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Posts posted by BillsFan4

  1. I'm sure the dead people will be happy to hear there are plenty of loopholes and excuses.

    You completely missed the point. The article itself says that they couldn't determine if the drivers were aftually impaired.


    They very well could have smoked pot 7 to 30 days before the accident, and got into a crash for a totally unrelated reason.


    If they were driving around smoking pot and it directly caused the accident, then it's different. But we don't know that, and the article you listed doesn't know it either.

    Does it now? Might be if you smoked 5 joins a day.


    For casual users .... I'd say 1 week and you could pass a drug test.


    I had a buddy fail who smoked less than a single joint nearly a month before he was tested. I think it all depends on the person, their metabolism and their weight + body fat percentage (as it stores in your body fat IIRC).

  2. I am 1,000,000% with you here. Everyone falls prey to it here. My dad keeps telling me how great the coaching staff is going to be. We see it with every new staff. Everyone loves them until they have to coach a game and that's where reality sets in. I'm not saying that he will be bad or good but he certainly looks much better today than he will week 9.

    I know what you mean, but I am not necessarily like that. I was not excited about the Rex Ryan hire at all and said so from day 1.

    I wasn't all that excited by the Marrone hire either. Same with Chan Gailey.


    This is the first coaching hire in years that I am legitimately excited about. I have been a fan of his for years. I love the way he had Carolina's defense playing. They were usually a fun, exciting defense to watch and produced pretty good results too (top 10 defense 4 of the last 5 years).

    I really feel like this is the guy that can turn things around here. I know it's premature since he's so new. But I just think he has the right coaching traits and coaching philosophies to be very successful.


    Honestly, I want McDermott to get at least 4 or 5 years no matter what. Even if we bomb this year. I know that's a dangerous statement before he's even coached a game. But I really want to see what the Bills can do with the same HC for more than 2-3 years. I want the same scheme(s) for 4-5 years so we can actually build something.

  3. Yes, Bill Polian also loved Marrone. It's a red flag when Polian likes a coach.

    I disagree with that, but then take Polian out of the equation.


    How do you explain the near universal praise by everyone as a "red flag"?


    Every coach, GM, player, ex-player, analyst (etc) who I have seen speak about the McDermott hire has offered praise. I can't remember seeing a single person say anything bad.

  4. "a second AAA study discourages lawmakers from adopting arbitrary legal limits on marijuana use because of a lack of adequate methods to determine impairment by the drug.

    AAA officials said the studies about marijuana and driving, released Tuesday, are meant to encourage more comprehensive enforcement measures to improve road safety.

    Authorities in Washington recorded 436 fatal crashes in 2013, and determined that drivers involved in 40 crashes tested positive for THC, the active chemical in marijuana, according to the study. In 2014 they found that of 462 fatal crashes, 85 drivers tested positive for THC.

    The fatal crash study does not determine whether drivers were impaired, and it notes that there was no sign of an increase in fatal crashes among those with marijuana in their systems until a full 39 weeks after marijuana possession was legalized in the state.

    But the uptick in crashes by people testing positive for recent marijuana use also raises concern over the lack of adequate methods to determine whether drivers are actually impaired by marijuana when they get behind the wheel."


    The problem is that marijuana stays in people's system for 30 days or more...

  5. They're a good team, and MANY years ahead of the Sabres, unfortunately.

    They been rebuilding on and off for a long time, and they just hired one of the very best coaches in the entire NHL. They should be ahead of us.

    Gotta tip my hat to the Leafs. It will be interesting to see how they handle the pressure of high expectations in that media cauldron next season.


    Agreed. They exceeded all expectations this year and look like a fantastic young team. There will definitely be more pressure on them next year to do as good/better.


    Lots of teams and players have had a good season. Doing it consistently every year is the hard part. But I have little doubt that the Leafs will be as good or better next year.


    Oh man, If they're able to snag a good defenseman this summer (from a team trying to avoid losing one to expansion, etc) I'm a little scared to think about it... lol.

  6. The Buffalo Bills are doing exactly what the top brass in the NFL wants. Lose to New England twice a year and keep their fans somewhat engaged despite no chance at playoffs. They don't want us to have a top pick because we might take a top QB and they don't want us to make the playoffs.


    They want the Bills to win 6 or 7 games a year. They even praised us for hiring Sean McDermott which was a huge red flag to me as nobody wants the Bills to improve except WNY fans.

    Just about everyone has universally praised the McDermott hire. From Bill Polian to random NFL analysts to other head coaches around the NFL.


