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Toledo Bill

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Posts posted by Toledo Bill

  1. That guy had decent speed, was a sensational downfield blocker and had the best set of hands I have ever seen. His routes were run on a dime. What a plus a true "possession receiver" can be. I think Eric Moulds is great (other than his recent "dropsies") and Evans will be a star, but a guy like Chandler doesn't come along too often.


    Anybody have a modern day player they would compare to Chandler?

  2. I started that post and got some excellent advice from Alaska Darin. He recommended Canidae. I did a lot of research and spent an hour talking to a Feed Store owner (who had hundreds of 40 pound bags in his store). Everything supported Darin's recommendations. It is an outstanding choice.

  3. Howard is doing well and enjoy listening to him as much as I have in the past.  He is paired up with Jeremy White who is billed as "the sports ticker guy".  Unfortunately, he is on the air way TOO much.  Stick to the tickers and occassional comment instead of trying to be the primary personality on the show.



    Thanks... I'm glad he's doing well.

  4. They talked about this on  Mike & Mike in the mroning and it was speculated

    that both coordinators will come from inside the club house.



    The past few months (with the addition of XM radio) I have been listening to Mike and Mike when I travel. I find their show to be informative and entertaining. Although, now getting spoiled with most XM stations... there seem to be way to many advertisements on that show...

  5. I think we need to get rid of Moulds and sign a player like Muhsin Muhammed. The Panthers may cut Muhammed for salary cap reasons. If there's going to be a new QB anyway, you may as well start of fresh with a new possession receiver; a guy who makes catches instead of drops.



    The drops were indeed disheartening. I just feel that if his head is in the game, Moulds can be as good as they come.

  6. I feel that we are going to get a great year out of Moulds. I really think the past few years affected his attitude. If he wants to remain an "elite" receiver for a quality team, he needs to step up this year. I think he will remain our #1 target for several years. I believe his conditioning will allow this. It is time for him to finalize his legacy and I feel a player like Moulds will excel when challenged to be the #1 target on a GOOD football team.

  7. Another football fan and myself were talking about this yesterday.  It appears to be a given that the Bills will trade Travis Henry during the offseason.  If so, what do they do with the number two slot? Who will backup Willis MaGahee? Keep Shaud Williams? Sign a free agent? Draft a running back? I think drafting a running back in the 4th or 5th round might be a decent idea.  What does everyone else think?



    Williams didn't impress me. Through draft or free agency I'd rather see us get a power back. Williams just doesn't fit the "smash mouth" philosophy.

  8. I would never tell anybody what is great and what isn't.  You'll never hear me claiming, "such and such is the greatest film ever."  No matter how much I know about the subject, I'll never feel I know enough to make such an arrogant statement.  I'm not speaking about the greatness of LOTR, I'm speaking purely of the ability of people to make a valid argument.  In the end everything is subjective, you are correct.  However, if you have no knowledge of a subject in question your opinion means holds no weight.  Its the equivalent of somebody not following politics and saying they think Bush is the worst president that ever and knowing very little about previous presidents and their policies.  Sure, you're welcome to your opinion, but without some sort of foundation of knowledge that opinion isn't worth much.


    As for Visconte's "supposed" great works, this speaks precisely to what I was talking about earlier.  If someone watches mostly Hollywood films and gets accustomed to a very specific type of filmmaking and then is thrown something like Visconte, of course they're not going to like it.  That being said, there are plenty of people with backgrounds in film that also dislike Visconte’s films.  The liking or disliking of his films isn't what's important, it’s the ability to make a coherent and intelligent argument about the films...and not just in a literary sense (which is how just about all people, and critics, judge films...because that's the background they have, literature).


    As I said before, at its foundation my problem is one of semantics.  There is a big difference between saying “favorite” and “greatest”…one had better know what they’re speaking about if they start throwing around the latter because it’s the type of statement that can, and should, be challenged.  The ironic thing is that the more one knows about a subject, the less likely they are to throw around those types of statements because they understand how little they really know.


    I also find it humorous that you have such a distain for the academic community.  It’s a pure defense mechanism; you must feel this way to justify your position.  Think of it a different way.  What if I started throwing around statements about somebody else’s area of expertise, say, Bio Chemistry?  Would my opinions on the subject (something I know zero about) be just as valid as a Bio Chemists?  I mean, all that academic stuff is pure hogwash!



    Get off your high horse, Pilgrim! Again... to each his own. If my daughter thinks The Wiggles meet the Three Stooges is the greatest film ever... it is.

  9. I think you are being WAY too hard on people! I have watched Visconti's supposedly grand masterpieces, and read a couple of Bronte's supposed great works, and I didn't think they were that impressive!!! Art and literature is all in the eye of the beholder!!! For some Picasso is a great artist; to others, Monet was far better.


    You don't need an extensive background in ANYTHING to think what YOU consider to be a great piece of ANYTHING. It is a serious pet peeve of mine that people on their lofty academic mountain can tell the world what is great and what is not!! I find it offensive, really... nobody writes books or creates films or paints paintings for critics; they do it because people ENJOY them!!! I'll take my Dumas or Monet and let the abstract artists and the lovers of Thomas Hardy and Emily Bronte have their enjoyment.


    Calling the LOTR series one of the greatest series of films of all time is NOT a crime... it is an expression of the love of a set of films that captures the imagination, wows people, and gives children AND adults great pleasure!!! If that is wrong because I haven't seen a Kurosawa movie, then I am wrong, and I will GLADLY admit it! <_<



    Sorry... I posted a reply to his message before reading your comments... well put!

  10. I don't want to rip into posters who love these movies (I own them and enjoy the hell out of them as well) but I keep seeing things like this thrown around; "Best work of art ever", "best films ever", "will never be equaled.”  So a question: how much about film, its theories and its history (both domestic and international) do you know?  Have you seen the films of Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Renoir, Ozu, Tati, Bresson and a plethora of others I can't possibly list here?  Having seen those films are you really equipped with the knowledge to understand what those filmmakers were doing and how they went about doing it?


    Film is a language, and like any language the more one learns about it the more one is able to understand its subtleties and complexities.  Most of the people throwing around this praise I'd assume have a very limited understanding of film.  I’d assume most here have a pretty high reading level, so this might be a pretty good analogy:  Dr. Seuss wrote some great books, for what they were.  But once one progressed in their understanding of the English language these books weren't enough to satiate your appetite for something more.  Someone without a background in film saying the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the "best piece of art work ever" is like someone with a 2nd grade reading level calling "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" the greatest piece of literature ever written.  It is a good book, hell it might be the one I enjoy reading to my son the most (well, that or “The Sneetches”)…but simply enjoying it and it being “the greatest piece of literature ever” are two different things.


    I'm sure I'll get some angry replies to this as most people don't appreciate being told they don't know something (and it tends to piss them off).  That's okay, let'er rip!


    Anyway, it’s a game of semantics I suppose.  I have no problem with someone calling the films their “favorite of all time” or something of the like, but if you start throwing around praise as the “greatest film of all time” you had better be able to back it up with a comprehensive knowledge of film.


    Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine.



    Yes... "favorite" film makes more sense. But, as far as your "comprehensive knowledge" comment... what do you mean? Oscar awards etc. are nothing but people's personal opinions (ie: "favorite movie"). Thinking that your opinion or a group of critics opinions mean some film is "the greatest ever" is a load of crap. To each his own... if someone feels a movie such as The Lord of the Rings" is the best ever... than it is... to that individual. "Comprehensive knowledge"... come on.

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