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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. OK let me tell this story again. Living in a rural area is not the only reason to own a firearm for protection. I never owned a firearm (outside of bb guns as a kid) in my life. In 2012 we bought a house in the Oakland hills. Within a year we were burglarized. Our neighbor also told us the original owners of our house were victims of a home invasion robbery. Tied up and beaten for 6 hours. One day I was at work about 30 minutes away. I get a notification on my phone my motion detector was going off. I get a call from the security company and asked if I wanted them to notify OPD. I said yes. This was 2pm. I wake up the following morning and see there was activity on my front porch security cam. I check it out. It's 4am (14 hours after I agreed to have OPD come out) and two officers show up at our front door. Look in the window and say "nothing looks disheveled" and leave. Not a knock or ring of the doorbell to do a wellness check. Nothing. So this is why I was so glad to have a weapon at my disposal living there. To protect me and my wife seeing OPD wasn't going to. But @BillStime wants to take away our ability to protect ourselves because....well I'm not sure what his "because" is.
  2. The GOP eliminating SS was never an issue to begin with. Do you feel SS needs to be updated? If so how?
  3. It's a fantastic show. I used to think "anyone but Trump 2024" but watching you lose your ***** here on a daily basis I'm on the Trump 2024 bandwagon....BIG TIME!!
  4. Well what comes around goes around my friend. You belittle gays, I'll defend them and belittle you and your archaic religion. Why can't they be married? Please tell me. You have skirted this question for too long. You've become very defensive when I've shined a bright light on this. Please, why, in your own words, can't gays be married? It's a damn word. Your faith doesn't own it. In my opinion you lost this when you said we should come up with another work for marriage for same sex couples. How do you feel about interracial marriages? Interfaith marriages?
  5. I wonder how many of the 14% without sick leave are independent contractors.
  6. I'm just trying to understand your position on this. I'm not trying to win. You've stated it about religion, then you say it's about linguistics. You have not explained why, in YOUR MIND, why same sex couples cannot use the word marriage. And BTW reasonable adults don't tell each other to go ***** themselves. Just something to think about ok.
  7. Platypus tastes like a combination of duck and walrus. Don’t ask me how I know this n
  8. I’ll take all the thoughts you have. Advice? Thanks for considering giving me advice but I don’t need any advice. Beef shanks? Yes. Advice? No.
  9. Reading your posts on a daily basis is a huge ***** win for this cult member. It’s like living in SoCal and not being a Rams fan in 2022. Losers.
  10. You may not have any intent to be disrespectful but can you see why your thoughts on the subject can be interpreted as such?
  11. Linguistics? Now it’s a linguistics issue? Why have you changed your tune? A couple weeks ago you were adamant that the term was only between a man and a woman according to the church. What in the world does linguists have to do with this? Methinks you’re shying away from your religious beliefs. If so why? Nothing wrong with it. If the church is against it so be it. Don’t use the word amongst yourselves. Don’t perform same sex marriages. But do NOT tell others what to call themselves. THAT is my whole issue here. Would you be ok if we dropped the word gay? And went with just the word marriage?
  12. So Liz how many people should it take to decide who gets heard and who doesn’t?
  13. And which way the winds of public opinion are blowing at that particular moment. They wouldn’t know leadership if it hit them in the face.
  14. I’m wrong? And what am I wrong about? Yes I’m a bigot against people who push their archaic beliefs on others. You still haven’t explained why you’re so against same sex couples can’t call their union a marriage. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Well how would you prefer I refer to a group of people that you have deemed not worthy of referring to themselves as married? I'm not the one that has a problem with the term "same sex marriage" I just assumed dirty was a substitute for sinner. I guess I was wrong.
  16. Maybe because the ***** you guys post has conflicting information in it and I like to point out your political hackery. I'll make sure I continue to point this out. Yes and it's what I do and it pisses you guys off because I'm usually right. B-man with an eye roll emoji in 3....2....1.....
  17. When governments (or any entity) provides for a group of people that group tends to become lazy. Race has nothing to do with it. Look at the number of people that didn’t work during the pandemic when many chose to collect a paycheck for not working. Same with unemployment. How many weeks do they get now?
  18. Geez, a reply right out of old Billy Boy playbook. That's rather disappointing. We are all bigots in some fashion. Some of us recognize it in ourselves and admit it. Other hide it under the auspices of religion.
  19. And you're the one who chastised a while back when I suggested that raising interest rates was the best, and easiest, way to tame inflation. It's also a way to plunge the economy into a recession but I say so be it. Inflation needs to be controlled.
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