    McDermott is said to be very well respected if NFL circles.

  7. Or it could be that out of the last 5 years of drafting there were 37 players drafted, only 16 of them remain on the team (that includes 7 from last season.) Only one of those players is really franchise at this point in Glenn. Could argue Watkins but that is still only two players. We only had 4 or 5 starters out of those 16 last season. Some of them more due to necessity rather than being any good. Some of them may not make the roster this season.


    That's some pretty piss poor drafting. I have no idea how people can sit there and defend/support Whaley. He is one of the worst GMs in the league.

    He went 3-1 without his " golden girl" last season and went 11-5 with Matt Cassel.

    My point wasn't really to defend Whaley or say I agree or disagree with the rankings. It was that these same ranking had Whaley draft's as 9th best the past 2 years, and I don't see how you legitimately go from them ranking you 9th best drafting team 2 years in a row to 25th best in a single season, especially when they say the 2 previous season are being taken into account.


    I was saying their ranking methods seemed flawed to me.

  8. You make this sound so easy, but it takes two to tango. Dareus and Glenn have no incentive to restructure. "For the good of the team" is not a strong argument when the team is circling the drain.

    They are not referring to a restructure like Tyrod did, where they would take a pay cut.


    They are talking about a restructure, as in converting some of this year's salary into a signing bonus, that is then spread out over the rest of the years of the contract. I'm not even sure if they need the player's permission to do it, as they're not taking a pay cut but just receiving more money up front. I can't imagine a guy saying no anyway. But there's draw backs to it for the team.


    It would free up about $7 M each in cap space this year (roughly $14M-$15M total). But then both of their cap hits would be higher in each of the next years of their deal (roughly a $2 to $3 million higher per year, I believe, but I'm not exactly sure). It would also make their dead cap hits higher too, and make it harder to move on from them before their 5 year deals expire, because if they were released all of that restructured money that is left would hit the cap the year they were released (as it couldn't continue to be spread out over the length of the deal anymore).


    It creates cap space for this season, but it's basically just kicking the can down the road. So IMO, I see it as one of those "if we really have to do it" options. I think they'll probably try to avoid it if they can.


    I agree with Sal. I just don't see a QB worth a top 10 pick, and there's no way I'd pass on a sure fire starter, and potentially elite player at #10. Not for any of these QBs, who are all projects. The risk and value have to meet up, especially in the 1st round IMO, and the risk is just too great for me.





    I know some on here keep saying that his isn't a weak QB draft class. But how often is it that almost everyone seems to agree that there doesn't look to be even 1 day 1 starter among the QB class?





    If Mahomes or Trubisky are there in the 2nd, I definitely take one of them. Or I'd possibly even consider a low cost trade up into the early 2nd (or maybe even very late 1st) if they love the guy and the price is right, or they're able to trade back from #10 and grab more picks. I wouldn't be willing to give up much though, because the Bills don't have the picks to give up.



    Even though I don't want a QB at #10, I do feel that the Bills have done their due diligence on this QB class. They seem to have spent some serious time on the evaluation of,every main QB prospect, and that's all I can ask for at this point. So I will ultimately support whatever decision they make. If they don't feel there is a QB worth #10 overall, I will support it. If they do feel that there is a QB worth the #10 pick, I will support that too....


    Whatever they do, I'm sure I'll voice my opinion, but I am surely not going state it like a fact as some others do, and sit here pretending I know more than the people who do this for a living and decide that they were dead wrong & should be fired, before we even have a chance to see how the decision plays out.

  10. Patsies don't especially draft that well, imho. They work the draft especially well though, and it means that they can afford misses. I can't remember the last time they drafted a WR who actually was really good, for example. They also are prepared to use the extra picks they regularly get, in trading for guys who they know will fit what they want.



    For sure, that would be part of it, but you also have to remember, that it's a movable feast, in that a year drops off the list, and the most recent is added, every time they do this. Last year, with Lawson and Ragland mostly missing, is bound to hurt, and without looking at the detail, it may well be that 2011, was a decent year, so you get a bit of a double whammy on that. I don't suppose that Watkins missing a bunch of time helped, either.

    most likely because this year's rankings now excludes Dareus (2011), another pro bowl pick.

    Patsies don't especially draft that well, imho. They work the draft especially well though, and it means that they can afford misses. I can't remember the last time they drafted a WR who actually was really good, for example. They also are prepared to use the extra picks they regularly get, in trading for guys who they know will fit what they want.



