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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. I give TD 2 more seasons to make the playoffs (which is very generous). If he can't do it, I want him out of here unconditionally.


    Can we all agree on that? Or do we have to make more excuses as to why this franchise has become the Bengals of the 21st century?


    Many think the worst thing about TSW is the ignorance and impatience of the "new-age" posters. In my opinion, it's the !@#$ing complacency of the older fan base. Too bad the least complacent around here tend to get banned, because right about now this board could use some more frozen water and some more hard drinks...




    Whoa!!!! The complacency of the older fan base?? I have been going to Bills games sice the mid-sixties and I can assure you... no complacency here! Us older fans have gone through periods you would not even dream of. The Harvey Johnson, Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, etc. years. If anything, it is the "fans" who started following the Bills due to their Super Bowl run who should be "brought to task"... not the fans who suffered through years of being the worst team in the NFL.


    I actually agree with several points from your initial post, but your "complacent older fan base" comment is way off. No one, I repeat no one, wants or deserves a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl champion more than the "older" fans!

  2. Not a single person on this board knows for sure what Donahoe will do. Many of us just post what we hope will happen, which is about the best you can hope for.  Donahoe won't let on what the plan is until he's ready to.


    I realize they are guesses at best... but I am extremely disappointed in his lack of action regarding the offensive line.

  3. Some of the smartest and most driven people I've worked with in the corporate world are also the hardest partiers.  The work hard/play hard mentality goes hand in hand with people who are risk takers.  At one company, the #1 sales guy was also the company's best coke connection.  One guy who founded his own company and built it into a successes ($100MM, over 500 employees) used to talk about all the acid trips he had taken and regularly got high with his employees.  He was the most brilliant guy I've ever met.  On the other end of the scale are the loser burn outs, but they aren't going to be running America (or anything else) anyway.  Like Ed suggested, it's just as easy to screw up your life with too much booze as it is with too much drugs.



    Many "brilliant", "high IQ'd" individuals have many problems to deal with. Whether it involves being antisocial, insecure, pompous, etc... brilliant individuals rarely have a combination of intelligence and common sense. They occassionaly turn to drugs, alcohol, or other ways to help themselves better deal with their situations. I think you make an excellent point. However, I would not call these people "smart"... I cannot define any drug using, hard partying individual as "smart"... but I will call an individual with these qualities and a tremendous IQ as "brilliant". I would call someone with a high IQ that decides to avoid illegal drugs and has a good portion of common sense as "smart".

  4. sorta admits...  The irony of the whole story is the guy's name is doug wead... 





    I'm a little younger than George, but every single person I knew in college at least tried smoking pot. He remains an honest, noble man, unlike Slick Willie.


    Names can be great. The top urologist in Toledo (everyone seems to end up at this guys office for a vascectomy)... his name is actually Dr. Richard Tapper. I didn't believe it when I first moved here but it's true.

  5. I am not blaming you. You asked a question and I answered it for you. Geeez  :D



    No problem, I appreciate the reply. I didn't understand the mystery and quite frankly have never read any rules and regulations. I figured that fairly polite comments without cursing, etc were all you needed to know. I will review the regulations.

  6. worst. actor. ever.


    Which is why I can not understand why people love that crappy movie The Matrix.


    The idea that we are all in pods, and this "life" is just a figment, a computer redering? Wow. That would be a great idea to think about when your stoned out of your mind. But just because the idea is thought provoking doesn't mean a 2 hour movie about it with awful acting is good.



    Yeah, but in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure... he wasn't acting...

  7. We had the same type of thing happen at work. I guy brought in a violin player, dozens of flowers and spread the word that he would be doing this in the outside entrance. About 200 people watched the except same scenario. How dense can someone be, if there is any doubt, why propose at all... let alone in front of an audience. One can only think that they hoped an audience would help sway the decision. It takes all kinds...

  8. He's going to be on Mike and the Mad Dog show today (WFAN NYC). These two knuckleheads haven't been shy about their feelings of Kelly not deserving to be in the HOF. I think Kelly once confronted Mad Dog on it. Should be interesting.



    I forget who it was (I think it was a Ram's QB) that got insulted on a talk show and knocked over chairs and almost went after the host. I would love to see Jimbo put one of these guys up against a wall...

  9. Ok we have turned into a nation of sadistic freaks.  Sure many people deserve what they have comming to them, but to take enjoyment in the slaughtering of anyone for any reason is f*up.  If this is what the leaders are saying imagine what the lowest marine thinks, is it now ok to torture, kill, or maim theese people because of how some of them treat women.  That general is going to hell along with all of the "evil" people that he dispaches from this planet.



    I'm sorry... but come off your high horse...

  10. The kind is use is NutroMax.. if you do a little research, you'll find some gross facts about dog food. The stuff you find at the grocery store ("pedigree", etc) contains chicken by products. This means beaks, feet, cartilidge (sp), eyes, etc...


    What this means is you are filling your dog with stuff that it can't digest, just like we cant. Therefore, he poops it out.


    Nutro Max only uses parts of the chicken that humans would consume. Breast meat, etc...  This means, after a while, less poop, as they actually use more of what you give them.  (they don't eat less - they use more)


    I get Nutro Max at PetSmart. Its about 30% more expensive, but I'd rather not feed my dog the face parts of a chicken, or its toenails..



    I got a real education when I initially asked the dog food question. I would imagine that the majority of dog owners see Pedigree or IAMs in the grocery store and feel they are getting some great products. I am glad that I researched this issue and was grateful for the input I received here.

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