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Posts posted by BullBuchanan

  1. 5 hours ago, TheElectricCompany said:


    Well, we are talking about elite deals. Rodgers, OBJ and Donald are each at different points in their career, but all three have HOF traits and production. 

    In 4 years, they'll each be bargains. 


    It wasn't a bargain when Haynesworth got a similar deal nearly a decade ago. This deal won't look good 20 years from now even if he maintains current production. It's just an insane amount of the cap to give up for 1 player and all but ensures all their depth will have to be rookie or vet minimum deals.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Buffaloflash said:

    The Low income residents in Buffalo live better than the middle class in Mexico!

    As far as what generation ruin Buffalo?Not any particular generation,more so a particular mindset.

    That mindset would be Liberal,Progressive and the Democratic party! 


    Spoken like a true home schooled kid.

  3. 19 minutes ago, stony said:

    I took a job in NYC after college.  Two years later I got a raise to move to Rochester.  Four years later, I got a raise to move to Buffalo.  I have a golden horseshoe up my butt, I guess.   

    Definitely. I made less money coming back to Buffalo after a promotion and 4 years experience than I did as a fresh grad of 3 weeks in Seattle. I effectively capped the salary range for my profession in Buffalo at age 25. I immediately doubled my salary upon moving to Austin.

  4. Buffalo's a great town to be from, but a hard place to live if you ever spent time anywhere else. The job market sucks for anything remotely 21rst century. I've moved away 3 times, but I have a feeling I'll always find my way back. Haven't been back to see anyone in 4 years, do it's probably time to stop in.


    Right now I just can't afford to live there and make a living, but maybe 50 years from now when my student debt is paid off I can die at Nick's diner eating a ham skillet breakfast.

  5. I hated the pick when we made it because he was slow in college, and didn't play with the kind of fierce tenacity you like to see out of a premier de. Unless something changes and he becomes unlockable, I don't see him becoming anything more than a bottom of the rotation player on bad football teams.

  6. 1 minute ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Inevitable??? Yet, he hasn't been named the starter and the last time he actually saw the field with the 1st team offense was against the Panthers.



    And I just know you wouldn't vomit that his stats were SooOOooo much better so he earned it over anyone else because have some football knowledge and understand that preseason stats are meaningless because coaches are looking at film after the games most importantly to examine what happened.


    Forget stats. He's the only QB that doesn't look like a deer in the headlights and can move the chains. The only reason it's taking this long is because McBeane desperately wants to validate selling the farm to draft a raw prospect 7th overall. It's ego and nothing more. It hasn't been a close competition at any point since the draft. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Totally different, Flutie was a former star that just hadn’t gotten a chance. Johnson had 1 start and the Bills overreacted and offered a first. Allen cost the Bills, a 1st, 2 2nds and Corey Glenn. He was their guy for a long, long time. 


    Additionally, things are WAY different than they were 20 years ago. Guys have shorter leashes and the rules have made the league more QB centric. You find you guy and you sink or swim with him. That’s pretty much every regime. Allen is the guy that Beane and McDermott bet on. That’s the horse they are riding. That’s not even up for debate. It’s WHEN, not IF.


    Unless he pulls a Paxton Lynch.

  8. 2 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

    I'm shocked I'm with the majority on this one with AJ.


    We need to get out to a fast start. AJ gives us the best chance to beat the Raisins. He prepared for 8 games against them in Cincy. he knows them well. He's the most NFL ready guy we got right here right now IMHO . He's a gamer. Comes through when the chips are down like tonight and in the Cincy playoff game.  Based on things I've heard Coach McDermott say, I think he likes him.


    i just don't think Josh is ready.


    I really don't want to see Nasty Nate vs Chargers round 2.


    We can re evaluate after that.


    Did you watch him play today? Or maybe any other game? He's horrific.

  9. 47 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    I just think there's more to this preseason than Peterman's production.


    Don't you get the sense that it's manufactured production?



    McDermott admitted Daboll showed too much on offense vs the Panthers, thus severely holding the offense back, since then, making it difficult to grade the other QBs.




    I don't think anyone has a clue at this point, but I'll stick with my original prediction that Allen is our starting QB week 1.


    I think that last preseason game shuffling OL in and out was as much a test as anything else. Allen definitely didn't produce the way he had the previous 2 games, but he also protected the football... something McDermott clearly values considering he gave Picked-off-again Peterman just a half before recommitting to Taylor as the starter last year.


    I think McDermott simply can't ignore the pick-six per game that Peterman is solely because of his weak arm.


    I think that there's a good chance that this preseason was as much about building up Peterman's confidence again after his abysmal start in his limited regular season action as it was about seeing if Allen is ready to start yet.


    After all, backup QBs might need to play, and if they do, you'll prefer they don't throw 5 INTs in a half.


