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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. And while we're at it, the league needs to step in and mandate 2 weeks of rehab for Stafford's tennis elbow, for his own safety of course.
  2. And why do you have this "feeling"? Do you have sort of knowledge the coaches and medical staff don't? They're mulling over if they will even need to PUP him for 4 weeks, and you're just writing him off for 7 because...?
  3. I thought maybe like a 4.35 40 while looking like he's doing a 4.45 40.
  4. I'm too sore and tired to think, someone explain the 35 in a 45 thing to me.
  5. Oh good. I never wish for or celebrate injuries for our opponents, but I'd begrudgingly accept the advantage...
  6. They looked to be getting tons of pressure. The Broncos QBs just kept dumping it off quick just to get rid of it before a sack. Can't do much when you have 0.8 seconds to get to the QB before they panic and dump it off. I call that a win.
  7. Yes, the average depiction of Chiefs/Patriots/Dolphins fans these days on Twitter.
  8. The 13 seconds thing doesn't even bother me, it's boring at this point being regurgitated by every troll at every opportunity WELL long after the point of no longer being relevant. It's like if you still ran around screaming I'M PICKLE RIIIIICK thinking it's still hip with the kids.
  9. Outside of his pair of 1 yard TD runs, Moss averaged 8.5 yards per rush. Outside of his 2 yard TD run, Duke Johnson averaged 6.6 yards per rush (including one being stopped at 8 yards cuz another TD). As a team we averaged 7.7 yards per rush, thanks to Barkley bringing down the average with 1 rush for a 1 yard loss. We are freaking spoiled if these are our worst RB performers out of 5.
  10. All Bills RBs had 4+ carries, and Zack Moss was the only one not to average 5+ yards per rush 😡... ... ... ... ...because he was handed the ball twice on the 1 yard line which he effortlessly waltzed in for scores, lowering his average. Established as goal line back? *edit* In fact, he was the only one not to average at least 6.1 yards, and one of only two (Duke Johnson who also had 2 TDs) not to average at least 9.5 yards.
  11. What gets me about people hyping up Jones as a franchise/MVP QB is the example I use from the playoff game. Jones and Allen had nearly identical plays with opposite results. Jones got picked off by Hyde because his noodle arm needs to give deep passes hangtime to get distance, Josh fired his 10 more air yards with less hangtime for a wide open TD. That's the difference between Pro Bowl (alternate) and All Pro. Jones will likely be successful to a degree, but never elite. *edit* Even last week when he had that one "great" deep pass to the sideline, I was half expecting Hyde to appear at the last moment with how long that hung in the air. That play was all on the WR doing well and DB shortcomings, not on Jones' skill.
  12. You make a ton of assumptions for someone who has no idea what the playcalls or read progressions were. Could have been practicing plays to set up for field goals. Chill yo negative ass out.
  13. Mitch talked about how different things were in Buffalo re: QB development and coaching, so I'm not going to hold a past against him after a few years of Bills coaching if they have trust in him.
  14. A couple missed arm tackles? (Ticky tack) penalties? I dunno, I'm having to stretch here. What a feeling. 16/18 for 192 yards and a TD, and passed the eye test? Yes. Oh wait you're the negative guy nevermind.
  15. I mean Keenum already proved himself...
  16. I believe it's called a "good problem to have" since Barkley also looked good last week.
  17. Moorman was my first jersey for a reason...
  18. I love how they're still going for a TD. Practice how you play.
  19. I wasn't paying attention, moving forward at the snap? I thought I heard that.
  20. ***** Crowder. Not making a good case to be a starter or even on the roster.
  21. Holy crap Johnson trying to get his receiver killed.
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