    For sure, that would be part of it, but you also have to remember, that it's a movable feast, in that a year drops off the list, and the most recent is added, every time they do this. Last year, with Lawson and Ragland mostly missing, is bound to hurt, and without looking at the detail, it may well be that 2011, was a decent year, so you get a bit of a double whammy on that. I don't suppose that Watkins missing a bunch of time helped, either.

    most likely because this year's rankings now excludes Dareus (2011), another pro bowl pick.

    Good points. I hadn't thought about 2011 falling off.


    I just thought it seemed kind of strange for a team to fall 15+ spots in a single season. It wasn't just the Bills. There were a number of teams like that. If a team is truly good at drafting, I don't see how that can change so drastically in a single season, with the same scouts and GMs running the team (in most cases).

  11. I would take Josh Dobbs in the 4th. My point still stands. If you believe a QB has franchise potential and you can draft them in the 1st you draft them. You don't wait and hope.

    I know this sounds crazy but this is standard thinking in the NFL. The Bills are unique in that they think they can win with other teams backups at QB. It's a bizarre faith that had kept them out of the playoffs for almost 20 years.

    The Seahawks believed that Russel Wilson had franchise potential and waited until the 3rd to draft him. There were even those stories about how they were sweating bullets that the Bills would take him ahead of their pick in the 3rd.


    Oakland thought Carr had franchise potential and waited until the 2nd to draft him.


    There are plenty of stories like this throughout the years.


    Teams want players to meet the draft pick value. Teams talk about this often. They weigh the potential of that player not succeeding with the value of the pick and pull the trigger when they think it's right.

  12. Jason ColeVerified account @JasonColeBR 48m48 minutes ago








    #Titans, #Bills, #Jets and #49ers among teams in Top 10 of NFL draft who have called around for trade downs.


    That's what I like to hear!


    This is what the a Bills should be trying to do. We have way too many roster spots left to fill yet, and id sure be nice to be able to fill some of those spots with a few extra draft picks. We will still have to sign a bunch of undrafted players after the draft, and probably some vet minimum signings too. But if the Bills can pick up an extra 2nd and/or 3rd (etc) I'd say that gives them a better shot at landing some quality players to fill some of those roster spots.

  13. It's nice that you found this piece from WGR in 2015 but this was a regurgitated statement in this interview that he first made on his first day of being GM. He made the QB purgatory statement day one of him being GM when he addressed the media. This 2015 was just him blasting those same words again because he knew he still hasn't addressed it well enough and the purgatory was still relevant in 2015 so yes he said it again but it's not the real first statement I'm talking about.

    Many fans are obsessed with the QB position because it's the most important position in football, if you don't have a good one the rest of the team just doesn't matter.

    How is that a regurgitated statement when that was the first time he ever said it?


    It was at Bills camp in August 2015. He said it to WGR Radio and it was a BIG story. There were like 15 articles written about it the same day. Everyone was taking it out of context (like some still are today). Whaley took a ton of heat for that statement. That was the first and last time he ever said anything about QB purgatory.... lol


    There were even a couple of threads posted here about it -





    So your still trying to turn it around, you said that I said the Bills should have kept Rex and let Tyrod go. I never said that. In that statement you used that was what I was addressing. SMH your arguing just to argue.

    I'm not trying to explain to you anymore because I know your blind in Tyrod, I don't agree that Tyrod is not part of the problem like you do. So in my opinion Tyrod is not the savior Of the Bills, he is not a franchise worthy QB, he is just not good enough. You can blame everyone else all you want but truth is the D, coaching and YES Tyrod is why the last staff got fired.

    I never said any of that stuff. You have me confused with someone else. That was a poster named YattaOkasan.


    I was just pointing out that in your original post you did in fact say that Tyrod got the coaching staff fired, and you didn't mention anything about the D or coaching. You only blamed Tyrod.

  14. Wow, where did I say that? I didn't you did.

    What I'm saying is with keeping Tyrod they are banking it all on coaching and fixing the D so they better hope Tyrod shows up in those big games or this staff will look no better then the last is what I'm pointing to. Tyrod could turn into something but I think he is what he is so the D and coaching better play out of this world or a cordinator will once again be fired year one. Coaching was a problem so was the D but you need to also point to your savior Tyrod, he just wasn't good enough.


    Funny how other teams find a Qb from the draft good enough for at least one playoff run while Buffalo continues to try for that mircle season with other teams backups.

    Dude, you literally just said it 30 minutes ago in this same thread...


    Tyrod got the last staff fired and a cordinator fired year one as the starter here. If they bank it all on Tyrod like the last staff they are dead .

