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Posts posted by gomper

  1. People who insist on having a loud prolonged conversation on their phones in public. Look, I understand if you get a call at the store (business/personal) and have to have a short talk. That being said, I really don't want to hear your inane commentary on Jill's relationship or spending 10 minutes in front of me asking question after question about who did what at the Oscar's last night. This happened to me today at the store. This woman was beyond obnoxious and when she mercifully hung up, I decided to mess with her.


    I made my phone ring, put it to my ear and said in the most loud evil tone I could muster "In all my years I've learned one thing....you kill for a reason...and I don't see enough reason here."


    She turned white lol

  2. Yes. Seriously. Let me clarify. The kid is an idiot. She is WAY high and also too stupid to keep her responses to a minimum. But does her flippant comment of 'Adios" really warrant the Judge to call her back to prolong things? Anyone who has been in a courtroom with anywhere from a small town traffic judge to a county court judge, knows that the egos on some of these d-bags are massive. Oh, btw Your Honor? the good people of Dade county just love spending their tax dollars keeping a Zannybar hungry girl away from society for 30 days. No other deserving criminals can take that valuable jail space? Wow, South Florida has really changed. What a hero.


    What a jerk.

  3. I thought that throughout the game they were letting them play. Tons of calls that have become 'run-of-the-mill' penalties like defensive holding, PI, and late hits on the QB were totally ignored. It was like watching a game from the 90s.


    Now, I am all for those types of rules. I hate the way they enforce them these days. BUT - you can't call every little thing all season long then 'let them play' in the Superbowl. Thats BS and I thought it was a horribly called game overall, when you consider how tight they have called games all season long.


    Taking that into account, I am suprised there wasn't 3 flags on the ground after that contact.


    Totally. It's one thing to let them play. Hell, every football fan wants that but the refs had zero control of the game from the start. Contact is one thing but letting borderline felonies go all game is another. refs must had an edict from the Commish to let them play. In the end the 49ers got buried so deep that they were dependent upon the refs to make a call. Never a good spot to be in.

  4. Karma has a way of coming back to bite you at the worst possible time, doesn't it?




    Hey, if I was a reporter listening to the complaints I would have told them if they need a reminder of what blatant pass interference is to go back and see what they did to Julio Jones the previous game. Would have loved to see their response to that one, lol

    Well, like I said....in this instance, he held him.

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