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Posts posted by Success

  1. I hate this current direction without a rebuild. I want to tank, as that would give me slight optimism for the future... However, 7-9 purgatory looks like goal of this team.

    I never understand why people think intentionally tanking is any kind of answer. For one high draft pick? Not try for an entire season? Insane to me.


    They're running it perfectly. They're set up well to compete this year, especially if Taylor plays well. If he doesn't and they do go 7-9, they have an extra 1st and can maneuver up into a higher pick if they want to.

  2. Definitely optimistic this year. I think McD is exactly what this already talented team needs.


    Everyone talks about what the Pats have added. The Bills are adding at least 6-7 guys who can be big difference makers. Ragland, Hyde, Lawson finally getting a full season. Watkins back to full health, with Zay being a legit #2 and a guy I see as more versatile and dangerous than Woods. White might be a downgrade talent-wise, but I would bet that he won't have as many lapses as Gilmore. Dawkins will upgrade the line and bring some nasty attitude. And I think that new punter will even work out - Schmidt had some very bad games last year. Field position battles can determine games.


    I can't wait to see a more disciplined, focused team. I love that we're close to last in some of the power rankings. I think this team is going to surprise a lot of people.

  3. When I think of guys on a national level who have really supported this team, I think of him and Russert.


    Not that it matters - terrible thing to happen to anyone. But it's like family in a way. Thoughts and prayers to Chris and the rest of their family and friends.

  4. Do you really think the trick shot video is what got him drafted?


    I have absolutely no idea how good Peterman is going to be......a lot of people predict him to be a career backup.....but there are also some that say he might have the longest NFL career then any of the qbs drafted this year.

    I think I read that Peterman was the only guy Belichick looked at this year.


    I am not some sort of college expert - but it's weird that he dropped to th 5th. He has literally everything you want except for arm strength.


    And the one thing I do know is that nfl teams overvalue arm strength. So many busts over the years.

  5. This team was right on the cusp when Marrone left.


    It's hard to overstate how negatively Rex's incompetence affected things. Lack of discipline, late subs, confusion. 10 guys on the field for the most important play last season. Such a mess.


    I think people are underestimating how good this team can be if McD is as good as we all hope he'll be. In the AFC, I think we have as good a shot at the playoffs as any team not named patriots.


    I was disappointed in Darby last year but you are right about Rex. I'm sure you remember how much of a " fan " I was of good ole Rexy. It could have been a case of schemes in regards to Darby...he still has the athletic attributes to be a very good CB.....

    Oh, yeah - you were spot on. You knew right away. I was snowed because he took Sanchez to 2 afccg's, but those look incredibly flukey now.


    I just remember Darby as a rookie, and I don't think that was flukey. Really consistent, aggressive play. I feel like the whole secondary took a step back last year. That is one area I feel pretty confident McD can get back on track.

  7. No second thought-he was more then decent for this team. He was a very good change of pace back for McCoy. We lost another good player. this team doesn't have enough good starters much less good depth.

    Honestly, Williams has the potential to be better and more versatile, and to carry a full load if Shady misses time. He was great in college.


    The Bills have had all kinds of issues over the years, but developing RB's isn't one of them.

  8. The Bills are still a 7-8 win team. But I think the Pegulas have taken big steps in the right direction this offseason.


    They didn't have the lead in the SB. They seem to always come up with a big play on defense when they need it.

    Nothing happens unless Brady is there.


    Not only does the defense stay inspired because they have seen Brady come back so many times, but it's in the head of opposing teams also. If Atlanta was playing anyone else, they probably win that game going away.


    And it all supports the point: signing MG doesn't all of a sudden change the kind of player MG was and is. He's a decent back. We shouldn't have even a 2nd thought about losing a guy like that.


    Unless you think that no good team should ever lose a decent player, which is ludicrous.

  9. Their defense is no illusion.

    They have great cb's now, but their pass rush isn't great. Their D is a great example of having the best coach and qb. When has BB ever fielded a bad defense?


    And having Brady has always helped that unit enormously. He keeps opposing offenses off the field, and makes them one dimensional by building leads.

  10. ??


    The best run organization in all of sports at the current moment gave him a nice contract.


    And he was a very good player here so what is your point about nobody knowing who he was before the Bills signed him?

    I wish we would stop talking about the pats like everything they do is pure gold.


    They win because they have the greatest qb and HC in history. It tends to make everything look good They had Troy Brown playing CB and still made a deep playoff run. They made Hogan a star.

  11. Why are fans still wringing their hands over MG?


    "Dime a dozen" is used too much for backs, but he truly is a dime a dozen kind of guy. Love his burst, but he's really not some sort of special player.


    We have the cap. They could have made him one of the higher paid #2's, but they didn't.


    And so what? Williams was a beast in college and would have been a high rounder if not for his injury. I doubt we miss a beat in the running game.

  12. It's not a rebuild?


    Well, lets look at some facts, Jack...........


    1) we've got a 1st time HC

    2) we've got a 1st time GM

    3) the scouting dept. was blown-up

    4) we barely have a mediocre team to hit the field each week

    5) we've got arguably the toughest schedule we've had in years

    6) we'll be lucky to pull out 6 wins this season

    7) we'll be the Pats door mats yet again this year

    8) the guy who somewhat had a say in this years draft was fired the next day

    9) we're desperately in need of cap room re-structuring


    ...........not a rebuild, you say?


    Shameful...........just shameful.


    After the first 3 points, this list falls apart.

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