  15. Hit the nail on the head.

    When Whaley was hired he said this team was in a QB purgatory and now staffs later it's still in the same purgatory. I agree Whaley is on borrowed time if he can't hit on a franchise worthy QB he will be gone with this staff in my opinion. The draft is the lottery, you have to be in it to win it. Late rounders tend to only work for teams with a franchise worthy QB all ready in place. Brady had to play tremendous to take that job from Bledsoe just like Dak did making Romo retire.

    He actually said this in 2015, and since you literally say this All the time, I thought maybe you'd want to read the actual quote in full -


    "We are almost in quarterback purgatory. We're good enough that we're not going to have the first or second [overall] pick," Whaley told WGR 550 on Wednesday. "We hope we're not in that position. Hopefully now we're drafting in the teens and the 20s and the 30s. So you're not going to get those college guys that are coming out.


    "Franchise quarterbacks hit the free-agent market? Name one. Unless they have an injury. So it's going to be an onus on our scouting staff to find a guy in the lower first round, second or third round. We accept that challenge. It's where we are, and it's been good that we have enough talent around that we're in that situation, but it's not an easy answer. There isn't [one]."



  16. This same article the last 2 years had the Bills ranked 9th.







    How can a team go from 9th best drafting team to 25th best drafting team in a single year, especially when the article claims to be looking at the past 5 seasons and their own rankings had the Bills 9th in the 2 previous seasons...?


    Seems to me that they are mainly basing their rankings on how many games the Bills most recent draft picks played last season, and with the injuries to our top 2 picks that number is obviously very low.

  17. a tad exaggeratory, no?

    Yeah, probably. Went a little overboard making my point I guess... lol


    But there was an actual quote from Ernie Accorsi shortly after the trade where he said something like that. It was something to the effect of "trading for a QB like Eli doesn't really ever happen and you only get a chance to trade for a QB like him maybe once in a lifetime, so I couldn't pass it up".


    I just read it in an article (from 2004) yesterday, but of course now I can't find the article anywhere (and I just cleared my browser history this morning...).

  18. Rick Dudley, president....Paul Fenton, GM.....Phil Housley, HC

    I would absolutely LOVE Rick Dudley as team president or even GM.


    Paul Fenton would also be good though. Both Dudley and Fenton would be amazing.


    We did try to get Rick Dudley last time though, and he decided to stay in Montreal. They even gave him a raise (and a promotion?) too, because they didn't want him going anywhere.


    Maybe things have changed in the past few years, who knows. We can hope, right? He does still have a house here IIRC.

  19. Was not watching closely last night, but saw this play and thought Kadri took a dive as well...what did happen? BTW, what is the consensus on his hit on OV?


    Just saw the clip...yep, not a dive...just a nice healthy slash to someone who deserved it :lol:




    This guy has some great clips from last night..OV got a nice stick in the ribs of Kadri as well


    little fill in?

    Oh wow, I guess he didn't take a dive. It was legit.


    The replay I saw didn't show niskanin in it. It was the clip they showed on NBC after the game, where they paused it just as Ovi was tapping Kadri on the arm, and then it showed what looked like Kadri taking a ridiculous dive. I stand corrected though.


    Kadri has definitely taken some dives (or at least 1 that I seen) earlier in this series though, and with the type of player he is, I can see why a lot of people immediately assumed it was a dive.

  20. They have no plan and this is just the most recent example of it. That's why this thread has so much back and forth. Follow.

    Mike Tolbert's contract is the difference between Gilly's 5th and 2nd round tender. Tolbert is by all accounts..."toast" he is this years Reggie Bush. Let's take a look at that numbers and then I will finish.

    3.3, 4.1, 2.1, 3.6, 3.4. Those are Tolbert's YPC for the past 5 seasons. He has only found the end zone once in the past 3 seasons and six times in those same 5 seasons listed above.

    That should remove any doubt about Tolbert being the change of pace guy behind Shady and being the much needed redzone guy. MG excelled in his role doing just that.

    PLAN : don't offer a washed up Tolbert the million bucks, slightly over value your own asset MG and use the 2nd round tender to ward off any potential suitors. The money is a wash. Pick up a UDFA, don't waste another pick...and spend minimal money on a back.

    FWIW I don't even think Tolbert makes the team if they retain MG.

    I agree with much of what you are saying.


    As far as not having a plan - From most accounts, it seems like Tolbert was brought in to be one of "McDermott's guys". He's been with SM in Carolina for years, and McDermott loves his personality and work ethic.


    He's one of those guys a new coach brings in too help establish the new culture he's trying to bring with him. It's very common.


