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Everything posted by Figster

  1. Upgrading the TE position wouldn't hurt my feelings, Welcome aboard OP
  2. I'll compare your terrible burgers to Buffalo's D, and Rex Ryan burnt the hell out of good ground beef...
  3. My thoughts also and I didn't mean to single you out. Sorry OP for getting off topic...
  4. TBD/mods try to allow posters a chance to iron out personal differences on their own and as adults its something all of us should be capable of doing. I can tell you from personal experience when the differences start interfering with how well the forum operates, turning threads into back and forth arguments somebody will get sent packing. been there and done that...
  5. Cam Newton has scored 48 TD's running the football.
  6. Taylor is going into his 3rd season when on average the game begins to slow down. Combine that with better coaching, system and supporting cast along with more reps in the passing game and we may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome in my humble opinion Ktulu.
  7. If your dead last in attempts being dead last in completions is to be expected along with any other passing totals IMO.
  8. Better D stops the opponent more and gets more turnovers, which in turn gives our O the ball more with better field position. Do you see how that translates to more yardage points and wins?
  9. again, this is very good point John is making for everyone. Don't turn a good post into a bad one with insults. Crusher also gets allot of insults so lets not pretend it doesn't go both ways.
  10. Being equally as good in the run and pass allows an OC to gameplan what works best aginst every opponent in my humble opinion. It also allows for more adjustment in bad weather conditions. Do you run the ball less against an opponent that struggles stopping the run? no, of course you don't I agree, middle of the pack in total yardage doesn't get the job done. I do however feel the Bills D contributed...
  11. Where do you think less pass attempts went? I suppose you could say Rex is one big, dirty... With all due respect OP my point is the G Roman low pass attempts was by design and its something our HC wanted out of the O.
  12. The low pass attempt discussions have been going on for awhile now. On the other hand Buffalo averaged over 5 yards a run attempt despite the oppositions knowledge of the Bills intentions. Do you consider the best run game in the NFL a negative?
  13. McD may look at Nathan Peterman as more of a project despite all the pro ready claims. Yates already knows the O which could put him in the best position to become Taylors backup. Early on it appears Peterman needs to throw with more velocity as many have pointed out and it may take some time getting him up to speed. So perhaps holding a clip board for a season or two, bulking up and possibly adjusting his throwing mechanics a little to get more zip on the football might be the best case scenario for Nathan Peterman IMO. The NFL has evolved over the years and continues to do so making it easier for a good signal caller like Peterman to get overlooked in my humble opinion. The landscape is changing as the power forward style QB begins to gain more of a foothold in the NFL. Some say QB's like Jim Kelly and Dan Marino would struggle in this day and age because of low wonderlic scores and it appears many GM 's share this belief. This perception has altered the QB position all the way down to the high school level in my humble opinion. QB's have gotten smarter because of it , but how many athletes like Taylor never get a chance. It took Barry Sanders like running capabilities, a cannon arm with good accuracy, and one hell of a work ethic to get Tyrod Taylor where he is today. Starting QB and fearless leader of the Buffalo Bills. with Peterman/plan B on the back burner...
  14. Its not good for QB's drafted in any round including the 1st round IMO. The BIlls have struggled finding a QB in any round or via FA and now have a late round QB/T T coming the closest we have been to a real QB in years. So its hard to convince me Peterman is already destined for backup duties. with all due respect commonsense.
  15. Whats even more silly is thinking we can predict a QB's ceiling before he even hits an NFL playing field against opposition in my humble opinion PTR. ...noodle arm... ...its hopeless...
  16. Its easy to say a 5th round draft pick will become a backup at best and be correct because its typical of QB's drafted in any round IMO.
  17. Meaninful enough to critique Peterman's arm strength...
  18. Unlikely by way of odds perhaps , but when you look at Petermans skill set the only part of his game that is in question is arm strength.(IMO) Velocity can be improved , having good touch on the football is more important then throwing laser shots that are lower and easier to pick off IMO. Petermans pin point accuracy and excellent field vision is what sets him apart from other QB's in his class in my humble opinion. Sure, we can say the odds are low from a numbers standpoint of a 5th round QB making a big splash in the NFL , but I suggest taking a real good look at what the player brings to the table before counting him out from becoming a succesful starting QB in the NFL. The Clemson game was no fluke, this kid can play...
  19. Thanks for the post/link When looking through them did you happen to notice how many higher round draft choices failed to succeed in the NFL and ever wonder how players like Kurt Warner slip under the radar. I don't know what the overall percentage for a QB drafted in the 1st round is to become a succesful starter in NFL over the last 15 years , but it would not surprise me If that percentage is very low.
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