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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. remember also Belichick the cheater havin his defense men always coming up lame almost having to be carried off field and than be back in to make a play 1 play later.    This is how they stopped the no huddle by basically cheating



    Well before that game... the Bills pulled the same stunts against Cincinnati's no huddle.

  2. It used to be great to watch their postgame show. When I think back to 25 years ago (when I moved away from Buffalo), there was no directv or Empire accessibility. If your area did not carry the Bills game you were really out of touch. I remember many times being on the phone with my Dad with him giving me a play by play at the end of each game. My Dad would fax me Bills articles throughout the week.


    Sorry to see Empire go, but be thankful for Directv, the Internet and the fact that newspapers (Buffalo News) are accessible via the internet.


    These things, along with Two Bills Drive are wondrous tools for us

    "out of towners" to follow and analyze our team. I am very thankful for these things. So, sorry to see Empire go, but we have it a lot better than just a few years ago.

  3. Is this a great game or what ?  :( 


    Cowher needs to run the ball, with BOTH Duece Staley and Jerome Bettis getting used heavily. Set up the occasional long ball off play action for Ben R. Field position and ball control. Let your Defense be the dominant unit.


    Yet I watched the Cowher press conference today and he raved about Ben R. Says he doesn't worry about a rookie mistake here and there. He has all the confidence in the world calling pass plays with him in the post-season. He does realize that Doug Brien missed 2 makeable FG's that would have meant a huge upset.


    And people wonder why this guy loses so many home games in the playoffs. :D 


    If you had a healthy Bettis and Staley, with that OL, wouldn't you just pound the ball all day ? Staley looked pretty good, coming off his injury and the time is NOW.


    If the Jets game didn't teach Cowher anything, then he is a fool and one of the worst post-season Coaches ever. Agreed ? How many home playoff games can this guy lose and still have the Rooneys thinking he's great ?


    Thoughts ?



    I agree. He is out of his mind if he doesn't keep pounding the running game. I am sure that New England will focus primarily on one thing... stopping the run. If they succeed... game over. They will torment Big Ben and clean house.

  4. A few years before my"partying time" but I definetly remmeber it, especially since I am in Mass!


    I suppose that melody is not a "must" but I can't think of any "attribute" of that particular band which I liked!  But then again...different strokes for different folks! Did you break out the Wild Irish Rose for those parties???


    Give me T Rex anyday!



    I think every alcoholic beverage known to man was at these parties (senior year of high school). Melody or not... Whammer Jammer is an all time great party song. Now if I could just remember anything else from these parties...

  5. Nah, he's pat lafontaine with a facemask...  Damaged goods.  Great career, but he'll go the way of al toone.  Straightforward answer=major concussion problems.  he's had at least a dozen.



    Thanks... that would certainly rule him out. Too bad.

  6. Sorry if I spelled his name wrong. On ESPN radio today a NY writer stated that Cherbet probably would not be brought back. I think he was hurt part of the year, but he is sure a clutch reciever that might look better in a Bills uniform than Josh Reed. Anybody know what his injuries were?

  7. Also, the one other thing I'd add. Is puppies grow up so quick. Enjoy the time you have to spend with your puppy. When she's 10 years old and been a great companion you'll think back to these years with great memories of when she was a little puppy. Post some pics if you got some!



    Thanks for all of the great input today. I truly appreciate every comment. The puppy is a Labradoodle, which is an interesting mix between a standard poodle and a lab. Should be an interesting dog. I'll try to post a picture when my wife (the computer programmer) gets home. Thanks again.

  8. punishment wise or what? For all the dogs i've had, when they do something bad, try this...fill a pepsi can with 5-10 pennies and shake the can at the dog when they are bad...for whatever reason, the dogs hate that noise and are scared of it...has worked for our dogs...



    Yes, just how to best train them including scolding of some kind. I know the age old "rubbing their face in it" is not the way to go.



  9. harrington throws the ball away, and sometimes throws to covered recievers. that may have something to do with his low sack totals. quick release. and rarely takes sacks. i wish bledsoe could do that.



    From what saw of Harrington he was afraid. You could see it in the way he handled himself and the passes he threw . I agree with the above statement regarding how he threw to covered receivers, etc. It was not, however, a plus... it was a negative.. A quarterback that is perceived as somewhat of a coward cannot have the respect of his teamates.

  10. I've got no sympathy for Ralph.

    He may have turned over a new leaf over the past 20 years,

    but I can't forget how much of a cheap bastard he was in the late 60's. 70's, & early 80's.



    We suffered through a lot of really bad seasons because of that. I mean really bad seasons! Between his penny pinching and the clowns he hired to run the team... that was a lot of suffering.

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