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Everything posted by longtimebillsfan

  1. Absolutely. Put this game behind us, enjoy the holidays and root for a victory over the Dolphins. Merry Christmas!
  2. Remember, he was considered a raw talent that was not ready to start in the NFL. Couple that with the lack of talent on the oline and receivers, he is doing ok.
  3. I think our running backs are fine. We need a dramatic upgrade in the oline
  4. It shows that Shady has truly lost a step or two. Next year should be his last.
  5. Noone on this board should complain about Allen's completion percentage. Our receivers are pathetic.
  6. Really like this move. Will they also keep Anderson as a player, as a coach, or release him
  7. Great analysis. I would add tremendous work ethic and a leader of men. He inspires others around him to raise their level of play. He is the real deal.
  8. I agree with you. I believe we have our franchise qb as well. I hope Allen show that he can adjust to what ever the Patriots throw at him. By the way, you don't have to be so formal with the Mister. Just call me Negative.
  9. I hope Bills fans don't get too down on Allen this week. Belichick is smart enough to make it tough on a rookie qb. This will be a tough test for Allen. I expect to see him struggle in this game , maybe even a few ints. It will be fun to see what he can do against the Patriots.
  10. This season could be the foundation for many good years. I'm okay with that. It is enjoyable to watch Allen continue to develop.
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