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Everything posted by thunderingsquid

  1. I was thinking the same thing. I also thought that once they start teaching him "the patriot way" of holding and dodging PI calls his play will improve.
  2. Love the signing, love the short yardage bowling balls if used correctly. Just no JUMBO PACKAGE please.
  3. Wow. He and his agent will find out what the market will BEAR I guess.
  4. Agreed. Rex tried to do too much and a lot of players talked about the complexity. You can confuse the offense with schemes and looks but in the end you have to be in position, match up and block and tackle.
  5. Agreed. Who has a tv and couches in their break room let alone Madden?
  6. I tried but must have checked the wrong box or not checked the right box.
  7. Soooo...are you a Cardale guy or are you rooting for us to get someone in the draft and if so who's your guy?
  8. This is a big signing, I though it would be worth a poll to see where we are all at as a whole. That's what I'm afraid of. I hope things are different here.
  9. Wait (I think) for the poll. I'm in favor of it just based on the TD to INT ratio and low turnover ratio alone. I am heavily in favor of us looking at a QB in this draft, though. I'd also like to see how he progresses under a different OC and system and hopefully an improved defensive scheme.
  10. I have my Juszczyk jersey parked in my Fan Shop shopping cart ready to go.
  11. I have my Juszczyk jersey parked in my Fan Shop shopping cart ready to go. I have my Juszczyk jersey parked in my Fan Shop shopping cart ready to go.
  12. We don't know this for sure. But someone to compete with Cardale would be nice. Low risk like Peterman would be my dream scenario.
  13. I don't trust rappaport, he's only right 1/4 of the time. I doubt they are Duff's and I doubt he ate them. I think they signed with their old team and took a pay cut. Can never trust rappaport.
  14. Williams then Davis then Ross. Also Al Davis isn't around anymore to draft him 2 rounds too early
  15. So true. I'd be in favor of any primetime game anywhere ... if we win.
  16. I'd like to see a writeup on Marcus Williams S Utah. A lot of mocks have him going to us in Rd 2.
  17. I like OP's theory about playing the Bengals. I just hate watching us on national tv because of the outcome. We always do just enough to keep it close and then...Dallas happens...or Seattle happens...or Cleveland happens. Heartbreakers are by definition hard on the ticker.
  18. Wasn't there some sort of examination of the teams that are more apt to trading down are more successful and the ones that trade up are less? I'm thinking the Pats and Ravens and Steelers trade down and the Jags and Browns are more apt to trade up. Wouldn't surprise me but it makes so much sense that you are getting more and more value long term even if you parlay them into going and reaching for a guy every once in a while as you cash in your picks...occasionally.
  19. Williams is a baller and reminds me of Anquan Boldin. He would be a perfect compliment to Sammy when healthy.
  20. Yeah, this went from a playoff thread to Brady being hit with sex toys to Tyrod to all the Pat's dream team free agents. I think we will have a chance when we commit to a QB and start fighting fire with fire and go full Ernie Adams on the rest of the AFCE.
  21. LOL. Yeah, Williams would be great but only if we're pretty sure Tyrod is coming back. Otherwise I'd be looking QB.
  22. Yes, we saw a lot of Luke out here and he's really good it's just there was not a lot of 4th quarter killer instinct that I saw. Thoughts?
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