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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. That’s insanity. There was a time when Tyrod was one of the 5-10 best running QBs I have ever seen. He didn’t do it enough but he absolutely was a great runner. That’s crazy.
  2. No style points in this league. Find a way to get a W. Every week shows anything can happen. Get the run going and play some defense. Let’s see D. Williams step up here.
  3. I like Dorian Williams. I think there’s a chance 43/42 might be game changing difference makers out there. I can live with some growing pains. I know Dodson ain’t it..no need to waste any time with him.
  4. If you insist on wearing the red..can you throw in some red end zones?
  5. Who starts at CB/LB and DT tonight 👀. It’s maybe the most exciting part of the lead up here.
  6. I’d consider making a change at QB here if this is what it looks like. This is sad
  7. A few weeks ago I heard Sal talking about Ingram…I figured it was a hidden hunt into how they feel about him. I guess if we are going to fix this thing in house and that’s the plan, throw him out and let’s see what’s what. Trial by fire.
  8. The titans could be dangerous if they had an offense that made sense. idk if tannihill is just completely done here or if it’s the OC not using guys correctly. This is hard to watch. This team should be using play action and rolling the QB out constantly. Got to get Henry off the edge here as well. They have Hopkins and barely use him. If the right guy had this team they’d be very dangerous
  9. The punter on that play, was beat and legitimately ran the guy down. He saved a TD and might have saved the game.
  10. If you tell me Williams is actually going to start I’ll be happy.
  11. When Russel Wilson isn’t using his legs he’s a complete zero. Just run man
  12. I liked them at first, I think they have gotten a little old now and I wish they’d throw a wrinkle in with different pants or change the helmet somehow. Make it actually full go different but i don’t have an issue with them
  13. Throw some white pants on for these. It’s too much red. You almost can’t even separate it. The top I don’t mind so much but both is a lot. Red face masks for these would be cool
  14. I realize Jones has been a monster here but this is 1 injury I’m not overly concerned about. We have so many assets tied up into this Dline. Aside from the fact that it’s overkill it’s borderline irresponsible. If we can’t absorb an injury or two in there, then our entire roster construction needs to be reevaluated. We have more than enough guys that can play in there. And god ones too. Not trash. We have a starter in Ford not even active on game days. The concern for me is the Milano replacement. And I’m not even highly worried about it, if it’s Williams. My fear is we will attempt to replace them with guys that can’t move. Like Klein or Dodson. Put Williams in and let he and Bernard go through a few weeks of growing pains with opportunity for high end returns down the line.
  15. Did someone actually say that or are you guessing?
  16. You can’t put Dodson in for Milano. We will get lit up. If you are going to tell me it’s Dorian Williams and Bernard in there with Bedford and Dane Jackson…it’s bad but it’s not really that bad. There’s a small chance we might even be dangerous on defense with the youthful legs. We have some guys that give you a chance to be a still very high level defense. You can bogg it down with old slow legs out there. Let 42 learn on the fly here and run around and hammer some people.
  17. It better be Williams. This is what happens when you take that guy out of the competition and put him behind Milano. Now the guy goes down, you put the fast guy in. The guy most similar to Milano from an athletic and aggression standpoint. It’s our only chance at sustaining high level defense. I don’t want to see old, slow LBs anywhere near the field. Klein can help during practice but when it counts I need 42/43 out there.
  18. You just aren’t going to get anyone back worth anything. Or anyone period honestly. That’s why nobody wants to do it. The guy is basically nobody in the landscape of the nfl. You aren’t getting a CB back in a trade for a guy like this. Very few players get traded for players in the NFL to begin with. Almost no team is going to give up something for a guy that marginal. The other day a guy called WGR and said they should trade Hamlin….No team is giving you something for a guy like that. You can’t just trade guys because you want to, you need a team willing to give you something. The only thing you might get, is a guy that a team was already giving up on. Like the Bears were with Claypool. They were just going to dump him until the Dolphins took the headache off their hands. The Jets will do that with Hardman soon. It’s not that the Bills wouldn’t want to trade him, it’s that nobody is going to give you anything close to worth it for AJ. And you don’t pay him anything so why not just keep him. If a team is dumb enough to give you something good? Take it. It’s just not realistic.
  19. Why would you trade a guy still on that rookie real? What are you really going to get for him? A 7th? Why even bother
  20. The sad part is I actually really liked seeing Williams out there. Guy is like a loaded gun flying all around. Of course he was benched and now you just assume we play 25. Id much rather take my chances with a freak athlete flying around there trying to figure it out, then an underwhelming veteran that we already know can’t play. Give me the speed and intensity of 42/43 out there and I’ll live with the growing pains.
  21. We have 4 CBs on the practice squad now. Seems strange
  22. I wouldn’t be overly excited with Wallace but I’d feel pretty good with him added to what we have now. At least would feel like the depth would be competent. That’s the type of guy we actually would trade for but I can’t see Pittsburgh helping us out here. They are somehow still in it.
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