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Everything posted by Needle

  1. To early to tell on Matt Barkley. Has anyone looked into his internet history?
  2. Maybe Fromm banged his girlfriend? Maybe Fromm is a racist lunatic? I wouldn't assume anything.
  3. I'm sure we have all said things we wish we could take back. My point is that far more damaging actions are overlooked on the regular. This thing has gone off the rails once again and it will be silly witch hunt that serves no purpose. I don't hear a lot of discussions on how to help poor black communities. Get Drew Brees!
  4. Jake Fromm and Drew Brees should have sexually assaulted a woman instead. They wouldnt have received any backlash from other players. I think all of the players who are attacking these guys should turn their phones in. I'm sure their texts have never strayed of the righteous path.
  5. No worries K-9. I think everyone is feeling the pressure. I know I need to take a good long break from the world.
  6. I believe that the black community is in need of significant help. I am willing to be a part of the solution even if it means less for me. I think police reform is in order and I would support any kind of improvement suggestions. However I don't think police reform is high on the list of things that would help the black community. I also think a blanketed statement of "defund the police" is pointless. The term Black lives matter is not offensive to me nor is it meaningful. I don't think it means much nor do I think the movement is helping our poor. The black community has been taken advantage of once again by both parties. I have disdain for Republicans and Democrats. Sorry for the political stuff. I know it doesn't belong here. Go Bills?
  7. I have zero problem with players kneeling for the anthem. I don't know a single service member who cares either. I don't think it is a very productive practice though. It doesn't make much sense to distract from the message IMO.
  8. I really don't care what you believe. You have never met me and have nothing to go on. You said that Kap wasn't against all police. I know that Kap is big into BLM. I simply shared what seems to be their only mission statement as a demand to defund all police. I served in the Marines with a guy whose father was the head of the NAACP in Houston. I learned a lot about the things that organization does. This friend of mine brought his father to various events. It's not hard to find a clear investment into the black community that the NAACP devotes itself too. Education, legal representation, business investment, etc. I'm sorry that I couldn't find that stuff with BLM. It doesn't make me the racist that you are dying to call me.
  9. It is not an organization I detest. It is something I haven't researched enough. You seem to be awfully snarky about something you don't know much about.
  10. I went to the Black Lives Matter homepage in honest attempt to see what it is about. The only thing on there is a petition to sign for a demand to defund all police and various t-shirts to buy. Since visiting the site, I get a pop up once a day for the whole defunding of police thing. Point is, BLM is definitely saying all police.
  11. I wonder if black players will have their phones and social media checked for insensitive material? This way we can really clean things up in the league.
  12. This my issue with BLM movement. They are not interested in communicating. You can only agree with them or you're a racist. If you are a white and agree with them you still need to not speak on the subject. It is blatantly over the top insulting. I have done some research on BLM because I wanted to see what it was about. At least I wanted to see more than just BLM spray painted on a building or car. The truth is that it has zero substance whatsoever. The website literally has one idea or demand on it, "defund police". The other content is t-shirts. It is a sham. It is just an angry rant for black people to tee off on white society. It is also a woke badge for white millennials on Facebook. Literally no dialogue, no substance, and no advancement for the black community. The NAACP and ACLU are everything BLM is not. I don't always agree with them but you can see their dedication to bettering minorities through education, housing, legal funding, etc. BLM is a bumper sticker for soccer moms and something to carve into a cop car. Pointless
  13. It is hard to fathom why anyone would invest any $ into these communities. Business or home? Yeah okay, good luck with that. People are abandoning suburbs that are in walking distance to these neighborhoods.
  14. No one has opposed peaceful protests. It has been going on for over a week without much restriction or push back. The violence that occurs when night hits has created a dangerous environment for everyone. Putting a curfew on it is a far cry from opposing. They will be welcomed back tomorrow. Of course you know all this. You just enjoy the attention being a simpleton gets you.
  15. Yeah I don't think you have a clue what fascism is. How many other isms do you misuse? Does anyone take you serious in the real world?
  16. Trump is going to lose and he deserves it. Totally unfit for the job. Unfortunately so is Joe Biden. So we lose again
  17. Wanting to curb mob violence and protect citizens and property makes me a fascist?
  18. Hopefully soon because the pillaging and violence that follows is getting old.
  19. Only in this country does poverty own an SUV
  20. I have seen this kind of thing at least 15 times and I hope they continue to show it. The comment isn't accurate though.
  21. I definitely think that it is sophisticated. It is like any other terrorist operation that probably has cells everywhere that are prepared to operate on their own when given the word. I just keep seeing people say things like.....how could they get their people into all cities at the same time on short notice? The answer is that they are already there.
  22. I would imagine that these agitators live all over the country and in every city. They really don't have to show up anywhere.
  23. Who are they? Police? I think I would need to see the statistics match the claims.
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