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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. Omg this is now posted in 5 threads. Yep. He’s definitely winning. Keep swinging wannabe Influencer Bill. Maybe we would take your faux outrage seriously if you shared your horror over what was a fan video who probably never saw the words literally no one can see as seriously as you should take all the lies you’ve been told about Covid. 2
  2. I said, long run absolutely. If you are entering the work force in your 20s today you should be. Living month to month is more difficult but try to put some in. That does not take away from the pain here now and coming in the next 10 years for those retiring or retired circa 2010 - 2030. Until the next catastrophe.
  3. *Opens thread seeing its most recent post fully expecting to see a “But Trump” post* *Laughs out loud at the predictability*
  4. I don’t know any financial planner that will tell you to avoid the market and not invest. As always it’s good for the long term. Everyone that’s retired in the last 10 years and in the next 10 is completely f…ed. Branch Covidians did that.
  5. American families on average saw large gains in income and wealth from 2019 to 2022 and households became less fragile during a period marked by the severe disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and massive subsequent government spending, a Federal Reserve survey published Wednesday showed. But the income gains were largest among the highest-earning families, and fastest among white families, with income at the median actually registering small declines for both Hispanic and Black families, the Fed found in its latest Survey of Consumer Finances, conducted every three years. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-income-inequality-rose-3-years-through-2022-fed-data-shows-2023-10-18/ Ten richest men double their fortunes in pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/ten-richest-men-double-their-fortunes-pandemic-while-incomes-99-percent-humanity Conservative MAGA Republicans that supported Covid Lockdowns knew exactly what they were doing in order to profit.
  6. You seem to be ***t posting again with the familiar go to. Someone is “panicked” for calling your lunacy out. 201.
  7. Its legit all day - much more recently then normal. It’s because he knows Biden is losing and thinks he’s a significant influencer that’s going to turn the tide - on a football forum he doesn’t post in. This place and Twitter are pretty much the only sites I need to stay updated. I’ll absolutely comment when I have time and the issue matters and/or is the topic of the day. That clown will simply ***t post deliberately because he thinks he’s doing CNN’s work often bumping thread after thread to distract from topics that matter or are the story of the day - but only if it’s it’s embarrassing for Democrats. He has posted here over 200 times this weekend. Only in PPP. Let that sink in.
  8. Making the rich richer is all democrats have done since 2020. I’ll blame Bidenomics. And the Democrat party.
  9. Bad enough I have to work 10 more years then I’d like - I can’t contribute what I’d like because I need to buy food and pay bills.
  10. Nope. Not even close. Ds don’t do Econ. Don’t understand real v nominal.
  11. Miserable Libs: ”You shouldn’t take the outdated views of a man telling women how to live your life.” The Butkers: Harrison 3x SB champion kicker and a multimillionaire set for life; His wife played college basketball at Rhodes College in Tennessee. His mother is a physicist. Yea you know what, I’d really like to hear what the miserable libs have to say about life advice the Butker’s are so 1950s.
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