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Posts posted by gomper

  1. In the old section J-2. A few rows up, Bills side, scoreboard side. One of the reasons we didn't leave is because we smuggled in so much booze/beers (those were the days), no one wanted to bother carrying it back to the car. I admit, I was resigned to our fate. Then, well, you know. Hilarious to watch people scaling the fences halfway through the 3rd.


    Partied at the old Morrisey's on Abbott after. Lived in the neighborhood. Once we showed our stubs and said we stayed, I don't think we paid for a drink after the first round. Didn't make to work until Tuesday. And I was late lol.

  2. Last call at the bar.


    A guy who is many whiskey's deep, tries to get off his stool and falls. He tries and can't get up. He tries again and falls flat on his face.


    His friends carry him home and dump him on his porch. He tries again to get up but can't


    He finally gets the key in the lock, opens the door, and crawls to the couch and passes out.


    He wakes up a few hours later with his angry wife looking down at him. "You bastard" she says "You've been drinking again!"


    "No, that's not true dear" he slurs.


    "Oh really?" she asks....






    "The bar called, you left your wheelchair!"

  3. Well, this pick has had me going back and again for two weeks.


    We all know the NE story on offense well, and their D is so improved and very underrated. Gronk the beast, Edelman, Amondola, Vereen and the rest of the crew will get yards. Blount will try to pound the Hawks to set up play action where Brady is deadly. That will work....for awhile.


    Seattle, obviously will hammer Lynch over and over. Doesn't matter if NE has 12 in the box. He may have 22 yards on 10 carries at the half, but he will start to grind NE down in the late 3rd/4Q.


    Those Pats weapons by then? They will be hearing footsteps come the 4th. Wilson will make the big play when it counts.


    Seattle 24


    NE 16

  4. I love it. Regarding his shortcomings on the offensive side of the ball....for all the haters, ask yourself a question ... have you ever made a mistake in your professional career? Don't think he's not smart enough to self-evaluate and hire an OC with a strong skill-set. Double-plus- he stands toe to toe with Belichick. Anyone know our last coach that did? Me neither.


    Gotta love the Bills....always some drama.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me that, in this day and age, men (let's not be sexist....women too) are shortsighted enough to leave an electronic trail.


    Dude, have your assistant buy you a burner phone. Don't leave voicemails....did you not learn from Tiger Woods?


    I hope he brushed his teeth before he went home to his wife. Too soon?

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