    A single, $1M signing should not prevent most teams from tendering a guy at a certain level. But our cap has been so mismanaged that it probably does here, which seems pretty ridiculous when you think about it, especially for a 7-9 team that hasn't sniffed the playoffs in forever.

  21. Tribusky's agents seem to be doing a wonderful job pumping their clients hype with a week to go until the draft. Who benefits the most by creating a lot of false demand for his client? The the client and the agent. All the smoke you hear this time of year is agent driven and every agents job is to hype their clients prospects. Tribusky is in for a long wait on Thursday, IMO.


    I don't buy all this smoke about a QB going in the the top 5 and if one goes in the top 10 I think it'll be Mahomes not Tribusky. Just go watch Tribusky's games vs. VT, NC. St. and Duke on youtube. After watching those games tell me if you'd be excited about drafting him in the 1st round. If you have 2 working eyes my guess is that you will be totally underwhelmed with Tribusky. He's a mess.


    Many teams in the top 5 would love to trade down and "steal" an additional 2nd round pick so I expect to hear a lot more rumors & smoke to try and create false demand for those picks. The truth is no team is moving up into the top 7 picks to get Tribusky. He will likely be on the board when the Bills pick at #10 (unless the Browns make the mistake of leapfrogging us to take him), and the Bills will pass on him. He's not good folks! Check that VT game if you only have time to watch 1. You will see what I'm talking about with your own 2 eyes!


    What?! That's not how you scout a QB! Watching entire games. Ha.


    You watch a bunch of highlight videos, duh.

  22. "Technically" doesn't matter. I mean you're right, but it's beside the point. Even if it's not technically a tradeup, that's in fact what it is. And why it happened is also entirely beside the point. It happened.


    What matters is not how you get the guy. It simply isn't. It's who the guy you get is.


    If you're really concerned, then here's what the Bills should do, they should make a trade with whatever team picks Trubisky ahead of them, they should draft the guy that team wants and give him some extra picks the way the Giants did. That way everything will be totally different and the trade that would have been a disaster will work out. Or it wouldn't make the slightest difference. I'm on choice B there.


    Wentz looks so far like he's going to make the Eagles look very smart for trading up.


    The Bills considered trading up above Pittsburgh for Roethlisberger. The price asked, we are told, was considered too expensive. Looking back that is one of the worst non-trades of all time. They should have done it, and being traded up for wouldn't magically have resulted in Roethlisberger becoming worse.





    Haven't a clue whether they should try for Trubisky but if they do, past draft history won't have the slightest affect on the outcome.

    I think the circumstances of that trade have to be taken into account. I don't think it's beside the point at all.


    Eli saying after he was picked that he would literally quit playing football and go into a career in Law is the reason the trade happened.


    The Chargers had no choice. Period. That matters. If they had a choice, they keep Eli and that trade doesn't happen at all.


    Eli was looked at as a can't miss, only comes along very rarely type of QB before the draft. The Chargers wanted him badly, which is why they drafted him even though he had been saying for months that he wouldn't play for them even if they drafted him.


    If Trubisky was looked at as anywhere even close to an Eli Manning level prospect, he'd go 1st overall and there'd be no talk of the Browns trading that pick or passing up on drafting him.


    As far as the Eagles - again, as I said in my original post, time will tell. We have to wait and see.

    Wentz looked good for a few games, and then struggled pretty badly for much of the rest of the season. And Goff looked absolutely horrible. They both have a Long way to go yet to ever be worth the price.

  23. There's only one thing you trade up for if you're giving up a first-round pick or more, and that's a potential franchise QB. You don't for a WR. You do for a QB.


    But it's got to be the right one.


    And it's hard to be sure.


    My guess is they don't trade up and don't go QB in the first, but it would be only the mildest surprise. I won't be against it if it happens.




    Eli worked out pretty well for the Giants in a tradeup.


    It's about the guy, not how they got him.


    If they have to trade up to get their guy, then do it. But he'd better be the right guy.

    As I said in my original post, I don't consider Eli a trade up. The Chargers picked him 1st overall and the Giants drafted Rivers 4th overall, then they were traded for each other afterwards. So that's a draft day trade IMO, not technically a trade up.


    Plus, that trade never happens if Eli doesn't absolutely refuse to play for SD (he said after he was drafted that he was planning to pursue a career in Law instead of football) and it also doesn't happen if the Giants didn't have Philip Rivers to trade to San Diego. So that's a pretty unique scenario, and one that isn't likely to be repeated.

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