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Posts posted by BillsFan4

  1. I'm not a fan of being stifling hot 6 months of the year, living with mosquitos as big as your hand and gators that reside in every swimming pool, pond and golf course either...

    Last thing I need is to worry about walking down the road and becoming gator bait...

    Same here. Florida was not for me. Way too hot in the summer, like waaayyyy too hot (for me, anyway).


    We had gators right in the creeks/rivers by us. I lived right on the St. John's river and this other smaller creek near by that fed into it and that creek was pretty infested with gators. I couldn't even let me dog out on his own because of them. We had a couple guys lose their dogs to gators around where I lived.


    Lots of different plant, animal & insect life as well, and not being a local I didn't know about much of it.

    Like those damn fire ants, and chiggers (little bugs that lay in the grass and imbed themselves under your skin and ITCH for a week) and black widows & brown recluses and those swarms of love bugs that are like super glue to everything they hit, and poison oaks & ivy's


    All sorts of weird things I knew nothing about. None of it was that big of a deal, but it was definitely something I wasn't used to. A lot more crap you have to watch out for. But there was also lots of cool animal life too.


    The main thing for me was the heat. 95-100 degrees and super muggy is just not for me. You didn't want to leave the a/c (or the water at the beach/pool etc).


    But I loved living in the Bay Area of California. It felt like it was 70 and sunny year round. Perfect weather out there. LA area/southern CA is much hotter though.

  2. Isn't his playing career still in jeopardy at this time? I thought people were saying that they still don't know if he will ever play again.


    With the 5th year option being guaranteed for injury, I can see why the Vikings may not want to pick it up. But that doesn't mean they won't re-sign him if he's able to come back and play again.

  3. Sorry man the same two backup QB love posters push me over the edge every time I add something about drafting a QB. I added the QB thing because it is the biggest knock I have with Whaley. Once again sorry everyone please return to OP topic.

    BS! I did not even post a single thing about loving Tyrod. And it's not the same 2 people who tell you this stuff. There have literally been dozens and dozens of different people tell you this stuff. This is only like the 2nd time I said anything to you.


    And I do not love Tyrod either. I am perfectly fine with the Bills finding an upgrade. I'd welcome it! It would be awesome to have top tier QB.


    You bring this same crap up in every thread, regardless of who posts what, then you blame it on someone else. It's a total cop out.


    We are all just sick of seeing you write the same exact things over and over again. It's all you talk about. There is no reason for it.


    Try discussing some other Bills related topics instead of just posting the same exact crap constantly.


    I'm done with this though. I am just going to start using the "report" button when I see you spamming the same crap all the time.

  4. You may not like him and he really ticks me off with this QB purgatory but they can't fire a GM and expect a new GM to want to keep this new staff that was hired by the last GM unless your planing on hiring a GM that will be a yes man to a rookie HC. In my opinion the best thing the Pegs can do is keep Whaley and McD together and if these two seasons fail fire them both and find a very good GM to build this team. In my opinion the biggest problem with Whaley is he drafts who the HCs want more then what this team really needs. Whaley called out the purgatory but yet avoids addressing it because his head coaches keep wanting to use these lower talent QBs expecting to win with them just to fail with them. Head coaches don't want to wait for a QB and this is why the Bills can't get better and can't find a franchise worthy QB it's because they just keep waiting for a mircle and miracles don't happen so playoffs will also be something that never happens. Until this team has a urgency to draft a franchise worthy QB this team will continue to always be searching for one and I see zero chance Whaley and McD to last using Tyrod. In my opinion the first thing a new GM will do when they clean house in 2019 will be draft a QB early.

    Build around a franchise worthy QB not another teams backup QB. Tyrod is not good enough and when McD finds that out it will be too late to keep his job.

    Ok, we've all read you saying this 1000 times now. We get it.


    Just FYI, here is the code of conduct on this board, written by the owner, for new BBMB members. I'd suggest reading this. Here's a short excerpt -



    "The issue we probably have the most trouble with is "crusading". The bottom line here is that there isn't a single poster on this board that has the power to make any change with the team. And because of that, there is no reason to try and make every single person agree with you by bludgeoning everyone with the same opinion endlessly. Make your point once. Make it twice. Make it when appropriate. Just don't make the same point in every thread, every day, day after day. It just pisses people off."

  5. Foles 6 million. Or call for Siemian. Both cheaper and bring comparable play.

    Siemen is not available. He will be competing for the starting job this season, as per new HC. And he also said that no decision will be made for a long time on who is the starter.


    And I don't think Foles had that comparable of play to Tyrod in his last chances to start. Yes, he had 1 good year for Chip Kelly back in 2013. But outside of that, he hasn't been all that great. I'm guessing you will say otherwise though, so we will just have to agree to disagree.


    I'd easily take Tyrod at $9.7M cap hit over Foles at $6M for sure.