    Both of those missions look like they're about accomplished.


    If that were the case he would have been gone or there would have been a 4th QB in camp. This thread is getting sadder by the day, as Peterman's inevitable rise to Bill's starting QB is all but sealed.

  10. 14 hours ago, Dadonkadonk said:

    Why do you think the decision has not already been made? Of course the decision has been made.  Do you think a few reps against 3rd, 4th, and 5th string guys is going to make any difference in who starts at Baltimore.  Of course it won't.  

    My guess is all three play with one guy getting one series followed by another getting two and the third playing the remainder of the game.  I think it will be AJ, Nate, and then Allen.  I think Mcd will play it safe and go with AJ to start the season.  

    Of course if AJ doesn't play it will be a week of speculation as to whether that was due to injury or because he is the game 1 starter.


    If AJ is the starter after 1 average and 1 terrible game, god help us. He's been the worst of the QBs we have. Shown absolutely nothing. I really hoped he could be our Jimmy G.

  11. 11 minutes ago, IgotBILLStopay said:

    You may be onto something here about letting a player watch from the sideline. Maybe that is what did the trick for Gilmore. I remember he was awful before sitting out 3 games due to injury. When he came back he was completely different.

    let us hope it is injury and not age and he can recover with some rest.

    I noticed in Embedded Part 1 Tre White was making fun on him being an old man with how all of his joints creak when he walks. Probably just a young guy poking the vet, but maybe he really is just broken down.

  12. 3 hours ago, Commonsense said:

    You’re putting stock in preseason stats. Then when he runs face first into a brick wall you can act surprised.


    He doesn’t have enough arm talent to do anything besides mop up duty. 

    What does it say for Allen that he can't even do that? Is he going to all of a sudden light it up when games matter? This isn't Aaron Rodgers were talking about here. He's a rookie trying to prove he should be better than third string.


    Face the facts : Allen's preseason stats are near exact to his college average. He's no better now than he was then. We all hope that changes, but it sure as hell hasn't yet.

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  13. Just now, benderbender said:

    I’m assuming the same people on this board who said they’d swear off this team if we worked out Mike Vick after he did his time. 


    I say let’s fuel up Ritchie’s car, load up his guns the police feel aren’t a threat to himself or others, a glamour headshot of his pops, and lets let him take out his inner demons on opposing DLs. 


    "I remember when mentally ill people didn't have guaranteed access to own guns" - Anyone alive in 2016.

  14. I know it's none of my business, but I really, really, reallllly want to know what happened between him and Jonathan Martin now. The whole thing has come full circle.


    Initially you had this former star prospect from stanford getting bullied by a guy that was a known locker room cancer, then you had Martin looking completely looney toons and getting arrested twice for threatening to shoot places up, while Richie looks like a model citizen back in Buffalo, and then you had this bizzare downward spiral from Richie that makes you question what the hell is going on with these guys. 


    Where's Cyrus Kuandjio running naked through a hay field when you need him?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    Pegula became a billionaire more than twice. 


    Again, billionaires with engineering degrees are not dumb. 

    I have an engineering degree...I also know a billionaire who claims to have gone to the Wharton school of finance that I'm 100% positive is dumber than some people that don't have two nickels to rub together 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  16. 2 hours ago, RochesterRob said:

      Being a billionaire is not a skill but helps to become a billionaire by having a skill (or two).  No one's ever done it twice?  I would bet a fair number of people have done it one a piece in two different industries.  Probably even NFL owners that have done that.  Last I knew Cuban was a Democrat cheerleader.

    Once you have a billion, it's not that impressive to make another. I can turn $500 into $1k. The trick is to get the first million. Being a millionaire can be a skill, and many people have repeated that from nothing, but becoming one of the richest people in the world is usually straight luck, sometimes combined with talent. There's a lot of talented working people though, too.


    As far as Cuban's politics go, that's irrelevant. He got lucky selling a college sports website to Yahoo for $6 billion overnight that was shut down a couple years later.

  17. 50 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:

    WOW! This guy is SO SOPHOSTICATED! I'm just in awe of how clever and insightful he is.


    All these pitiful, needy, wimpy, dull old white men who somehow became billionaires by being droopy old rags.


    Makes you wonder why this guy, who is so much smarter, so much more observant, educated, clever and moral, follows them around like a puppy dog begging for scraps to sell instead of becoming a billionaire businessman himself. Actually, he's above that. He's better than that. Better than them. blah blah blah



    Becoming a billionaire is not a skill. No one's ever done it twice. It's a lie Republicans sell to the working class in flyover country. Be smart, work hard and you too can own a private jet and casinos in macau.



    The guy that invented silly bandz is a total idiot. Mark Cuban isn't much better.


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