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Posts posted by bbb

  1. well native americans smoked the peace pipe long before they were relegated to reservations and worse. Original America the peace pipe was part of the real world- long before we desecrated this country. Now the "real world" in America is a bombardment of in your face advertisements, rampant consumerism, materialism, greed, selfishness. celebrity worship, ignorance and fake morals. I prefer the native americans original real world myself


    Didn't their real world also consist of sending a virgin over the Falls in a canoe for good luck?


    Yeah I know it's water.


    Then I guess the humor is just failing?

  2. well I have a sense of humor and find that sight amusing


    Well, the humor part is that DHMO is water, and the idea is to poke fun at any research by using it (I'm sure instructions are in the High Society manual). But, since Chef doesn't know that, he thinks you're serious, which is totally reasonable, given your earlier rant about every three and four letter acronym in the world.


    He still thinks you're serious and you still think he knows it's water. That's why the humor isn't working right now.

  3. Nope, just passing curiosity.


    You pot guys are so serious (how ironic). I tried deflecting off Booster the other night with a couple of Charlie Sheen quotes and such - stuff that everybody has been laughing about all week, but he was relentless. You guys act like you are defending your mother from some slur I made.


    I guess I would have to ask - relative to what? Certainly it's less harmful than that DHMO stuff that Pete was talking about. I've been on the phone all morning telling my friends and family about this. Some of them were using it 8 or more times a day!

  4. my point is that anything can be harmful in large amounts. Even vitamin C or Dihydrogen Monoxide. "Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live in the real world." take note bbb


    Now this is sarcasm at it's FINEST! Getting stoned out of reality is living in the real world! :thumbsup:

  5. this isn't last post wins, buddy. we need a little bit more proof on your douchebagginess. what kinda car you drive?




    I don't want to jeopardize my status of being number one, so I cannot answer that question.


    In order for me to lose my perch, you will have to post something even more douchebaggery. I am not giving the title away myself.

  6. Pot is harmless.




    This is THE single biggest douchebag post I've EVER read on TBD. And I have posted Thousands of my own, and ready thousands more.


    Excellent - because if I'm going douchebag, I want to be the single biggest douchebag I can be! This is historic.


    And, coming from somebody who says pot is harmless is even better! Of course, there goes Booster's argument that nobody says pot is harmless.


    I'm Number One!

  7. Says the guy wanting to match income levels as proof of his superiority.


    Shockingly, you are wrong again. I never said it was proof of my superiority. It was in defense of being called a stupid, worthless idiot. You can't be stupid and get the kinds of grades I did, and you can't be worthless if you are making the kind of money I'm making. The truth would be the exact opposite of what you are calling me.

  8. I thought you respected him? Now, I'm out.


    View PostChef Jim, on 04 March 2011 - 01:16 AM, said:

    There's a difference dude. You every now and then just go off the deep end and get real nasty like tonight. I'm just an !@#$ sometimes. And I'm going to walk away from this and say goodnight.



    Waah, I was so mean to you. Cry some more...

  9. There's a difference dude. You every now and then just go off the deep end and get real nasty like tonight. I'm just an !@#$ sometimes. And I'm going to walk away from this and say goodnight.


    Good night. I'm out, too. Booster wins.


    And, I agree about the deep end nasty stuff.

  10. e-peen alert


    Oh, really - because it looks like I've made over 3000 posts and never said any of that.......Not until somebody called me a putz. Somebody who, judging by their reading comprehension and writing skills, surely can say none of that. Somebody who certainly is not making up for their intellectual shortcomings with any sense of humor or social skills.


    A skill set like that is not getting you $65K in a year, much less in 9 weeks.



  11. Putz - Noun: A stupid or worthless person.


    You couldn't be further from the truth. Full scholarship, assistantship, magna cum laude, 3.9 gpa. Yeah, stupid people get that sort of stuff. If you took a poll of 25 of my best friends as to who the smartest person they know is and I guarantee at least 20 say me.


    Worthless? I've made $65K so far this year, in the first 9 weeks. How much have you made?

  12. There are !@#$ing commercials everyday about alcohol which causes far more harm. You are a putz who is on the wrong crusade.


    You just love to call people names, don't you. That might be the way it's done in PPP, but it's generally frowned upon here.


    But, I must say that your reading comprehension skills have not improved in the few months since the last time you called me names. I say if somebody says something in a thread that alcohol is harmless that I will jump in and refute it and you say there are commercials every day that causes far more harm.......On what planet does that make any sense?


    And, I totally agree that things like beer commercials are very harmful. I hate them and I think they are more harmful than Dean and you on a thread, but I can't reply to a commercial.

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