  6. the Buffalo media banged away against Whaley for a long long time, which is different then the national media reporting scouts think they will be fired. Btw there are scouts that have been there since before Whaley arrived , The scouts dismissal may have nothing to do with Wahley's status..

    lets wait and see

    this all sounds plausible. I wonder why they didn't bring in Coughlin to work with Kim, or one of many qualified czar types.

    The Buffalo news has seen to that. Now we wait for their next target. Tick tick tick

    This is certainly true and it could very well be the case. If so and Whaley stays, you can bet it was his decision to dismiss them.


    This is where I'm at now too. It's not uncommon for there to be changes made to scouting staffs when there are new people are hired.


    Who knows, maybe Whaley is fully on board with some changes to the scouting staff.


    Let's just wait and see what happens.

  7. Kirby, I'm not asking you to join me. But I will say many fans had no interest in bringing back Tyrod and doing last year over. I wanted a clean slate and I want my team to be smart. Impress me! I used to be easy to please but the idiotic moves over and over have made me skeptical.


    Bills and Sabres under Terry Pegula and Russ Brandon's One Buffalo are boring AND they lose. That's a deadly combination.

    I would actually argue that bringing Tyrod back Was the smart move.


    Dumping Tyrod back in March, months before the draft, with at least 4 very QB needy teams picking in front of us and who knows how many teams looking to jump us, we don't even know which QBs will even be left on the board when we pick. What if the top QBs are gone? Then what?


    I also don't think betting the start of your head coaching career on a rookie QB is a smart move either. What coach wants to bank their first head coaching gig, a job that they've been busting their ass for the past 10-15+ years to get, on a totally unknown rookie QB?

    If we were picking top 3 in a year with at least 1 or 2 sure fire day 1 starters, it'd be different. But we're not. We're picking at 10 in a draft that looks to most likely have no QBs ready to start.


    To me, the smart move is keeping Tyrod Taylor until you have a Legitimate upgrade.


    I just don't see it as a smart move to dump Tyrod back in March for what amounts to nothing more than a dream of an upgrade (or some veteran scrap heap QB).


    Like him or not, he was top 12 and top 7 in points in his 2 seasons as starter. Most coaches probably feel like they can win with that, especially a defensive coach who has effectively run a defensive scheme that has been able to limit opponents to 18-19 points per game or less...

  8. Scouts maybe. Overdorf maybe although he did OK with restructuring of Clay and keeping guys like Hughes and Dareus. But if they fire Whaley after spending time ever since McD got hired taking about how well they work together, then I would have to conclude the owners and McD lied. And that is not a good thing for the organization at all.

    Speaking of Jim Overdorf...


    I believe last year was his 30th season with the Buffalo Bills. IIRC he was hired in 1986. That is a crazy long time for an NFL job.

  9. McDermott has an awful lot of power for a first time HC...


    That said, there have been rumors of "issues" with the front office ever since Marrone was here. Marrone and Whaley had their blowup at training camp in front of everyone, which probably means things were simmering behind the scenes. Maybe that's why Marrone opted out as well once the plan to bring his buddy Polian in as Czar failed.


    The common denominator is Whaley. Maybe he finally came up against a coach who the owner loves and thus he finds himself on the outside looking in.

    I thought it was the other way around. Polian himself said that Marrone leaving was a big reason he decided not to come back here. He said it went from being a fun gig to a lot more heavy lifting, which he wasn't interested in doing.

  10. So the majority of the work that the college scouts do has been done for awhile, likely before McD was even hired. They gave their info to Monos long ago. As far as Whaley, he would like to continue to be employed in the NFL (IF he's on the chopping block) so yes, I think he cares how his draft goes even if it's his last one here.

    If they crap the bed, it will be seen by the entire league. Their (and Whaleys) best bet is to make this the best damn draft we have ever had.


    Hope you guys are right. I could definitely see that being true. I guess I just worry about if any of them are disgruntled, or just indifferent/don't care.


    I also worry as to why they all seem to think they are getting fired. If it's true, why is it such a poorly kept secret?


    It just doesn't seem like the best way to get employees putting in max effort and performing to maximum potential. Like you said though YoLo, most of their work is probably done by now anyway (excluding Whaley), so maybe it doesn't really matter at this point.

    Agreed. This is one of those 'careful what you wish for' things for some fans here.

    We could get a better gm - but we could get someone much worse. Whaley has a unique ability when it comes to identifying talented players, imo.

    Agreed. It could get a lot worse than Whaley, as we've seen here before.

  11. LOL. I guess we are doomed, huh?


    Seriously though, This is something most teams do. Even control freak/disciplinarian Marrone played music during practices.



    Here's just a couple examples though -


    Seattle -









    Enough said...

  12. In Buffalo, there’s a belief that the Bills will be making extensive moves in the front office when the draft concludes. Per a league source, the team’s scouts are bracing for job changes after the draft. As one scout explained it, “We are all getting fired next week.”


