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Posts posted by gomper

  1. Wow...lots of crybabies on this board. Just don't listen if it bothers you that much.


    Truth is, he's very good at what he does. Easily the best on that station. I would never call in to the show as I don't need to hear the sound of my own voice on the radio, but I agree with a lot of what he says. Even on things I don't, he provides good entertainment value.


    And I find that a lot of what he says is the harsh truth and people just don't like to hear it. He's not paid to be a cheerleader. He gives credit where it's due, but nobody acknowledges it. He's been singing the praises of the defense all year, as they've earned it. He calls out the offense and the offensive philosophy, as they've earned it also.


    You may not believe it, but people in Buffalo are spoiled when it comes to radio when you compare it to the stooges we have here in Toronto. We have two 24-hour sports radio stations and they are filled with people on par with the likes of Paul Hamilton (uninformed dinosaur) and Chris Brown (and his rose-coloured glasses).


    We're spoiled? LOL


    So, you'd rather listen to a morning show where one guy has no personality and the other uses obscure stats and Twitter to fill out segments because they don't know how to do a good show?


    Or an afternoon show with a condescending prick and his partner who sounds like a marble-mouthed wino..


    over Bob Mccown?


    I think you're spoiled.

  2. I was driving with my parents on a long trip today.


    I casually turned on the WGR app and hooked my phone to my speakers, just to observe what would happen. Why not a little experiment/trolling? They don't usually listen to WGR in the afternoon due to work, etc. I said nothing at all, because I didn't want to bias their response to being exposed to 3.5 hours of Mike Schopp.


    The results were as expected. On every commercial break they were completely refuting 10 minutes Schopp rambling with 1-2 sentences. :lol: There was no screaming and yelling, just cold hard refutation, until hours 2.5-3.5, when Schopp basically repeated everything he had already said. Then the screaming began.


    A few examples:

    1. To the 20 minute, and ongoing "throw it down the field" Schopp premise....

    "We threw it down the field 3 times to Watkins for 157 yards against the Jets. That's 50 yards/throw. In fact, Watkins almost had a 1000 yard season." And, "If this guy thinks throwing long passes automatically means wins, then Jemarcus Russel is a HOF QB, and Randall Cunnigham was better than Jim Kelly." :lol: (Btw, my response is: Marrone was the OC for the Saints, who threw the ball down the field all the friggin time on their way to winning the SB. Of course he can "change" when he has a Drew Brees" :rolleyes:)


    2. To the "we can improve our red zone stats....by throwing into the endzone from the 25 yard line" premise...

    "Explain how scoring from the 25 improves our red zone stats? :lol:


    3. To the hilarious "Why did Marrone call the owner, and have Russ Brandon call Doug Whaley....isn't that a chain of command problem?" premise...

    "Apparently this guy has never managed a crisis, which makes sense, since his job is the least critical thing I can imagine." And, "If this guy worked for me, and was screaming about protocol not being followed, when we just lost a key person unexpectedly, and now have to quickly prepare for the media scrutiny to come, he'd be fired on the spot."


    There are many, many more. I heard the word idiot, moron, and others that will get the @#$ treatment here, used to describe Schopp.


    But most telling? I heard: "This entire show is merely an echo chamber for idiots." :lol: That's my favorite.


    Brian Koziol finally broke up the fun, for me, when he came on to do the Sabres pregame. In all cases, my little focus group of 2, found Schopp's entire show to be absurd.


    At the end, all I said was: "This is why I call this nuance-free radio. This is radio for the dumbest, pretending and wishing it was for the smartest". My parents agreed that this is the best way to characterize it.


    This post has all the elements of a 1st ballot Hall of Fame post!



  3. interesting interpretation. There are many other deep lines. "They are selling postcards of the hanging" refers to a lynching in Minnesota, which they sold postcards of. Dylan states that all the characters are people he knows, but he changed the names. Lots of metaphors to decipher. Ophelia a people pleaser from Hamlet. Navy hits up a beauty parlor, and clock strikes midnight, and Cinderella needs to pick up mess. Romeo tries to pick up someone elses girl, and and a melee. The nurse, a local loser has both cynide pills and has cards that say "have mercy on their soul". Casanova- "kills him with self confidence, after poisoning him with words" Ezra Pound, TS Elliot, mermaids, monks, Nero, hunchback of Notre Dame, Noah, Einstein, Robin Hood, the Good Samaritan, etc- they all are characters Dylan knew


    Pete, thanks for the reply and happy holidays to you and yours.


    I honestly think that in this song, the emotional overrides the physical.


    The verses you quoted, while dripping with imagery. are just a long metaphor to convey the not only barren , but searing emptiness that life can deal you.


    Hence the line "I received your letter yesterday, about the time the doorknob broke" "When you asked how I was doing, was that some kind of joke?"


    Again, just one mans opinion.


    Maybe this version can provide a bit of clarification.



  4. Defensive holding and PI calls- I, for one, cannot believe what has become of this game. So many of these calls are utter nonsense. I know, offense = ratings= money but good God. The DB's are targeted before the play even starts.


    Honorable mention- Thursday football. How the players union agreed to this is amazing. 3 days off to rest and prepare? No wonder the games usually suck.

  5. Sly






    Being a major Deadhead, I hate to leave them off the list but it wasn't their weekend. Sly hit his musical peak in one glorious night for the world to see. A performance of a lifetime. Santana just crushed it. Great story about how Carlos took some Mescaline and as it took hold, they told him it was showtime. "What? we don't go on for hours" he said (they were originally slotted later) "Well then", he was told "You go now or not at all." "Ummm...ok" lol.

  6. Desolation Row- Dylan


    One of my favorite Dylan songs. I love the rich imagery, but after listening over the years, I still can't decipher what it's about-




    Well, I can help here. To me (mind you) it's about hitting a personal bottom. Arrived at through circumstance or by your own hand. Hence the brilliant twist at the end "Don't send no more letters no, not unless you mail them from Desolation Row." To wit, the character in the song is essentially saying "Don't even try to talk to me if you've haven't been through it as well"


    It's more an emotional state than a physical reality. Just my thought on it.

  7. oh hell yeah....i will spare you the hot chick(s) from a couple of the wayfair commercials because they are so annoying, but one is a katy perry look alike with an incredible body, the newer commercial has a hot blonde chick just skipping along to get to her chair...very hot!!!


    OK, call me creepy but the out of focus dark haired girl at 0:09 is stunning lol.

  8. Let me just say that I had no belief in any of this until about a year and a half ago. Through my sister, I met a couple with a beautiful little 8 yo girl. They told me that she often talks about how she was killed in London during the Germans bombing in WWII.


    She provided such incredible detail, to the date mind you, that they Googled it. She either knows her history or she was there, her parents say.


    Freaky indeed.

  9. Halloween


    Apollo 18


    Saw a 70's movie on late night tv as a kid. Can't remember name, but group of college age kids go to an island I think near NYC. Lead guy looks like a hippie. At night he insists on reading some incantations from old book to scare everyone, but it causes the dead to rise from the cemetery. Everyone eventually is killed, and the movie ends with the zombies getting in a boat to go to the city. My first experience with zombies.


    I believe that was called "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things." Saw it on WOR maaaaany years ago.

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