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Everything posted by familykwi

  1. I'm calling my shot. I predict a FG attempt at the end of this drive.
  2. So that's the player Klein is better than. Totally a good thing we signed him then.
  3. I'd like to examine how many times he leaves the pocket unnecessarily. He impresses me as terribly impatient in the pocket. I know his legs are an asset, but he needs to be more patient with his receivers.
  4. For those wondering why we kept Roberts, that last catch was exactly why. He makes those catches look so easy, but there is no way anyone has confidence if McKenzie was running under it.
  5. Why are Bills receivers running tight with Jets DBs, but the Jets' WRs are running free regularly?
  6. The biggest problem for Josh is he doesn't get to play our defense on game day.
  7. First thing that comes to mind... What's the best thing about Brian Winters? GO!
  8. Daniel Jones, err, Dane Jackson with the pick. (sorry, but I couldn't help but be reminded of Jones's "run")
  9. He'll absolutely get an extension. For the same reason he was drafted... unmatchable athleticism.
  10. I suspect he'll settle himself eventually and become a solid NFL kicker. I wish it wasn't taking so long, but I'd hate to cut the cord prematurely.
  11. Shouldn't that be Darnold though? I thought he's the one who sees ghosts.
  12. I've heard that McD likes wrestlers a lot. I would imagine using your hands and leveraging your opponent is a part of that attraction. Why then do all of our D linemen make shoulder contact and ride the opposing blocker? I see no effort to create separation to get past the blocker.
  13. That may be true, but I didn’t need Jordan at that price.
  14. They had just highlighted AJ Brown there, so I only watched him on that play. AJ slipped on his cut and the ball was uncatchable behind him. I never thought of a call there. Then came the flag. Atrocious.
  15. I see no D lineman beating their man and getting penetration. If they are working to maintain gaps to stop the run, they need to find balance to make their pass rush at least respectable
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