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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. "Your wife told me that you penis is this big".
  2. Think about this for a second.......... The Buffalo Bills have made the playoffs exactly four times in their NFL history WITHOUT Thurman on the roster. Let that sink in.
  3. Archie is calling him “One dumb Pollack” as we speak.
  4. A message to the Trump hating morons........ Don Meredith is singing the song he used to famously sing at the end of Monday Night games when it comes to this idiotic Russian probe. He could be singing his infamous song as it pertains to the freedoms of all the key players on the left who tried to sabotage Trump from the second he announced his candidacy, Trump called it when he tweeted it out that he was spied on and dumb Trump hating MFers laughed it off (including Trump hating idiot Don Lemon spearheading the resistant lunacy).
  5. The Jets not having any interest in Allen can only mean good things for the Bills. If there is a team that is worse at evaluating QB's than the Bills............ it's the Jets.
  6. And I bet the Republican Party thanks God for Schiff for brains, Cryin Chuck and Skeletor.
  7. Can we all FINALLY agree that the higher ranks in our justice departments under Obozo was as corrupt as the day was long. The hated Trump to no end and totally abused their powers because they were SO SURE that Killary was going to win.......... and all the criminality would be easily swept under the rug with no one being any of the wiser. Pretty damn obvious to even a political know-nothing like me.
  8. Looks like just another case of the AUTHORITIES failing, not gun laws. But you know these people will continue their stupid gun rhetoric and hold more Town Hall's bashing Dana Loesch and the NRA.
  9. You think that will stop people who want to take away your rights to own a gun?
  10. It would be a lot easier for the MSM to just admit it to everyone that they hate Trump and will do everything in their power to get him out of office. Their admittance would put a lot to bed, but if they do admit it, it will KILL ratings. And despite everyone in MSM hating Trump, his approval ratings right now are higher than Obama’s ever was and it’s driving the liberal media into a tizzy. Imigane if the media was just “FAIR” with Trump.
  11. What comes around, goes around. This porn lawyer gets creepier by the second and is being exposed as the complete fraud that he is.
  12. Was FOX as tough on Obama as the rest of MSM is on Trump? To be honest, politics was a COMPLETE bore for me before Trump. Love him or hate him, Trump is hardly a bore. Again, was FOX every bit as bad to Obama or am I over exaggerating it?
  13. Trump calls the MS13 gang members animals, and yet, leave it to the MSM to COMPLETELY twist it around to say that Trump said that all immigrants are animals. And people in the MSM wonder why the American public hates them............ unless you are a Trump-hating irrational twitt that loves the way the morons in MSM spins it.
  14. Love him, hate him, or indifferent......... Hannity’s show tonight will do its best ratings ever as viewers will wait for the “I told you so”.
  15. In other words......... There are people who are about to be Seth Rich’ed. Of course, the dirt bags in MSM, who are protecting these criminals, for whatever reason, are going to spin Horowitz as some right wing hack.......... all along knowing he was an Obama appointee.
  16. Congressman are pressing Mueller to produce evidence in 30 days and/or end the Russian probe. About damrn time.
  17. Tucker Carlson just beat down a New Mexican politician on his campaign. F--- the NRA and an AR15 can fire 150 rounds in 15 seconds was his campaign ad. And people wonder why no one takes Democrats seriously.
  18. You just don't know with players. Which is why I always say take the wait and see approach. Foster will get his chance Allen Hurns made his mark at UDFA in 2014 on a terrible Jacksonville WR corps. So, who knows.
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