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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Some point or other it will be, but it could turn out to be an update that yourself and many others get disappointed. Kinda like how that Ertz thread dragged on and eventually the update was him not signing with Bills
  2. But maybe you were a few minutes too late and just missed him?
  3. I could be wrong, but didn't Stevie do/post something similar last season regarding a FA player(can't recall which player) that was believed to sign with Bills and nothing happened?
  4. FO probably told him to keep his mouth shut lol..... Idk, after the OBJ talk from him before there's no telling
  5. Yeah it could play out that way also....I can certainly understand if it does. Either way regarding slot position in particular, I feel good about Shakir coming out on top of the competition and winning over the starting role. If they part ways with McK or if they end up keeping him for depth/gadget plays here and there etc it's fine too
  6. Yeah he definitely made some plays and came on strong during that last stretch of games when getting more opportunities. I'm with you in thinking he can make a big impact next season
  7. Yeah I had always thought that he wouldn't benefit from not having an agent sooner or later
  8. Would be fine with this. It likely would be just a 1-2 year deal anyways I'm guessing
  9. It just seems like it might be that he wants out of Baltimore is my guess
  10. I was wondering about that and trying to think back but can't remember for sure
  11. But to be fair, Lamar certainly could have cashed in himself. Ravens offered him a pretty fair offer (even though their timing and way was handled could have been better). But he might just want out of Baltimore also
  12. Yeah, I've always liked Jackson and from what I saw from him this past season he had a kinda up and down year. With Hyde going down so early, it can be a little of an adjustment when not having that kind of help and trust over the top you're used to having. Anyway, I don't know if that scary injury may have been a factor...but I feel like he played better before than after the injury.
  13. Who would be the Josh Allen of the board? And who would be the Roger Saffold?
  14. Nah, doubt that. Elam should be the front runner for starting job and get majority of the reps.
  15. I don't know how intelligent the decision makers for ARZ are, but I wouldn't be happy if I'm a Cards fan giving up Hop and only getting Oliver.
  16. Whatever the case, he's ok for depth I guess.
  17. Yes...https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/free-agents/quarterback/?ref=trending-pages From this list, only one I'd "possibly" consider taking Ryan over is Flacco. And that's a toss up. Basically any of the other names that can at least be somewhat mobile I'd feel much better than Ryan
  18. Nah, absolutely not I wouldn't. Need a younger, mobile QB2 that can move a little bit at least.
  19. Agree, I believe it's time to cut ties also. Agree about Hines/Cook, however I'd add Shakir to that. He turned it up toward the last few games and believe he will continue improving and has the chance to be a strong impact WR
  20. Thanks for the info....Many ppl were concerned (including myself) and glad to hear he is alive and kicking. Best wishes regarding the family
  21. Not sure, but I don't think it would help in terms of value. Not 100% sure, but doesn't agent(s) normally advise against sitting out a year in these type situations? Considering he doesn't have an agent though, curious how it ends up if he hurts himself much more than help himself with this.
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