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Posts posted by gomper

  1. What area of IT? I was out of work recently and went through most of the WNY IT channels to find employment, I was pretty surprised at the amount of IT jobs available (at least in the IT Security sector). But there are many different areas of IT, so with some additional information I could definitely point you in the right direction.


    PM her resume to you. Any specific questions. I'll relay her response.

  2. IDK guys. All this is good insight but there is a certain charm to drinking an icy cold Heineken at 34,000 feet. One time I flew from JFK to SFO. The girl sitting in my row was hammered when she got on the plane. She made several passes at me but I declined. She was cute but she was getting more trashy by the second. She found a taker in some guy a few rows behind me. Then, they went into the bathroom together. They were not mellow about it. In short, she was VERY loud. Talk about an interesting social situation. Very obvious what they were doing.


    The upside was that the hottie sitting next to me was so turned on by this public display of affection, that I wound up staying at her place in SF when we landed. My friends up in Humboldt just laughed when I showed up a day and a half late. Cheers to alcohol and all the chaos it can bring.


    I still use a vaporizer. I swear by it, and my cardiologist was delighted when I made the switch. All of the nicotine, none of the negative health effects, and it is an adequate enough smoking simulation to satisfy.


    This. The Vape has saved me. 10 months without a drag cheating. It is amazing.

  4. Just happened again to me. Stopped into our local Auto Zone. Wanted to get total Tune up for the Honda. Plugs, wires, cap and rotor. 120$ total. We talked Bills a moment, cap was on my head, and I asked him if he had a triple A discount. He said no but I do have a fellow Bills fan discount and knocked my bill down to 107$.


    Were you the one that flashed me?LOL


    That's awesome. Serious good karma there!

  5. SF is the s***. Been there many times. Actually watched the Bills-Browns MNF game in '09 at a Bills bar in North Beach. Thinking of going out in May for a few days to walk the city. That place gets into your blood. I've never seen a shade of blue like that in the sky. Stunning.


    IDK why the Dead didn't do a GG Park gig. Maybe being together for a few days is too much stress. That breeze you feel is Jerry spinning. That being said, I hope all that go to Chicago have a fun and safe time.


    People are bitching about there being no camping. Are you kidding? There are three shows. You want the parking lot full off all the people attending all three shows to camp for three nights? Yeah, that will work out well. !@#$ing stoners............ :D

    Yes, this. The level of bitching about these shows months in advance has been embarrassing. From the choice of Trey, to the obvious ticket fiasco, to the camping question. It just doesn't feel right. Throw into the mix it's on the 4th in Chicago with all the tourists, fireworks, and murders....it could get ugly. Hope Chicago is ready because it's coming either way.

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