still the best. Diggs pick ended up being Justin Jefferson
  16. I get the Bills were 12 point favorites but so much was working against them and for the Chargers. Chargers got blown out on a national televised game. They had extra rest and fired their coach (which provides a spark for teams). Bills had short rest (one day early) and had to travel across the country which has hurt plenty of teams. Then they lose the turnover battle 3-0 and started slow. After the 1st Quarter the Bills started to move the ball pretty easy but the turnovers helped propel the Chargers. I fully expect the Bills to win by double digits over the Patriots
  17. It's kinda like WAR in baseball. Vs the average starter Allen nets 3.9 points more per game. Which is .8 more than Hurts in 2nd place.
  18. Probably in order: Ravens, Browns, Chiefs I'd rather not play teams with good defenses. And before someone chimes in with the Dolphins have a good defense since Jaylen Ramsey has come back: I say: Aiden O'Connell, Tim Boyle, Sam Howell, Will Levis, Trevor Siemian, and Finally Dak Prescott.
  19. I think in place of one of those losses if the Colts and Texans both lose.
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