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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Manchin just released his version of the new Voting bill and it’s actually good. It will pass.
  2. America is back baby! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
  3. The country is back on track thanks to Joe and his outstanding leadership! We no longer need to inject bleach into our foreheads!
  4. Joe has defeated Covid!!!! Watch that approval hit 68 percent! Sorry for those that will have to continue wearing masks. Vaccine passport will be required. That is your right.
  5. B-man is sitting here thinking that old people will bale him out in these midterms. Trump killed half of them! He likely killed off 400,000 of his own voters!
  6. I tried to tell B-man these things 15 years ago and he didn’t believe me then, and he doesn’t believe me now. HE is the reason why the Republican Party is a minority party right now.
  7. Are all of these fiscal conservative supposed to get swastika tattoos on their forehead and start attending Trump rallies? The party left them years ago. They’re the middle that all went to Biden. Not only that but these voters will all be dead 2 election cycles from now, and they aren’t being replaced by a new batch of fiscal conservatives.
  8. That would make sense if there was an alternative choice. There isn’t. There are no fiscal conservatives left. People like my parents left the party when the Christian Coalition took over, and the Terry Schiavo/Jeb fiasco that happened later, convinced them that they could never think about returning.
  9. The GOP can’t rebuild until Trump is gone. I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Millennial voters are now at the age where they become reliable voters, and Dems have a huge lead with that group. These midterm elections aren’t going to be pretty.
  10. Tim Scott (S.C) ”Biden won the election fair and square and Trump must concede.”
  11. Bring it on Chumps! Cheney to any Trump-backed challenger: 'Bring it on' https://thehill.com/homenews/house/553173-cheney-to-any-trump-backed-challenger-bring-it-on
  12. I think you’re confusing general elections and midterm elections. These midterms will be decided on whether young people and minority voters turnout. You should hope so at least. Biden made gains with suburban women since Election Day. There’s a few things to watch for: 1. We know GOP turnout is much lower when Trump isn’t on the ticket, but how much lower this time? 2. Will minority and younger voters have a reason to come out? 3. Is Biden still polling above 50 percent? 4. Did voter suppression laws anger voters and increase turnout like last time?
  13. From here on out, Trump will attack and primary any candidate that they feel might turn on them so their choices are: 1: Leave these people alone in swing districts and hope they don’t flip once they get back in there. 2: Primary these people and end up with unelectable, Trumpy candidates in swing districts and fail to take back the House.
  14. What happens when 4 others join Liz and Republicans don’t win the House by enough seats? Whoops.
  15. She also might be up against an African American woman astronaut for God’s sake. Lara Trump is going to get trounced. She won’t even win her own county. (New Hanover)
  16. I can’t believe that they’re running Lara Trump for that NC Senate seat. That’s not going to work and it will likely be for all the marbles and senate control. That tells me they aren’t all that serious about winning right now. You can’t let that happen. NC is going the way of Virginia and it’s not going back red once it flips.
  17. Every administration faces a crises at some point, but I wouldn’t count on it being the economy. It will be in good shape heading into these midterms.
  18. People always assume that the party in power will suffer big midterm losses but it really looks like they’re going to bucks that trend this time. It’s a very unique political landscape and we shouldn’t compare it to previous administrations, especially with Republicans in so much turmoil.
  19. There isn’t enough time to switch gears before the midterms. They just wasted that opportunity. All they can do now is hope for super low turnout and cross their fingers. I expect Democrats to make the midterms about student loan debt/voting rights to increase young turnout. They’re definitely dragging their feet on those issues on purpose. If Biden’s numbers are still over 50 percent, there really isn’t anything Republicans can do. Democrats will also win that NC Senate seat and that’s all she wrote.
  20. It doesn’t look like R’s will take back Congress. There’s a lot more swing districts than people realize. Those seats are all in jeopardy now. I’m not sure they care. It looks like the plan is to just ride out The Big Lie and then hopefully start the rebuild right after the next presidential election loss, if the party hasn’t completely split by then.
  21. When is Bills @ Jets? I’m only 20 minutes away. I hope it’s week 6 or later.
  22. It actually happened way back in 2003. It’s just been a slow motion car wreck ever since. Trump was just the doubling down on crazy because they couldn’t fix the other issues they had with voters and the demographic changes. Republican consultants knew the math no longer worked unless there were big changes made to the party’s platform.
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