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Everything posted by Golden*Wheels

  1. Amazingly, while they seem to often talk ABOUT betting, they also seem to push their sponsor a lot less than the NFL itself does every Sunday! Thank god!
  2. As a new watcher of that show....damn is it funny. I thought it was interesting they CAN show video but they can't show still GRAPHICS. I honestly thought it would be the opposite.
  3. There should have been an Only Fans tie in.
  4. Man I didn't even bother turning this game on, figured it would be awful, and one sided. Judging by this AM, not so much!
  5. Love this. Speaks well for the fans. If we'd been down 38-3, somebody would have thrown a Tom Brady Sexual Device at him.
  6. I didn't think they ADDED a lot, honestly, and Nantz to me is always boring and dry as hell. But I guess a good team doesn't stick out?
  7. poured a victory bourbon, enjoyed the highlights 3x already....gonna be a nice two weeks I think.
  8. Mahomes and Kelce drawing it up in the dirt would work at this point
  9. sooooooooooooooo now we need more disciplined D....or a really good rush.
  10. keep running it down their throats...game is there for us to be patient with
  11. man should have run that in three times over blargh not the way to win big games so far
  12. My thanks to the reputable Miami Dolphins and the incredibly ethical medical ship they run for all of this nonsense being a thing.
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