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Everything posted by Comebackkid

  1. Big shout out to the jets, for allowing lots of Buffalo bills fans to step away from the edge in the first half of the game
  2. Well luckily at worked because 0 for three would have been a really bad look
  3. Well the bills are really good at drawing themselves off sides
  4. Well if nothing else they're persistent with that fade in the corner
  5. Look to me like diggs couldn't get there because he was being impeded all the way
  6. i dont care about matriculating...i just want to ram the ball down their throats..one way or another!
  7. i think daboll got complacent a while back.
  8. at least a turnstile has those things in the middle to slow you down for second.
  9. its really hard to see whats going on lately because it seems like the game casts are not showing whats going on down the field....most the time i cant tell whos open or covered because they show the line and then maybe where the ball went if it was thrown...but no shots hardly of downfield it seems like.
  10. tell him to shut up and go to his room...i dont care if he is 30...... 😀
  11. yeah but..in case you havent noticed..that talent has not been being utilized lately.
  12. cant say they wont turn it around but last week and this week do point to a fact the Bills have a lot of soul searching to do because the offense is getting figured out.
  13. well this sucked so bad my internet was like...screw you i cant take no more and quit in the last 3 min.
  14. Haha you know they were going to call it against the offense
  15. That was stupid, Josh ran right into the defense instead of away from it
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