    In response to that claim, the Bills provided to PFT the following statement: “Right now, our focus is on the preparation for this week’s draft. Like every year, evaluations of our player personnel staff take place following the draft. And this year will be no different.”



    Oh boy, this makes me nervous for this upcoming draft.


    It makes me wonder just how much these scouts (and our GM) will care about getting the picks right.


    But at the same time, if they do terrible on the picks it may hurt them in trying to get a new job, I guess.

  13. @TyDunne






    What do the defensive coordinators who faced Mitchell Trubisky think? One sees a potential MVP. More on the QB here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/tyler-dunne-bleacher-report/dc-on-mitchell-trubisky-he-can-be-a-super-bowl-winner-and-a-nfl-mvp/514035245652392/












    Mayock on Trubisky: "The irony is, he's played the least (among top QBs) but he'll probably be the first one ready to play."


    Thanks for sharing. It was a nice read. It's interesting to hear what other college coaches think of him.


    I do think Trubisky seems to have a number of traits you look for in a franchise QB.


    That Bleacher Report article was a bit over the top for me, though. As soon as I read this - "His arm strength? Unmatched. The dude can whistle fastballs from any angle....", I knew it was going to be a bit of a puff piece...

  14. Why exactly can you say that it was definitively Cam Newton who made Sean McDermott's defense so good? I'm not quite fully following...


    McDermott ran a top 10 defense 4 of the last 5 years. He also had the #12 ranked defense in both of his 2 years as DC in Philly.


    He has been a defensive coordinator for 8 years and had a top 12 defense in 6 of those 8 years.


    Carolina's defense made some huge improvements under McDermott too.


    - They were 25th in sacks his first year, 9th his second year and were ranked #1 in the NFL by his 3rd year

    - 27th in total points allowed & points per game his first year, and ranked #2 in the NFL by his 3rd year.

    - 25th in rushing yards allowed his 1st year and ranked #2 by his 3rd year.

    - 20th in interceptions in his 1st year and tied for 5th in Interceptions by his 3rd year.

    - 20th in receiving yards per game in his 1st year, to 11th by his 3rd year

    - 28th in total yards per game in his 1st year, to 2nd in YPG by his 3rd year


    I fail to see how all of that improvement was because of Cam Newton.


    I think Sean McDermott has legitimately earned this head coaching job based on the merits of his performance, and that is the first time I feel like I can honestly say that about a Bills head coach in quite some time.

  15. "Only a few people in each organization are privy to the complete book on a player -- and all 32 teams might have different chapters and footnotes on the same person. The Patriots' director of player personnel, Nick Caserio, said the team only has draftable grades on 50-75 players in this year's class. The Browns' personnel head, Andrew Berry, said Cleveland has 175 draftable players. The Cardinals have roughly 120."



    It's amazing the differences between teams. The Browns see 100-125 more draftable players than the Patriots do, and 30-55 more than the Cardinals.

  16. I could see Watson being the QB the Bills want. There really hasn't been a whole lot of rumored Bills interest. You heard that comment about Whaley loving him a while ago (which I could definitely see being true). But since then, not much. While in the mean time there has been a lot of stuff out there about the Bills working out and dining with Trubisky, Kizer, Mahomes. But not much about Watson, that I'm aware of anyway. Which makes me kind of wonder if Watson is the guy they are after (if they are actually even truly looking to draft a QB in the first couple rounds).

  17. I think Whaley is above average at pro personnel evaluation. That is definitely his strength IMO. If he were our pro personnel director, I think he'd be one of the best in the NFL. As a GM, he has been average to this point, IMO.


    As for his drafting, I think he is average to good, not great. He has his hits and misses, like every GM, and at times it seems like he is better at evaluating/drafting certain positions compared to others (but that could also be the scouting dept. or a # of other factors, too).

    There has been so much constant scheme/coaching change its hard to truly judge his drafting as of now. We've had a ridiculous number of different DC's/OC's/HC's in his time here.



    I do think Whaley is the best the Bills have had in quite a long time, but to be fair that bad isn't set very high.


    Personally, I would like to see the Bills actually keep the same coaching staff for a good 4-5 years and see what they can build. Bad teams stay bad by constantly firing coaches and changing directions. I think we can almost difinitely say at this point that we know constant upheaval & coaching change doesn't work... It'd be nice to try something new for a change.

  18. There is still a long time before the season starts. This roster is FAR from set. If we were about to be starting the regular season i'd be more worried about it.


    We have the draft (and undrafted free agent signings). Lots of good players will be released between now and the start of the season too. Plenty of time still, to fill holes and add depth.


    It sucks that Pats signed away another Bills player, but Whaley found Gilislee off the street. He wasn't even on an NFL team. Nobody thought he'd turn into anything and we were all very pleasantly surprised. I am hopeful that the same thing can happen again.

    Whaley is pretty darn good at finding veteran role players. And who knows, maybe we already have a guy on the roster who can step in and fill the void.

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