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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. Agreed. The bottom line is that everybody landed on the right decision within 45 minutes or so. That's actually pretty good.
  2. Everett almost died. He was saved from paralysis by an experimental medical procedure that involved something like pumping frozen liquid into his veins. I don't to mean to be all dramatic or downplay what's happening with Hamlin, which is obviously also extremely bad. But that was genuinely gruesome too.
  3. Poor Sam Darnold. What an awful time to fumble.
  4. I'm holding out for the NC-17 sequel about Zach Wilson.
  5. Can we have just one week where people kindly STFU about Isaiah Hodgins? Go put it in some other thread.
  6. Mac Jones gets routinely sacked on plays that guys like Allen and Mahomes routinely extend into first downs.
  7. The New England Patriots, who famously never benefit from questionable officiating.
  8. Also, it would be nice to keep New England's playoff hopes alive so we can end their season next week for a second year in a row. I'm petty that way. Worked out great IMO.
  9. Really looking forward to watching MIA-NE for a three hour meditation on how lucky we are to have a real QB.
  10. Remember during the drought, how every time they put the Bills on prime time, you could pretty well expect that we would not only lose, but disgrace ourselves in the process? Now our team actually plays its best football on national broadcasts. Not that we win every game of course, but even our losses tend to be the sort of losses that makes neutrals think more highly of our team, like last year's playoff game against KC. It's wonderful.
  11. It is not at all surprising that players around the NFL do not respect Mac Jones or Zach Wilson. Those guys are both losers, albeit for different reasons. Their teammates know it, and players on other teams definitely know it. And Tua seems like the kind of player that edge rushers would love to see on a weekly basis -- he can't extend plays and can't throw off-platform, after all.
  12. People make too big a deal out of this sort of thing. The sample size is far too small to draw any sweeping conclusions about the mindset of the team. The Bills are quite a bit better than average. That's true this year, and it was also true last year. We got very unlucky in some close games in 2021, and our luck more or less reverted to the mean in 2022. That's all. It's literally nothing more than just mean reversion. Unless you think that Josh Allen just learned in the offseason not to trip on 4th and 1 or something.
  13. Well, to be honest, I thought Denver would be pretty darn good this year. Maybe not "super bowl" good, but good enough to push the Chiefs for the division and a pretty good bet to make the playoffs. I had lots of company. The 2021 Broncos were a good team that looked like they were just a QB away from being a playoff team. Wilson has been a solid QB. Denver didn't need RW at his peak -- they would have been really good with just a decent facsimile of RW. But they didn't even get that. And of course Hackett was a serious liability too. This is one that I just got wrong in the offseason.
  14. They can bundle their first round picks and select Tua's replacement later this on this spring. Oh, right.
  15. Yes, I'm still sure. Yesterday's games were strongly affected by the weather across the country. Comparing that to the relatively pleasant conditions we faced in this game is apples/oranges.
  16. Gotta give the Browns and Jets a pass here IMO. I wanted the Bills to draft Allen because he was obviously the "swing for the fences" pick in that draft, but at the time it was very common for people to have Darnold and Mayfield ahead of him. Heck, throw in Wrong Josh while you're at it. I still can't believe the Giants and Broncos passed on QBs in the draft. Those were stupid teams.
  17. I'm not sure if "impressive" is the right word, but he sure made an impression on me today. Fields did absolutely nothing against us yesterday. Granted, he's not Mahomes, but he's been playing pretty well this year. I don't remember Lamar giving us any problems either.
  18. He's an elite QB. They just need to give him more time to develop. Like 6-8 years or so.
  19. I have no recollection of the game or situation to which you are presently referring.
  20. It was as if Rodgers voluntarily chose to take that sack. Josh Allen is more likely to score a TD than be sacked on that play. I mean, the likelihood of him being tackled in the backfield by that defender is approximately zero.
  21. I'm glad this game doesn't really matter for us. It's fun to root against a team like Miami just out personal spite and animosity as opposed to self-interest.
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