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Arkady Renko

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Posts posted by Arkady Renko

  1. You feel most people want to be mocked, then? By the way, he also has cerebral palsy......look it up. He also can't walk. And there's the little issue of 20 surgeries in his first ten years of life. From what I can tell, amazingly enough the kid is a pretty happy young man. But to make light of his situation as some of you have is disgusting. God forbid I ever have a child afflicted such as this kid, and I hear you make light of it. I'd punch you in your fuc*ing face.


    Maybe they announced this over the loudspeaker or something, but when I was watching the game, I didn't know anything about this kid. I thought he was some new singing star or something. When I heard him sing off-key I thought they were just being nice because he was a kid.


    Only just recently did I learn he was blind and until you just told me, I didn't know there was anything else wrong with him. My main contention was based on him just being blind and that I thought it was condescending to be nice about his singing talents just because he was blind. Obviously there was more to the story than I thought. In any event, I seemed to offend you and others. I regret that and apologize for being so crass.

  2. Nah......the gifts of speech and sight are wasted on fuc*heads like you


    Probably, since most things are. If he wasn't blind, I doubt people would have problems with us making fun of his singing. But he is, so we can't? I think most people who have these problems would rather be treated just like everyone else than being made a pity case.

  3. I thought his handicap was being blind.  It shouldn't have hurt his performance any.


    It's just a good thing that no one threw a plastic cup at him.  Otherwise, he would have needed to defend himself by pounding on random bystanders.



    Oh, he was blind? I thought he was missing a tongue or something.

  4. Comparing Frutie to McNabb, that's pitiful!!!



    I am not saying they are the same, but Flutie was looking unstoppable at that point and BB was the first one to expose him. He figures out QBs, scramblers or not. Name me a scrambler who he hasn't figured out?

  5. The loss of Weis will hurt the Patriots the most, but it still won't be a fatal blow. Obviously, BB depends more on others to design his offense than he does for the defense. If someone has a better picture of Crennel's and BB's respective role in the defensive game-planning and play-calling please let me know.


    My main question is how the heck did New England only win 9 games in 2002??

  6. I like ya Thai, but I must disagree with you on this one.  I think if TO is back, even at 75% Philly smacks NE in the teeth.  They have been through too much the last 3 years and I think Donovan will take over this game by himself and will not be beaten by a QB that looks, throws, and runs like a woman with a red beard.  :devil:



    I am sorry, but if Manning couldn't beat them, I don't believe McNabb will.

  7. As much as I hate to see it. Actually, I don't care too much since I hate Philly. But... the Patriots will win big in the SB against the Eagles. The Eagles have only dominated a joke conference and the Patriots performance in two weeks will prove it.


    I hope I am wrong. I think I will be rooting the Iggles.

  8. I am so freaking happy about the Patriots beating the Steelers and going to the Super Bowl, that I cannot find it in my heart to razzle any of the many folks on this board who were bad mouthing the Patriots and cheering on the Steelers.


    Nothing can ruin this mood, baby......





    Hmm.. I am a little behind. Did T-Bone used to be a Bills fan?

  9. Best team in football should go the SB.  It is only fitting!  Way to go Cowher, losing another AFC title game at home.  That has to be some type of record.  Hasn't he lost three title games at home?



    He has lost 4 at home. 1 against San Diego, 1 against Denver and 2 against New England.

  10. Patriots will beat the Steelers and I will once again have the last laugh on this board.


    Falcons beat the Eagles


    Sporting News said that the Patriots-Falcons matchup would be the most watched over any of the other possible match-ups.



    Oh, T-Bone is a Patriots fan? Now I get it.


    Falcons by 10

    Patriots by 4

  11. KurtGodel77


    I have to agree with snorom. Your post is a bit "tunnel visioned".


    I would like to believe you are intelligent enough to go out and research your beliefs some more instead of regurgitating the right wing extremist credence. Your post reeks of Rush Limbaughism



    I'm trying to find anything that actually addresses what was said in the post and can only find ad hominem attacks. Maybe I'm just too stupid to understand it. If so, I apologize.

  12. Just curious. As for me, growing up in central NY, I kind of was in that when I was really little I thought that the New York Giants somehow represented all of New York State and didn't know what the hell Buffalo was. Thankfully in time I realized that Buffalo was the only true New York team and one that represented more where I was from. Was able to be a full-fledged Bills fan at 8 and just in time to see them lose to those same Giants in Super Bowl XXV.

  13. It seems the NHL is trying to shove a lot more than just a salary cap to the players.  They won't allow free agency for the players, instead making cut players be dispersed in a draft!  That's caca!  The NHL has not even given a revenue sharing number to the players yet!


    It seems to me the answer is to phase in a cap.  Just like the helmet rule.  The cap only applies to players who join the league after 2005.  It would take 5-10 years, but then you'd have the cap without making current players take a cut.


    Something tells me that the NHL has something up their sleeves, like blowing up the NHL and starting from scratch next year.  I wonder if they would even include cities like Buffalo in a new league?





    Well if I was running the NHL, I would keep 'em. Part of the mess comes from all of these lame southern teams. The NHL should back to being regional, it makes more sense and it is more stable that way.

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