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Everything posted by jeffismagic

  1. I see Andre Holmes as the #2 WR this year. Zay Jones will be the #3 this year.
  2. Yes. And Buffalo does not look like the best situation for talented scouts to work in. Beane will have to convince people that their work will be valued.
  3. The Transplant thread is now just Tyrod believers agreeing with each other. I almost just posted a video of Baltimore-Buffalo as a tribute to you.
  4. Thanks for that. There is a God but he hates the Bills.
  5. The structure is the same as KC, yes. For this to work Sean will have to let Beane do his job. If he doesn't do that it's a Chip Kelly situation.
  6. Both. I don't ignore either. The goal should be to win a Superbowl. Let's get on that and draft better defensive players as well as secure a franchise QB.
  7. If the Jets hired the defensive coordinator from the Panthers who had a worse defense than Rob and Rex Ryan last year and made him the GM and had him pick players in the draft then fire the scouts who setup the board I would mock them mercilessly. It does not look like a winning hand.
  8. The offense was middle of the pack with a top rushing number and bottom of the barrel passing number. Wins and losses are a team stat but team offense is JUST Tyrod? You are twisting yourself into a pretzel here defending this QB. If he was totally responsible for every point the offense scored why did he and his agent take a pay cut? Why didn't he demand a raise instead?
  9. I don't recall Levy picking the players. Polian drafted them and Levy coached them. If you want Polian that is not the setup the Bills just implemented.
  10. You didn't convince me that QB play is not important. Great QB play is necessary but not sufficient. I am in the improve BOTH the defense and the QB play camp. It doesn't have to be just one.
  11. You keep demanding only the defense improve. Derek Carr won 12 games last year with a worse defense than the Bills. QB play matters.
  12. What would the Bills record be if Tyrod threw a TD against Miami in OT?
  13. His favorite QB this year was Davis Webb. He didn't like Mahomes or Watson.
  14. Let's not forget this nugget from Greg Cossell, the king of the tall, white guys. NFL Films' Greg Cosell: I'd take Zach Mettenberger over Jameis Winston http://www.espn.com/blog/tennessee-titans/post/_/id/13478/greg-cosell-of-nfl-films-id-take-zach-mettenbrger-over-jamies-winston
  15. Your words betray you. mi·sog·y·nist məˈsäjənəst/ noun 1. a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. synonyms: woman-hater; More
  16. I read your excuses. The guy struggles running a two minute drill. He folds in the 4th quarter. He hesitates like Trentative in the pocket. He can't hit open wide receivers. He can't throw or challenge a defense in the middle of the field. He has one of the lowest yards after catch per completion in the NFL. But defensive play not to lose coaches love him.
  17. Normally when one hires a GM there are strengths or positives. I watched several Beane interviews and he gave very generic answers to everything. Other than his prior relationship to the head coach, what do people see as the things Beane brings to the table?
  18. So if Tyrod doesn't get it done again this year with his THIRD offensive coordinator will you still make excuses for him? Or will you say it is time to move on?
  19. Bottom 2 passing game in the NFL and a 1-7 record vs .500 or better teams is nothing to brag about. He gets a nice "rating" while not getting it done. J.P. Losman also had a top 11 QB rating one year with Mike Mularkey as the coach.
  20. Why not also try to improve a bottom 2 NFL passing game?
  21. Not even close. The Bills run the ball very well which is why there is no excuse for a QB not passing better. Against .500 teams or better, Tyrod Taylor and his inability to pass the ball registered 1 win, 7 losses against teams that were .500 or better. The one win came against a third string QB with an injured shoulder.
  22. He already has a sales pitch for 2017. Sean The Wrestler screaming stuff and a Bills fan hitting the back of his pickup truck. http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/It-Starts-With-One/0962b3d9-2496-41ba-ac4f-16d22830c2b3
  23. No, I think offense and defense are both important. I think you're the one who thinks the passing game is not necessary and that a team can have success with a bottom 3 passing game. https://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/team-pass-yards-per-game/2016/
  24. According to Leroi, Sean McDermott thinks this is a playoff team. And I assume he also sold the Pegulas that he would take this team to the playoffs this year.
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