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Everything posted by thefootballexpert

  1. Levitre was the Bills best offensive lineman in the run game. He was very mobile and fast enough to be a great pulling guard. Now that they let him walk I am anxious to see how much it hurts their running game. Spiller was on fire last year, can he be as successful without Levitre opening up huge holes? We'll find out Sunday. It will be interesting to see if Spiller can still get his hundred yards without Levitre. Bills FO say guard is NOT an important position and that's why they won't pay decent money for a guard. I disagree, I think the entire offensive line is one of the most important part of a football team, not just the left tackle. I always say a game is won or lost in the trenches and I will always believe that. QB and O-line is the foundation for a successful offense.
  2. Yeah but April will be here before you know it and that's our super bowl. The draft is by far the most exciting time for Bills fans. We always have early picks. That's one of the benefits of being a garbage team. I love college ball and there are some really good players coming out this year. Clowney and Bridgewater are just two. Both of those guys are going to be drafted in the top 5. Sammy Watkins of Clemson is another great one. He's a fantastic wide out. "Dump for Clowney" A 2 and 14 season will probably get him.
  3. Byrd has already been noticed. He's been in the league 4 years and was an all pro. If I was anther team and my scouts didn't notice it, I would fire them. Do you think Tom Brady has to have a good year for people to notice he's one of the greatest QBs on the planet? I think not, I think just about every football fan in America already knows it.
  4. You got that right. He's lost and took a cheap cop out. He can't substantiate anything he says.
  5. He doesn't have to play for the Bills to prove anything. He already proved himself, he's been in the league FOUR years. Other teams have scouts, they have seen what Byrd has done for the past 4 years. It seems the Bills are the only ones that don't know how good he is. The Bills have no leverage in a trade at this time and would get very little for him. A 3rd or a 4th rounder is probably all they would get. Teams already know he wants OUT of Buffalo badly. They know the Bills can't keep a disgruntled player around without taking a chance it affects the club house. They also know if they wait until the end of this season they can sign him and wouldn't have to give up bo diddly.
  6. Yes he is a completely different style from Jim Kelly, but I think he will be a great QB like Kelly. Manuel seems to have it all. physically and mentally. He might not be great in his first year but with some experience I'm guessing he will become a top QB. Yes, right before the super bowl against Dallas. Jim got so drunk the night before the game his brains were still scrambling during the game. LOL
  7. I was waiting for someone to catch that. You're very observant. You are absolutely correct and congratulations for noticing.
  8. With a prediction like that I think the Senator needs to get to a hospital and get evaluated. 51 points, really????
  9. Is their a possibility it might even be before kick off? LOL
  10. Slanted in which direction? Do you mean like the Eiffel tower?
  11. I Love your avatar pic. That says it all and fits this team perfectly. Yeah so was Wannstedt, (the stache). That's what most fans on here thought until the season was underway. Then they changed their minds about him being a genius. I hate to say this but the football genius will be on the other side of the field, (Belichick). He has the credentials to back up his being a football genius.
  12. Pats 42 Bills 13 Loss of Levitre makes Bills O-Line less than ordinary killing their running game. Spiller will be held under 100 yards as Pats gain over 150 yards on the ground. Bills FO says guard is not an important position, I say they are dead wrong! We'll find out Sunday who's smarter, me or the Bills brass.
  13. 2 games. LOL....... 2 out of what? 2 out of 50??? ROFLMAO
  14. Probably would get 4th round pick for Byrd, maybe even a third rounder if a team has an injury at safety. Otherwise the other team would just wait until the season ends and sign him as free agent without giving up anything. Great post. You got it right. It's a business. In a business you can't think with your heart, you have to think with your head.
  15. Byrd would be nuts to play through pain if it could hinder his healing process. He will get his 6.9 mill whether he plays or sits in the whirlpool. I would sit in the whirlpool. Especially after they slapped the franchise tag on me. I'd look at it like o.k. you made me stay here now Ralph can pay me 6.9 mill to sit back and watch. That being said Byrd should make sure he is 100% healthy before he goes out on the field if that's what he wants to do. He only has a one year contract. If he gets injured badly, what leverage will he have to sign a big contract? He has to stay healthy if he wants another team to give him a good contract. If I was Byrd I would milk that foot injury until I was either traded or the season ended. I would not risk playing and getting injured in a meaningless season. He owes the Bills nothing. Byrd was the most underpaid safety in the league while he was in Buffalo, now it's time to cash in, so don't be foolish and risk a career ending injury and blow your chance for lucrative contract.. You can't make him play if he is injured. You would be taking a chance of a HUGE, HUGE, law suit if the you played him against doctor's orders.
  16. They have Belichick and Brady, that's more than enough. But just in case they have the BEST offensive line in football. You didn't notice that when you went over their roster? Their running game is the best they have had since Brady has been there. They don't have to rely solely on his arm anymore. That young defense was still learning to play together last year. Watch how much better they are this year with another year's experience. I hate to post this prediction because it would be great if the Bills could pull off the big upset, but realistically speaking I see a score of Pats 45 Bills 13.
  17. You have to admit it's a smart move on their part. White knows all of the blitz packages the Bills put in during training camp and OTAs. The Pats have no film on the Bills since they have a whole new defense. This is the best way to get some info about the new blitz schemes. SMART move.
  18. No but snow will kill you if you slip on it and hit your head, or it makes your car slide into a bad accident. Or if you get buried by an avalanche. Or if you fall asleep in it and freeze to death. Or you get hit in the temple by a snowball. Or if you're sweeping it off your roof and fall to your death. Or walking under a huge icicle hanging from a gutter and it falls and hits you.
  19. It doesn't matter whether he passes his conditioning test or not. He's signed, he gets his money either way. The Bills have no choice but to get him in shape if he isn't already in shape. What other choice do they have, he has his money.
  20. I thought Dareus was safe until they said they were going to bring Twinkies back on the market. Yep, I think Walmart is going to sell twinkies.. That's the end of Humpty Plumpski Dareus. Too many twinkiies Dareus. It's the goodyear blimp, no who can it be? I wonder if Joey bag of donuts is good friends with Dareus. ROFLMAO
  21. WOW! Like I really care. A nobody puts me on ignore. ROFL Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. ROFLMAO
  22. That's what the Bills did with Rich Stadium. That's why they turned it sideways. The stadium was supposed to run with the long side, side ways. The Seneca nation Indian burial ground forced them to turn the stadium. Some believe the Seneca Indian spirits are cursing the Bills because they put the stadium on their sacred burial grounds. Some say the Seneca sprits pushed Norwood's field goal wide right in the first super bowl. They also say the dead spirits put a curse on the Bills that they would NEVER win a super bowl. How much truth there is to this I don't know, but man, Over a half century in the league and NO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Maybe there is something to this Seneca Indian jinx after all.
  23. Hmmmmm, whatever floats your boat! ROFL Breaking the law is breaking the law. Where do you draw the line? So if a guy commits rape do you keep him on your team? If so, what about robbery? Do you keep him if he only robbed? If that's o.k. what about armed robbery? what if he robs and an old lady and beats her, is that o.k. Do you keep him on the team? How about if he's a child molester, would you cut him or keep him? Where do YOU draw the line. Tell us your opinion, I'm dying to see what is acceptable and what isn't. What about DWI? How about DUI and someone get killed in the accident?
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