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Everything posted by Golden*Wheels

  1. wow There is no coherence in this attack. None. What is going on.
  2. Lets GO BILLS start off the season strong with a division win!!
  3. Lets GO BILLS! Start this season off strong!
  4. I REALLY wish Roberts was playing. Gotta think he'd be looking to show up big.
  5. breathe....breathe.... Hoping to see an under control, slingin' Josh Allen today.
  6. Did I eat my chocolate bar too early? Electric yellow's got me by the brain banana. There is always something about the first game. Once we're 3-4 games in you kinda know what is up. But the first game feels like Xmas to me, and you don't know if you got a good gift, or coal, til you open it up. Please give me a good gift this year. HOW MANY HOURS UNTIL THE GAME???? D'oh!!
  7. Bah! Because IMO NO STATE should have tolls. You already paid for the roads, as politicians love to tell you, with your taxes. Remember how every politician always falls back on "don't you like roads, schools and (used to be) hospitals? That's your taxes at work!" You already paid for that road! And to me, the thing is here, we aren't a thoroughfare to get anywhere. You pay to ride on I90 in MA because it takes you somewhere worth going, or to work. It's a major highway with huge out of state use. You pay to use bridges etc to get into NYC and NYS state, as they are major travel routes which get you somewhere worth going. Those tolls target out of state users on heavy use roads who contribute lots of wear that they don't pay taxes on (I still don't agree with that conceptually, but it at least makes some sense) CT tolls are largely only going to target normal CT residents. Nobody from NY rides 84 to MA or vice versa for work, or into CT. But lots of CT residents use the Merritt or 91 or 84 to get to work. So it's just CT gov squeezing more and more money from a smaller and smaller user base. No wonder everyone is leaving! (seriously, our work truck box truck breaks down once a year, or needs work. We rent one to cover the week. You can't even GET rentals around here any more. The trucks leave the states with the folks moving and never come back!.) I hope so. I'm a conservative guy but the Republicans here are largely clueless on pot IMO. Some of them still think Reefer Madness is a documentary. And you've got out of staters like Luke Niforatos peddling nonsense to scare people. So aggravating. But, as Yankees (the good kind, not the NY one), we persevere!
  8. Ah! For non Bills games, I get that. I don't mind higlight-esque versions of games I don't have any flesh in.
  9. My opinion would be it is so short of a travel time, you go home to your family and your own bed and practice facility. That's just me though, I haven't been a NFL HC in years.
  10. How about this one....if you can't watch the game live, even just a bit of the beginning....do you RECORD it? My buddy does this with football and I am like bro....either the game is still on and you just watch it as soon as you can, or the game is over and you just check the score. I may be an idiot for yelling at my own tv (yes honey, I know they can't hear me) but I'd feel doubly idiotic getting emotional over ***** that already happened. I can't stand recorded sports. Live or GTFO. Gotta have the tension.
  11. That was it, Billy Beanes. And as long as the business is still running....yes, I'm stuck here! ? (You know I kid, I love the state, born and raised here, love the nature and the people...I just can't believe the governmental idiocy. Our broke ass state still won't legalize pot--though anyone can just drive into Massachusetts now and buy it legally, and bring it back. But we WILL BRING BACK TOLLS!!!! Sorry, rant over!)
  12. Use to be an OK crowd in Danbury...can't recall name of the bar tho...?
  13. I think we're better than the Jets...but they're at home. And what game is harder to predict than game 1? I dunno. Week 1 is crazy. I think winning is very important as it's an opener (duh), and a division foe (double duh), and seeing as how we're going right back there next week....I think being in that same visiting locker room before the Giants game with a W in hand from the same spot last week would be pretty good. It's certainly a more important game than, say, if we were at Dallas first instead. As a corollary--I hope the Gints get rocked by Dallas. NYC is just WAITING to start chanting for Daniel Jones. Start the controversy early!
  14. I think STs could be what decide an ugly, low scoring-ish game. I like that the Jets have been looking everywhere for a kicker, and only just recently settled (again)--maybe they miss a FG that makes the difference.
  15. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/08/31/bills-didnt-ask-lesean-mccoy-to-take-a-pay-cut/ It’s not a surprise that the Bills cut running back LeSean McCoy. It is a surprise that they did so without trying to get him to take a pay cut. Per a source with knowledge of the situation, the release of McCoy came “out of left field,” with no attempt by the team to get him to take less money.
  16. Should have traded him when the Eagles wanted him last time. Oh well, hindsight blah blah blah.
  17. I remember being surprised years and years ago to see opposing players get together to pray after the game. Think it was Bills/Fins. Was actually pretty cool and really put the "it's just a game" stuff in perspective for me. These dudes were just happy to have gotten through another Sunday in one piece.
  18. GODDAMIT the one year I'd have been happy to open the season in the humid funk down in Miami....
  19. I briefly got infatuated with these, because Starter was THE STUFF when I was a kid. I have more than I care to admit now (Including some weird commemorative one from the Bills/Skins Superbowl). Dammit ebay.
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