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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. And there's also reports saying she was telling people she was in college, not high school.
  2. As much as that sucks it happened to you, I guess I'm in agreement I'm being glad it was you rather than her. But your story is why I'm so dubious about these claims she was roofied and somehow remembers just enough to implicate him. There is close to zero chance a recollection of him after their consensual encounter would be clear enough whether or not he was involved. As I've said she -probably- was raped, but the evidence just isn't there yet to say if he was involved (and I don't -think- he was based on the timeline so far).
  3. As I've posted, I've had a friend who was nearly charged with rape based on nothing other than petty teenage girls wanting to break up with him and make him look bad, and had an uncle serve time for false rape charges (it was actually a different uncle who did it) based solely on a petty family grudge. Both sets of accusers privately admitted the claims were false, so I personally have direct experience false rape claims absolutely do happen. The perceived seriousness of the claims have no logical bearing on the truth of the claim.
  4. Yeah I think it is highly likely she was raped. But I also think it's entirely possible she's misremembering things and her brain is falsely tying him to the rape in a desperate bid to make sense of a traumatic and chaotic thing that happened to her. She so clearly remembers having sex with him, but then details only get fuzzy after so she wasn't roofied (if she was) until after his involvement. Again, it's also possible he WAS involved in the rape, but from what I'm seeing there isn't any evidence of that yet. Would be really strange for him to roofie her only AFTER having sex with her, that's like begging to be caught because her sex with you would be the one thing she's most likely to remember.
  5. As far as I know, a journal written after the fact is no better than a standard written statement. They're often used to make someone seem more genuine and relatable, but all it really is is just a personal statement made off the record. It is not evidence like he's trying to make it seem.
  6. What about my comment is why "a lot of victims do not come forward"? I'm not going to apologize for understanding the rule of law and innocent until proven guilty. I've said a dozen times he should be BURIED UNDER THE PRISON if guilty, but the first day after the accusation is not the time to already be lynching the guy without evidence. Cutting him and ruining his life even if he's innocent sets a terrible precedent on an incredibly slippery slope. I've had friends and family who were raped, as well as friends and family who were falsely accused of rape. Again, I'm not going to apologize for being objective and reasonable. Emotions (ESPECIALLY so soon after the public accusation) don't trump law and reason.
  7. Yeah, and sometimes people lie or are mistaken and misremember details after a traumatic event. Maybe, considering the claims she was roofied, she only remembered having sex with Araiza before getting roofied, and then her brain incorrectly assumed he was involved in the rape and pieced together a false memory she convinced herself was true. It happens all the time. WE DON'T KNOW. It's possible she's 100% true, it's possible she's 100% false. WE DON'T KNOW.
  8. Single. Accusation. Far different than dozens of cases establishing a documented pattern of predatory behavior. I could easily make a single unfounded accusation that you committed war crimes and raped orphans. Hey, you were accused of a SUPER HORRIBLE THING, so you HAVE to lose your job and have your life ruined, right?
  9. The alleged incident happened in college, and I'm told outside the jurisdiction of what the NFL can act on. They can't suspend him for alleged conduct that occurred before he was ever an employee of theirs or subject to their CBA. As for the statutory rape charge, as much as people want it to be, it's not that black and white. Sure it is irresponsible of him to be sleeping with random girls, but "she lied about her age" IS a defense in California. I am no making no claims about which one is lying (only that ONE of them is, or is at least mistaken), but it is entirely possible he honestly believed she was of legal age and that she is lying to not look bad, or even to ruin his life for whatever reason or get a payout. Girls who go to parties and get underage drunk and have sex with random men are also the type to carry false IDs, so we don't know. There's also been numerous high profile false rape claims against student athletes. Again, none of this is to say she's lying, but in my opinion more than sufficiently qualifies as a situation to hold off on the lynching until the facts come out.
  10. I should reiterate that if he is guilty as claimed, BURY HIM UNDER THE PRISON WITH SEVERAL HIGH VELOCITY LEAD SUPPLEMENTS ADDED TO HIS LAST MEAL. But I just remembered that's not the only false rape claim I've been close to. I actually as an adult lived with an uncle who had served time for allegedly raping my sister. He didn't do it, because it was my other uncle who raped her, but they (including my mom being in on the false claim) couldn't pin it on the one who actually did it, it's complicated. They did however have this long standing grudge against the other uncle, and for some reason were more able to trump up false evidence against him that seemed stronger than the real evidence against the real guilty one, so they went with that instead. The guilty one had already been charged with bad crimes in the past and was widely known as a scumbag so I guess that had a factor in it too since his life was already ruined. The thing is my mom, despite holding til this day that this falsely accused uncle did it, seemed fine with me later living with him because she knew I knew the truth. For the record he accepted a plea deal to a relatively minor charge because he saw how vigorous the prosecution was going on it and decided to get it over with because the people he cared about knew he was innocent. So yeah, I'm a bit sensitive to false rape claims. It really worries me to see so many people going "even if 100% innocent, cut him anyways". Complete lack of empathy and I 100% guarantee their tones change if they were to suddenly have false charged laid against them or someone they care about.
