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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. Do you think disenfranchised Black voters and people of color only vote Democrat?
  2. This is a small piece of the puzzle, but at my hospital and the others in it’s network, when testing became available we tested for covid-19 but a negative result didn’t automatically reflex to testing for Flu A/B RSV. I remember mentioning this to my lab manager, by time the powers that be implemented the policy all negative Covid tests reflex to the regular glue testing the flu season was over.
  3. The point went like this. Democrats scream “reclaim my time” That reminded of me of the resident idiots on here who post memes when they can’t back up their arguments, answer simple questions, and become trapped in their faulty logic, or just want to start trouble and so I posted my thought no more than 15 minutes later, you of course then did exactly that. You posted that same tired meme. You just proved you don’t read any of the content here, or you don’t understand the content.
  4. Oh my God! It’s just like the resident idiots here but instead of of saying reclaiming my time they post the same meme or awful memes and run away.
  5. You believe in a 3% death rate of children from Covid?
  6. And that is why Trump will get get re-elected. Liberals have a tendency to underestimate an average persons intelligence, much like the the liberals on this board, those liberals can’t wrap their mind around the concept that some people smarter than them are supporting Trump. That’s why I would get the answer that you predicted. Because their talking point was a broad brush generalization that was stopped cold by the same method with only a couple words changed. These folks are like deer caught in the headlights they either stare stupidly into the headlights until they get run over or They realize they don’t know what they are staring at but it can’t be good for them then flee very quickly.
  7. You question nothing the media says. Ergo, you are a cult member.
  8. One of my job functions is instructing students during their clinical rotations, I could just imagine the hell I would get if I called a student stupid or dumb, if they messed up then it’s my mess up. I remember when a coworker suggested pay for working with the students, the suggestion was promptly dismissed because where I work is a teaching hospital and part of the job description is teaching students. What the academic school teachers seem to forget is teaching is a just one the many functions/tasks of many job positions in the real world.
  9. When testing started at my facility, a negative covid-19 did not reflex to a Flu A/B/RSV test, for about a month, I remember making that point to my lab manager, by time the procedure was implemented flu season was over.
  10. I think that load that should have been swallowed by his mother actually believe memes are Factoids and are like news headlines.
  11. Homework of what? Finding real or fake memes? LOL! We know you aren’t talking about covid-19 because I am more qualified on that subject than you are.
  12. Here we are folks, I present to you, a prime example of the liberal left, you will notice when asked a direct question they cannot answer it, they will not even do any work, but will instead refer you to do the work for them and finally believe memes are to be taken seriously.
  13. You are the one who thinks there is such a thing as a fake meme, so tell me what is a fake meme?
  14. So what does a real meme look like? I didn’t know there could be a fake meme.
  15. Look at this, now it’s up to me to be responsible? Be part of a solution? It isn’t Trumps fault? This is the equivalent of “whatever”.
  16. It doesn’t matter what I do, it’s Trumps fault right?
  17. You would rather we defend every republican just because they are a republican, wouldn’t that seen more like a cult? Kind like how every democrat endorses Biden all of the sudden now.
  18. That’s cool, but I agreed with the sentiment of the poster of those workers being wimps. Try reading you little pansy.
  19. I agree, anybody in the medical field should already know the risks and hazards of their profession.
  20. Hey everyone look! It’s Biden’s choice for Vice President, sad thing is his aides have to keep reminding him Leslie Knope is a fictional character that was on a TV show.
  21. What gave Native Americans the right to claim America as theirs?
  22. Aweeee buh bye now, next time wear some lipstick and dress to debate me because I want you to look pretty when you get f@#*!%
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