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Everything posted by Howard

  1. so I take it noone wants to meet me and my wife for dinner. I'll just leave the invitasion open in case you guys have nothing to do that friday. We usually get there at 3:30 because the seafood platter goes quick. Plus the coffee is always fresh when Gina our favorite waitress works on those days. Like I said, we always clip the coupons from the ad inserts each week so we have a bunch saved up and our neighbors don't seem to mind that we use a few of their inserts each week. H
  2. Shirl and I would like to meet up for dinner next week with other Bills fans like those other guys did in the albany area. Does anyone want to have dinner with me and shirl next week. We have a few coupons and can meet at 3:45pm. go Bills. H
  3. I always liked this version better than the rolling Stones version in 1975. H
  4. This is great news. Happy for you canadian bills fan. Love Howard, Shirl and Howard
  5. Just stay the hell off Southwestern Bvd at 11:30am. Need less traffic when I am trying to get home for the game.
  6. Don't take Southwestern bvd. There's already enough maniacs on there when I drive through at 11:30am.
  7. Is one of the first members here to teach me how to block and private message others.
  8. The first modulator I met here and Shirl's favorite.
  9. mead is a gentleman with a stunning wife (from what I heard)
  10. Cowgirlfan is a nice woman and has made me feel welcomed here at twobillsdrive.
  11. We've trained Howard not to take treats from strangers. H
  12. My last day also included visits with carrier Eshelman and Joe Mangini. My picture is my picture. And Eshelman is Eshelman. You can believe what you want but I'm in the background behind Eshelman. We retired at the same time the Cazenovia branch is in buffalo in case you werent aware of the zip code. I know these things.
  13. Bestplayer. Once again im not sure what fishing has to do with my writings. And i dont troll, I jig. Plus if I wear a flag on my uniform and carry pepper spray, plus I have a uniform, i'd say I served my country. Sorry you disagree but my service with the PO gives you that right to disagree. You can thank me later then.
  14. Jboyst. That is me on my last day at the Cazenovia branch. I wasn't armed in that picture. H
  15. Mead. My dog is Howard. He's a big loveball and we love him dearly. If Cleats steps foot on my property he'll get a taste of Howard.
  16. Shirl looks nothing like my whores from my younger days. My favorite whores was called Patches. Fast as lightnin'
  17. Not sure what fishing has to do with cletus. Also he claims to drive a ram but knowing cletus he probably cant even ride a whores. When I was younger I'd ride whores all the time. Sometimes to school or later on for work.
  18. Good morning everyone. Shirl just gave me my early anniversary gift. Its a pamphlet that lets me sit in the recliner and do my writings while watching the bowling or the real estate showcase. My typing is slow and a litle tough with the touch tone keys but im getting use to it.
  19. Now you guys know my pain. I have these dumb posters hanging all over my frigidaire.
  20. Cleats doesnt like old people. Especially guys like me who proudly wore the gray and blue for 60 years. Sad
  21. Cletus doesnt respect older people. Sad
  22. I have to get off the computer now because Shirl needs to check her numbers. I was one of the first postal servicemen to carry pepper spray for dogs and unruly kids that spray painted my delivery truck. It worked great on dogs and the one time I sprayed a kid he was blinded for a few minutes until he saw clear enough to get home. My truck was clean after that. That fact that I was an armed serviceman with 40 years of service is something I am proud of no matter what you say.
  23. Cletus You aren't country. I had a brother at the square. Gary Hotaling. He was from Gowanda. He used to trap and kill with an axe and a knife. He made me a postal sachel out of a beaver pelt and detailed with muskrat bones. It still hands in my closet to this day. You are a killer of animals. I can tell just from your tone. You probably don't even know where I live because there's no &#33;@#&#036;ing moss on the north side of our trees to guide you. Do you have one of those fancy vhs cameras that lets you record the 12 hours you sit in the woods waiting for a deer? Put it to good use and take some pictures of your boyfriend fixing your prius for future referince. <BLOCK Cletus ENTER>
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