  11. I was mostly addressing the mentions that she had been or possibly had been roofied, not being generally drunk. If you're drunk and THEN roofied, that is DEFINITELY something you don't just wake up coherent from in only 2 hours. Just drunk, sure maybe it's possible to snap out of like that for a bit.
  12. Part of the reason I'm a little more innocent until proven guilty in this case is that I've personally had a friend nearly ruined because of a false rape claim. I'm not saying he is innocent, but I can't stand the mob lynching at the drop of a hat on just the accusation. So it really bugs me to see people say false rape claims never happen. I've personally had to intervene and shut down a false rape claim against my best friend by a female friend of mine he was dating. Both her and my ex (her best friend) were literally set to go to the police the next day with her mom to both file false rape claims against him, after already admitting to me it was bogus and they were just doing this because they were angry at him and wanted a way to break up with him and not look bad. I knew they both only dated him (and another friend of mine) because it was actually me they liked and knew they could spend time with me through my friends, so I made it clear to them that ruining my best friend's life with these false claims would 100% forever make me hate them and want nothing to do with them other than vigorously pursuing charges against them for false claims. That was enough to get them to back off and not go through with pressing charges. The worst part is the mom knew the claims were false and was encouraging them to go through with it anyways, I think out of some general hatred for men from her divorce.
  13. You generally don't just "sober up" from date rape drugs like that. If she was sedated enough to cause unconsciousness, she's not coherent until the morning at least. These drugs are known to cause amnesia of the event (which is part of why they're used), so it's highly unlikely she's roofied into unconsciousness, and then just snaps out of it with full clarity to be telling her friends.
  14. I 100% guarantee your stance on that changes if you or someone close to you ever gets falsely accused of a serious crime. I don't care if it's an All Pro QB, "just a punter", the waterboy, or a homeless man in the street, innocent is innocent and you don't ruin their life over a single unproven allegation. Are you seriously going to tell me you're fine giving up your job or life's work if I were to randomly make a claim against you?
  15. Yeah nothing I've read indicated in any way he knowingly gave her an STD. It is completely reasonable to recommend someone who is sexually active as a teen or recently been physical with several strangers (consensual or not) to get tested. As a younger man I had an on again off again gf who was very mature and responsible when it came to sex, and would get tested after EVERY new partner or if she had even the slightest inkling of suspicion a partner might have cheated on her. So hearing that he recommended she get tested after a sexual encounter with several men in one night sounds like a completely mundane thing to me.
  16. I hope you never serve on a jury, because you are literally wrong in the "under any circumstances, even if she lied" bits.
  17. That says nothing. It isn't a quote from him, or even imply that he gave her an STD. She just had sexual contact with several people, it's not a crazy thing to suggest they get tested in general.
  18. Not as much of one as you assume. All it necessarily tells is that he had sex with her. He already admitted to that. It doesn't necessarily tell that he raped her.
  19. Where does it say he knowingly gave her an STD? Admitting to having sex with someone is not inherently illegal, neither is recommending someone get tested after having had sex (consensual or not) with multiple people.
  20. In a state famous for their strict to the point of being ridiculous statutory rape laws. If you are literally one day older than your girlfriend when you turn 18, birthday sex, by law, makes you a rapist.
  21. No specific law, but it is still recognized. Re: Romeo and Juliet exception (again, from ACTUAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS): "However, be aware that this is a limited exception that does not exempt the defendant from a criminal charge but merely reduces the conduct from a felony to a misdemeanor offense. The conduct is still illegal, but someone protected by this exception could incur smaller fines and reduced jail time. Note that this is an exception applied in all circumstances in California, so it is not considered a 'law' in the sense that it must be argued in court."
  22. The defense firm based in California that has articles on their website about statutory rape including possible defenses to charges, that I'm referencing from, says otherwise.
  23. Being 17 doesn't automatically make a statutory rape charge stick in California. If she is lying (and I'm not saying she is) about him knowing her age/telling him her age beforehand, that is a defense.
  24. No Romeo and Juliet exception? I have a tab open right now from a Californian defense firm website specifically talking about how there is one and how it works there.
  25. Let me start off by saying that if the allegations are true, he deserves to be buried under the prison. But the phone call that "does not look good" for him? Hypothetically if he was innocent, and she's suddenly asking weirdly pointed questions about their encounter over the phone when you know an investigation had already been opened, I don't blame even an innocent man to be having massive alarms screaming "SHUT YOUR MOUTH SAY NOTHING FUTHER TO HER" in his head. Innocent or not, YOU DO NOT TALK TO POLICE, and it's not unreasonable to assume she was being directed by police on that call. Police/investigators are very good at getting even innocent people they have their sights on to say things that could be twisted and construed into being evidence against them. Talking to police, even if you are 100% innocent, can LITERALLY do nothing to help you. As for statutory rape in California, their laws are kind of insane. I don't have much to say about this case in that regard because she has to prove she was telling the truth in that he knew she was under 18, but their law is ridiculous. You and your girlfriend could both be 17 in California, with your gf being exactly 1 day younger than you. Every day you have sex and it's apparently perfectly fine. That is, until your 18th birthday, AND ONLY ON THAT SPECIFIC DAY, it is suddenly illegal to have sex with her. Then the next day she also turns 18, and all is good again. The "Romeo and Juliet exception" would reduce your punishment, but there would still be a charge.
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